Therefore, God has outfitted every human being with the spiritual tool, which is our dream! Yes, you've read correctly; it is our dreams that are constantly giving us a heads-up as to what's pending in the spiritual realm for or against us or revealing the spiritual root behind our physical issues.
The spirits of delay, lateness, setback and stumbling block are assigned by Satan to fight our SPIRITUAL BLESSINGS, to prevent the physical manifestation of our material blessing. For example, let's say you had a dream, and in your dream, you dream that you missed your flight, or in your dream, you saw yourself waiting for someone to pick you up at a particular time, but the person never showed up.
The reality is that your spiritual dream is revealing the spirits of delay and set back fighting you in the spirit realm to prevent you from connecting with what God has put in place for you spiritually that has a fixed period to manifest physically in your life. Make no mistake, the actions and symbols in your dreams, when converted, will always reveal the spirit behind the mystery of what's going on in your life physically.
This is why I insist that you challenge your negative dreams with prayer by rebuking and canceling your negative dreams. By doing this, you are literally rejecting and renouncing any evil covenants that have or were being attempted in your dreams that will give legal grounds to manifest physically in your life.
Words to the wise, the spiritual realm relies on covenants to execute their will in the earth or in the life of a human being. This is so because God has given man and not spirits dominion of the earth according to Genesis 1:26, 28. As such, all spirits need the co-operations of human beings to bless or curse them or anything on the earth.
Constant negative dreams are a clear and conspicuous sign that something good is about to take place in the life of the dreamer. However, whatever that good thing maybe can be hijacked spiritually by evil spirits masquerading as others in their dreams to get the dreamer to ignorantly commit to evil covenant whose sole purpose is to prevent what God has released to them; spiritually with a set date to manifest physically!
As a reminder, because the spirit world is the parent world to our natural world and all things have their origin in the spirit world, all losses or success are conceived in that world and only awaits time to manifest it into our natural world.
Written By: Kevin L A Ewing
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