yourself, then your dream is symbolically indicating to you the dreamer that shame and embarrassment is pending for you in the realm of the spirit.
Like I have mentioned in so many of my teachings, your dreams are spiritual monitors revealing to you the dreamer, things that are pending from the spiritual realm or revealing the spiritual root of what is currently taking place in your life. The bottom line is simply this. Your dreams are giving you a heads up of what is being hidden naturally.
Nevertheless, your response to your dreams will determine the outcome of the dream. For example if you dreamt you saw yourself naked in your dream and you decided not to pray against it or cancel the dream, then by default the dream would manifest itself in your natural life and you will experience some type of embarrassment and shame.
If you are having dreams where you find yourself naked in a dream, then you must analyze your life and especially the people in your life that could pose shame or embarrassment and do something about it immediately. When I use the term, do something about it" I am speaking about intense prayer, rebuking and cancelling of the dream.
In extreme cases of nakedness in a dream such as you seeing yourself naked but you're being chased or attack by animals or being a part of a group of complete strangers and you and these strangers are completely naked then I strongly suggest you go on a fast immediately for no less than 12 hours, 6 am to 6 pm praying specifically against the spirits of disgrace, shame and embarrassment..
I can not reiterate this enough, scripture did not say that we perish or fail because we are liars, fornicators, murderers or whatever else we know to be sin. Instead it is such spiritual knowledge that I have carefully articulated above that the average person either lacks or dismiss that become the prerequisite to their own demise, Hosea 4:6 and Isaiah 5:13.
Written By: Kevin L A Ewing
Last time i saw myself sitting on the toilet pot half naked and trying to cover myself by curtain..sometime i see myself taking off my shirt and again wearing it back.And today i saw shooting my enemies and again chasing by them..ultimately i was with my enemies in bathroom but i was covering myself at one cornerand my enemy was exposed.Later i saw myself getting dressed. What does it mean? Please help me to know what its telling me?
ReplyDeleteLast time i saw myself sitting on the toilet pot half naked and trying to cover myself by curtain..sometime i see myself taking off my shirt and again wearing it back.And today i saw shooting my enemies and again chasing by them..ultimately i was with my enemies in bathroom but i was covering myself at one cornerand my enemy was exposed.Later i saw myself getting dressed. What does it mean? Please help me to know what its telling me?
ReplyDeleteI had a dream where me and another person, whom I don't know but did in the dream, were in this store like place with a room on the side, which myself, the unknown person and others were staying in. This unknown person (female) and I left the room to talk to another lady (a seamstress) about making her and I some clothes. During this discussion in the store she and I remembered we were still naked but we didn't have any shame or embarrassment. We just knew it wasn't appropriate to be naked in a grocery store like that so we somewhat walked fast back to the room. Other people in the store, including the seamstress didn't seem phased by our complete nakedness. There were only a few people who noticed and kept staring, which is why we went back to the room.
ReplyDeleteI saw my self completely naked but was not ashamed in any way, in fact everybody that was there were naked as well wanted to take their shower, but nobody was ashamed of being naked,
ReplyDeleteFor the past few years I've been dreaming about me being naked!!!! In front of, kids people's women's men's. So call women's Pastor's.
ReplyDeleteLast night I saw myself and my friend who showed me his level of hatred on me in real life,so since i knew he hates me , then I decided to be praying against him.Last night I saw both of us naked, walking in the midst of people and telling his secretary to wash spoons for us to drink coffee. After then he told me can no longer carry the hardcore we came for,and I asked him why?,he said he is tired and feeling sleeping, then I told him I am still very strong that I can still work.
ReplyDeletePlease excuse the porn bots or whatever, it's a stumbling block, avoid it in JESUS NAME.
ReplyDeleteI have recurring dream of being in the tub with my little sister and people watching or in a place in a tub in the middle kf nowhere whete pple just walking about
ReplyDeleteOr i have a dream where my ex be taking a shower and im watching him I domt like my ex though in no shape or form anymore
ReplyDeleteI have in the past dreamt about showering and just for fun match outside naked! Another day I dreamt of fierce snakes biting my head and I woke up hurting, literary on my scalp! Then I dreamt eating strange awful meat that I woke up feeling nauseated and almost threw up. Dreamt on two occasions, of having a very beautiful home on the outside but dilapidated, dimly lit and full of strangers and animals. It's been a whirlwind of such evil dreams and many more scarier ones with manifestations in the physical in several areas of our lives as a family. I'm still work in progress and your teachings are really helping me. Pray for me.
I dreamt about myself walk pass my neighbor and she said to me that iam rude no wonder I don't get married.
ReplyDeleteI had a dream I was in the abandon looking building with strangers in a bed in this building the lady was hsving anal sex with me with a dildo and I got up to shower I put the dikdo in my hand and I wrapped a towel around me the place was dark the bathroom was nasty and the tub was to and it was pouring over with water cause it was stopped up
ReplyDeleteI drempt that my nephew was very young like a 2 or 3 year old he had pooped on himself around a lot of people but I knew I had to get to him and clean him up but when I was cleaning him up in the bathroom I was exposed from the top I wasn't embarrassed or anything just kept wondering in the dream why I was exposed like that,the people around me didn't seem to notice. The next day my nephew called and said his family had been exposed to COVID2 and I told him to make sure he was taking enough vitamin D ,zinc,and drinking plenty of lemon tea, I could tell by his conversation that he was very concerned for himself and his family.
ReplyDeleteI dreamt that I was walking in a room. I saw my son on the bed sleeping as a baby but the closer I got he was the age he is now which is 14 years old. So I knew that was not him on the bed but I looked under the bed and (the spirit that was acting like me son)he crawled from up under the bed naked. He (the spirit that was acting like my son)was not alone under the bed. It was another male under the bed with him. They were performing homosexual acts. So the spirit that was acting like my son stood up in front of me and I told that spirit that it could not stay here and it had to leave. Then the spirit that was acting like my son walked out the room. What does this mean?
ReplyDeleteThis is so true. I had a dream of being exposed, and the next day (if I remember right), the toilet got flooded after I used it.
ReplyDeleteI had a dream that me and a guy I was dating was standing looking towards the sky waiting for permission we were released and permitted to go on vacation. So we started packing our bags and he said he wanted to stop and get condoms and I said I wanted to go get a new dress I had waiting but it was back at my mom's house. I went to her house and in the living room laying on the couch was my aunt who died many years ago and she didn't have a lot of clothes on so I didn't want my friend to see her. I told her I came to get my dress she said it was in the room with my mom but my mom was sleeping. I said I would try to keep quiet and go get it. I went in that room and I could see my dress shiney and new hanging in closet. But my mom who was laying on a couch naked began to wake up and ask me to take something else she was trying to show me. I said no I just came to get my dress and leave, she said no look at this. I refused so she asked my brother who appeared to bring it to me. He walked over and showed e. It was a garment that looked old and spoiled. I said no I don't want that and I walked away. I wondered why they were naked but when I looked down I was not fully dressed either. What is this dream about???