It was a unique experience that I had developed a love for reading since my conversion, despite my previous disdain for it. Meditating and studying the Bible, I noticed some unusual occurrences. I observed that most of the things I prayed for were quickly fulfilled, and I felt a growing sense of peace. This peace helped me develop patience and encouraged me to carefully consider things before taking action. Though it initially felt surreal, it was a refreshing change from my previous way of life.
As my spiritual hunger grew, I valued the Holy Spirit more and more. God's will for my life became more apparent as I surrendered to the Holy Spirit's guidance. I also realized that the outcomes I experienced were determined by the spiritual voice I chose to follow. When I ignored His word and relied on my own or even the manipulative voice of the enemy, I slowly began to revert to my former confused and frustrated state.
one day in 1997, as I was about to change the oil on my motorcycle, I heard a calm male voice whisper into my right ear, "Sell the bike." I immediately turned in the direction of the voice, thinking someone was present and speaking those words to me. However, to my surprise, there was no one around. Nevertheless, I was convinced this was the Holy Spirit speaking to me. Anyway, long story short, I sold the motorcycle within two days, and within a month, the person that bought the bike was killed instantly on the same motorcycle. This was just one of several instances when the Spirit of Truth guided or instructed me, and my obedience to the truth saved me.
I shared this part of my life to highlight the importance of "The Spirit of Truth," also known as the Holy Spirit. This is something that Christ promised would come, and part of his duty is to guide us toward the truth. It would be unwise to ignore his attempts to communicate with us. As I mentioned in my previous note, by reading or listening to the word of God, we can better hear the clear instructions of the Holy Spirit.
According to scripture, the Holy Spirit resides in us, enabling us to overcome evil. Truth is God's word, and our belief in the truth empowers us to overcome all challenges life will throw at us. As it says in 1 John 4:4, "Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them."
I encourage you to pray, asking God to instill a strong desire for His word within you, which will help you cultivate a deeper relationship with His Holy Spirit. Request that God eliminate any distractions that have diverted your attention away from Him so that you can focus solely on Him. Acknowledge that you cannot accomplish His purpose on earth without the guidance of His Holy Spirit.
Written By: Kevin L A Ewing