Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Good morning, family, friends, and followers. As usual, many dreams are sent to me for interpretation on an ongoing basis. However, my attention was drawn to another Facebook friend whose recent dream I thought would be not only a teachable moment but also exposing how intense things are spiritually and why we need to become more serious about our faith.

Dream by: Telecia Dawson
I had a dream. It was night time. I saw people walking around and hanging out, minding their own business. As I looked up, I saw a flood of gorillas fall from the sky on the earth. In complete darkness, they were attacking and killing the people who didn't have a flashlight light. I heard the screams and cried for help. I was able to save some of the people with my flashlight. But I couldn't save them all. End. We are living in the last days. A new level of demons released on the earth. Armor up. People of God let your light shine!!!! My God. Not enough lights shining. Only light can get rid of darkness.

My Interpretation:
Very Interesting dream Telecia Dawson, and I must say that your interpretation is on point! Your dream started off where you were observing people moving about, hanging out minding their own business. This portion of your dream would be symbolic of everyday life for folks, and they're completely unaware of what is about to happen next as it relates to things of the spirit world. The next part of your dream, you said that you looked up and observed a flood of Gorillas falling from the sky on the earth. Of course, this section of the dreams is revealing that God has a) Given you spiritual insight (Prophecy) of events pending for our world, which is in line with Amos 3:7, which states that God will not allow anything on the earth unless he reveals the secrets to his Prophets first. So b) clearly, you're one of those Prophets God has chosen to show things from the spirit world that's pending for our natural world. The next part of your dream, you said that in complete darkness these Gorillas were attacking and killing the people that did not have a flash light.

This section of the dream is solemn because the darkness represents two things in this dream and they are 1) Ignorance and 2) Wickedness. Additionally, the folks with the flash light would be symbolic of Christians. The Bible clearly states that we the Believers of Jesus Christ are the light of the world, Matthew 5:14. So in essence, the Gorillas which represents a greater level and power of demonic infestation will be released spiritually to attack those that do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ (of course these would be the ones without flashlights).
The tragedy for these folks will increase tremendously along with great wickedness, but the folks without flashlights will be ignorant to the fact that the source of their calamities is of a well calculated spiritual nature. Now here is where your dream becomes even more interesting and why it should be taken seriously. You said that you hear screams and cries for help and that you were able to save some with your flash light but you were unable to save all.

Amazingly, this part of your dream is not only revealing the level of demonic activity but also some demonic spirits that are pending to be released. The scriptures inform us, the Believers that one of us are able to put 1000 to flight and two of us would be able to put 10,000 to flight. Of course, this represents the spiritual power of unity and our ability to challenge quite a large number of demonic forces at one time. It is also revealing the fact that there were more folks without flash lights as opposed to those that did have flash lights. Again, this is a reflection of Biblical prophecy when Jesus said in Luke 10:2, "Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few: pray ye, therefore, the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth laborers into his harvest." I strongly suggest you engage in a fast seeking God for more detail and also to increase the workers.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

A teachable moment

It is always my desire to share the spiritual knowledge that God has blessed me with. I am also tremendously blessed when I read the many testimonies of so many of you that have actually made my teachings practical and have witnessed the life changing result of those lessons.

As usual, there are some dreams that I single out as teachable moments that I felt would be a benefit as you seek to gain more spiritual insight. The dream below is just another one of them:

Dream by Cathryn Mouzone:
My dream was that the gorillas were in a battle with huge birds look to me to be the Phoenix if I spelled that right. And I also keep dreaming of the statue of liberty falling on her head out of the sky on to the lawn of the white house in a lot a lot of snow

My Interpretation:

Fascinating dream, that as usual revealing much spiritual insight and revelation concerning everyday mysteries. You mentioned that you saw Gorillas in battle with Phoenix birds. Now, to the average person, such a dream could seem insignificant. However, once we apply spiritual principles, we are not only better able to understand such a dream but also what our response should be as a result of the understanding gained from the dream. Your dream is explicitly revealing two types of demonic spiritual orders fighting for supremacy in your life. For example, the Phoenix could represent a generational curse while the Gorillas would represent demonic spiritual orders of manipulation, this would usually come about as a result of witchcraft being projected at you. Combating such spiritual warfare would require fasting incorporated with your prayers.

As it relates to the statue of liberty falling on her head, we must again focus on the symbol of the statue of liberty, which represents FREEDOM! Therefore, Observing the statue of Liberty falling on her head would either be pointing to restrictions on freedom or and end of freedom altogether for America. Secondly, because the statue fell on the lawn of the white house, it is representing that those restrictions will be instituted by your Government. The white snow symbolizes a time of “coldness” meaning there will be no compassion or sensitivity towards the people by the government. This could be considered the epitome of spiritual wickedness in high places. PRAY FOR YOUR COUNTRY BECAUSE YOUR DREAM IS REVEALING PERILOUS TIMES AHEAD!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Friday, July 14, 2017

Transition requires change, facilitated by frustration

I can vividly recall years ago. I was at my lowest. It seems as if whatever could go wrong in my life was doing just that, going wrong? It was almost as if my enemies were standing in line, just waiting for their opportunity to take a shot at me.

As you might imagine, frustration was the order of the day for me. For those of you that haven't experienced it as yet. Prolonged frustration will eventually manifest into severe emotional pain combined with deep-rooted bitterness if not observed from a positive perspective.

The most challenging part of my experience with frustration wasn't so much that my enemies were relentless in their attacks against me. Instead, it was my repeated cries to God that seem to fall on deaf ears. Additionally, I knew deep within my spirit that I should have been much further in my life than I was at that time. The best way I can explain it is, it was like I was in a prison cell with a perfect display of all the beautiful things I wanted to do and achieve in life. However, due to the visible and invisible restrictions and limitations I was unable to break free to participate in what I knew was a better quality of life seemingly impatiently waiting on me.

