strange but expected dream that I had last night.
The reason why I said that the dream was expected, was due to the simple fact that once you begin to release knowledge against the kingdom of darkness, such as our last teaching on dreams, "Dreams that indicates witchcraft activities in your life" I knew a counterattack would have been the inevitable.
In my dream last night I dreamt that I was in what appeared to be an abandoned area. Along with myself was a white gentleman who seems to be a pilot friend of mine. In this dream he was vigorously perused by a cat, the cat was abnormally aggressive towards him in that the cat was relentless in his pursuit of my friend.
Strangely enough, while I was standing watching all of this unfold there was a green faded vehicle about thirty feet diagonally across from where I was standing. This car was filled with about three to four other cats. Anyway, the cat that was always pursuing my friend saw me, and as soon as he saw me, he discontinued his attack on my friend and began to run in my direction. I forgot to mention that this cat was literally running on its hind legs as if it was a human being. As with all my dreams, there was no fear on my part neither did I make any attempts to run. However, for some reason or the other, it was like there was some invisible force around me that this vicious cat could not get beyond in its attempt to attack me. The cat itself began to become even more aggressive, almost behaving like a human being in a rage.
All of a sudden. I heard a voice almost as if it was internal, that said to me. Say in the name of Jesus! Well, just like clockwork I said to this cat, "In the name of Jesus" when I repeated what I was instructed to say, amazingly the cat was electrocuted and fell to the ground with its body having uncontrollable convulsions and ending as if it was in a rigor mortis state. The cats that I mentioned earlier that were in the car became upset and also began to behave in an aggressive state and eventually jumped out of the window of the car making their way towards me with much rage and aggression.
Well, as they were about to leap towards me, again I said, "In the name of Jesus" repeating this statement of course and they all fell to the ground only this time they were all side by side displaying uncontrollable convulsions and eventually died.
These cats my friend are known as monitoring spirits that are sent by witchcraft practitioners to monitor their victims. The information gathered from their victims would be used for future attacks against their victims. The victim, of course, has no knowledge of this. obviously, because they lack such understanding in this area of spiritual warfare. These cats can also be Witches attacking their victims in their dreams. Therefore, if you are dreaming of cats watching you in your dreams of following you, then the dream is indicating monitoring spirits in your life. If you dream where you see birds chasing you, moving in a circular motion over your head or even stationary watching you then again the dream is revealing monitoring spirits in your life. This also explains why your enemy knows your every move.
In other instances, many folks have encounters with monitoring spirits but dismiss it as if their minds are playing tricks on them. For example, I am sure most folks have had the experience where they were sleeping or about to go to sleep, and they felt something holding or pressing down on them in your bed or wherever it is that they were laying. Now, this person is fully conscious at this point, maybe the Television is on their spouse or whoever is near them, but for some reason, they can not talk or move, again it's almost as if they've become paralyzed. In other instances, you would feel the presence of someone or something entered a particular room that you're in, which in some cases you'd feel the hair on your skin rise or the atmosphere becomes thick or you experience a sense of claustrophobia.
In other cases, some folks would see dark shadows or images flash by them in their homes or certain places. In extreme cases, folks would actually see manifestations of a tall, dark man standing a certain distance away from them more like a silhouette of a person that would stand in complete silence. In another case, a beautiful woman would manifest herself again being silent for the most part. I have had cases where a person would experience the turning off of certain things in their home. For example, they would go to be knowing that they left a certain light, fan or the air condition on, only to awake to meet these things off. These folks are the only residents of their homes, so there were no one else there to turn these things off.
Cats suddenly appearing on your property, birds such as crows, pigeons, and so on that mysteriously appear either on your property or across from it are monitoring spirits. One of the more telling signs of monitoring spirits is the appearance of an Owl during the day time or the appearance of a long legged bird know as a crane appearing on your property or any property near you steering at you.
These animals are what is known as mediums which monitoring spirits occupy to watch and observe whomever they were assigned to watch. If you home has had a sudden infestation of roaches, ants, rats or any type insects you could be dealing with monitoring spirits and don't even know it. A word to the wise, false prophets tool of choice are monitoring spirits. Through the practice of divination they are able to use monitoring spirits to retrieve information on their victims in an attempt to make their victims believe that they are hearing from the lord.
You must cancel all dreams where animals or people are following you, chasing you or even just stationary watching you. Ask God to cause them to lose your location and identity in the realm of the spirit and to bring spiritual blindness to all monitoring spirits on or even across from your property in the name of Jesus Christ.
Written By: Kevin L A Ewing
Hi. I had a dream last night where I was tricked into being naked and walked around that house embarrassed looking for my clothes. We were with other people but none was naked. The house I didn't know to whom it belonged.
DeleteHi, I have recent real life attacks of black safari ants in my bedroom, kitchen and my 8year old son's bedroom. They attack at night. We end up sleeping on sofa. They destroy foodstuff and make me sleepless by being disturbed. They chase rats since are there too. It's not easy listening to all the movements every night. It's the second time for the ants but rats have been there for so long even after poisoning them they still come back. I've rebuked them.