Dreaming of Your Haters
Scripture says, "For God speaks repeatedly, though people do not recognize it. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls on men while they slumber on their beds. Then He opens the ears of men and seals their instruction. That he may withdraw man from his purpose, and hide pride from man" (Job 33:14-16).
The above Scripture makes it abundantly clear that God uses various means to communicate with us. However, for some reason, we often fail to recognize His attempts. Nevertheless, the Scripture says that when other means of communication fail, God can speak to us in our dreams. These dreams provide us with spiritual instruction and allow our enemies to witness our victory over them in the spiritual realm. Building upon this Scripture, I would like to delve deeper into the understanding of dreams and how God can use the dreams of our enemies to communicate His spiritual work concerning our enemies.
In the story of Gideon from Judges 7, God instructed him to prepare the men of Israel for war against their enemies, the Midianites. Gideon started with an army of 32,000 men to fight against the nearly innumerable Midianites. Through God's guidance, Gideon ended up with 300 men for the battle. Understandably, Gideon must have been concerned about how such a small number could defeat their enemies. God knew Gideon's fears and instructed him to go by night into the camp of the Midianites to eavesdrop on their conversation (Judges 7:9-11). Through what Gideon overheard, he was strengthened and encouraged as God revealed that He had already "delivered" the Midianites' host into Gideon's hands.
It is essential to emphasize the word "delivered" here, as it indicates something has already occurred spiritually. God was conveying to Gideon that from a spiritual perspective, Israel had already won the war against the Midianites, even though they had yet to engage in combat. Continuing with this peculiar turn of events, God used the dreams of Israel's enemies, the Midianites, to further validate the already accomplished spiritual victory. Gideon overheard a Midianite telling his companion about a dream in which a loaf of barley bread came tumbling down into the Midianite camp, knocking over a tent (Judges 7:13-15). The companion interpreted the dream as a sign of Gideon's victory over the Midianites. Upon hearing this, Gideon bowed down and worshipped God. He returned to the camp of Israel and announced that the Lord had given them victory over the Midianite camp.
Isn't that amazing? This story shows us that dreams and their interpretations are not limited to Christians, as demonstrated by the involvement of Israel's enemies. Furthermore, dreams have a spiritual dimension that can reveal mysteries and provide insights into our everyday concerns or pending manifestations. As everything visible and invisible originates in the spiritual realm, God made it clear to Gideon that victory had already been determined before the physical battle. Lastly, although it was a positive dream, Gideon did not merely walk away feeling confident based on the dream alone. The Scripture states that after hearing the dream's interpretation, Gideon worshipped God. He agreed with what God had already established in the spiritual realm, which clearly favored Israel.
I often instruct you to cancel and rebuke any negative dreams through prayer upon waking up. No matter what negativity the dream may contain, always remember that dreams have a spiritual nature. Therefore, the enemy attempts to establish a spiritual covenant with the dreamer through such dreams. This is one of the ways negative dreams can manifest in the physical realm. The second way is ignoring, dismissing, or forgetting to rebuke a negative dream. By doing so, the dream can manifest by default. The spiritual law states that if we resist the devil, he must flee (James 4:7). Therefore, if we do not resist him, he will not. In Gideon's case, with the positive dream he had, Gideon followed the same principle. After hearing the dream that revealed Israel's victory, he aligned himself with God's perspective by worshipping Him.
As seen in this teaching, God can allow your haters to witness in you what you may not see for yourself. These same haters can also receive spiritual confirmations about you, which you may have dismissed or failed to understand. Finally, we must align ourselves with our positive dreams, just as we cancel and rebuke our negative ones.
Kevin L A Ewing
Mighty God, I cancel every evil dreams, attacts, from every evil altar pending in the realm of the spirit. And Lord I come whole heartedly in agreement, covenanting with you through your word with whatever blessings you have for my life before the foundation of the world in the mighty name of your son Jesus Christ, thank you, amen 🙏❤️👍
ReplyDeleteI have had vivid dreams that God has shown me what the enemy is doing on a national and local level in the country where I currently am living (Haiti). Spiritual warfare here is intense to say the least! I am a African American woman and God called me to missions here in Haiti. I am a intercessor an being stagnant is something I can never allow in my Spiritual life. I look to Kevin's teachings to help me grow to higher levels of warfare. I have been praying that God give me deeper understanding of the spiritual world an strengthen my ability to war.Things have been really intense in my dream realm , I have fasted but it has been more difficult than I have ever experienced in my life! I use Minister Kevin's app prayers daily to war. However in this season I am encountering a the of intensity in my dreams I have never encountered. I am confident God will Minister to me how to be victorious at this new level!