To make matters worse, my life seems to be programmed to repeat the same cycle of fruitlessness, not to mention the myriad of friends who were quick to give their version of my ongoing saga. In spite of all that I have mentioned. I was completely unaware that I was in TRANSITION for better! The reality is, it should not matter if God responds to our cries or not if our TRUST is unconditionally embedded in him. After all, He knows the end of all beginnings, which is also inclusive of our transitions.

The word transition is defined as a "change" from one state or place to another. However, during the tenure of that transition more than likely your life will be turned upside down with zero sign of human or spiritual help. The reason for this as I have discovered is that "CHANGE" is the only required component for a transition. In other words, there can be no transition outside of the act of change to the person being transitioned. The purpose of this required change will almost always be initiated and administered by FRUSTRATION! It is through the process of frustration that you become so fed up with the same old fruitless non-producing routine of people, places, and things that then and only then you embrace the change that is required to transition you to your next, which you probably would have dismissed under normal circumstances.

So the reality is, your life is currently turned upside down by the process of frustration to provoke the necessary changes in you to assist with your transition for better. God had to transition me in just about every area of my life, and in retrospect, my way of thinking and behaving back then would certainly be my greatest enemy today. In fact, if I maintained my resistance to the changes provoked by frustration back then, I would be a complete failure today. So, why not look at your frustrations as God nudging you on the shoulder and gently whispering in your ear saying, "Prepare for a change in your everyday life because I am about to take you to another level."

"Embrace the change for your transition that will be administered by frustration."

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing


Friday, July 7, 2017

What you're doing now will tell on you later

While it may seem as if absolutely nothing is happening for you and it seems as if it's business as usual. Know for sure that the same God that has promised his children that "ALL THINGS" must work for their good, is silently working behind the scenes ensuring that all things will do just that and that is, work for your good!

While you may not appreciate it now, in short order, you will be thanking God for this commonly used word called, "SEASONS." That's right, those that are opposing you and continually being unfair to you. This is indeed their season, and what they're doing now will determine what will be done to them in the future! But make no mistake as sure as night follows day your season of restoration and uninterrupted favor is on the horizon quickly approaching as long as you continue to do what is right in your current season of what appears to be fruitlessness.

While others may only focus on seasons as a time of flourishing, it is really a time of planting what you desire now to ensure the kind of harvest or reaping you would want during your future seasons.

In other words, even though this is not your season of plenty, fairness from others, opportunities, etc. this should not discourage you from continuing to plant the seeds of being fair to others, giving, forgiving, helping, etc. Again, it will be what you're planting in your everyday life now that will determine the outcome of what your destiny will pan out later.

So don't act surprised when things begin to fall apart, and all doors are sealed shut in your life with zero evidence of opening in your next season. The truth is you knew good and well that you made life difficult for others, blocked their opportunities, and sat on their destiny when you were in a position to advance them.

I want to say to someone today. While you may be experiencing your season of occupying the chair where you make the decisions as to whether a person will advance or not. Know for sure that you are at the same time determining your own future by the seeds of hate, unfairness, Victimization or even fairness, justice, and promoting others now.

Every seasons' primary purpose is to prepare us for the next season. However, we are determining right now what those future seasons will produce based on our performance towards others in the current seasons we're in. Again, God is not mocked, whatever a man does now be it good or bad, he will reap of the right or wrong he's planted now, in the future, Galatians 6:7. This is not an opinion, THIS IS A LAW!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Knocked Down But Not Knocked Out

It is disappointing for the adversary to witness you rising back up after a setback.

Yes, you've been knocked down, but you must discontinue in your own strength and speak to your spirit, saying, "Greater is he that is within me than he that is in the world." "Father, I can do everything through you who strengthens and enables me." "Lord, you are my help in the time of trouble."

Why have you succumbed to defeat when there are so many scriptures to empower your spirit, man? Your enemy has given his best shots. Now it's your time to get back in the ring of life and fight as if your life depended on it. Only this time, your strategy will be struggling with the word of God!

Father, restore my mind and cause me to focus on your word in my attempts today to achieve victory over the obstacles posted in my path. Elevate me spiritually to see beyond my temporary circumstances. Assist me in guiding my tongue to avoid complaining and begin speaking what I desire to see instead of agreeing through my confessions of the negative things displayed before me.

Lord, enable me to possess the power and the mindset like your servant Job, who continued to worship and praise you despite everything going in the opposite direction of his desires.


Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Monday, June 26, 2017

Shots Fired, Satan and His Crew Are Down

"Father, please strengthen my ability to discern today, allowing me to see beyond the limitations of my five senses. Show me any traps, lies, deceit, conspiracies, or anything else that Satan and his agents have plotted against me."

Father, I pray that the Spirit of truth, your Holy Spirit, will lead me into all truth in this day and the days to come. Let your Holy Spirit convict me of any evil that resides dormant in my heart. Lord, I truly repent of breaking your laws, rules, or principles. I confess my sins and ask for forgiveness so there will be no barrier between you and me. Your word is clear when it says, "he who conceals his sin will not prosper" (Proverbs 28:13). I desire success for myself and my family members, which I am aware can only be achieved by adhering to your laws.

Father, I now clothe myself and my family with God's armor to stand against the deceitful tactics of the enemy Ephesians 6:11. I pray that your angels will surround my family and me and deliver us as you have promised in your word, Psalm 34:7. I command that all impending bad news be immediately stopped from reaching me. I also command that every evil covenant established in my dreams be destroyed in the name of Jesus Christ. I condemn all corrupt verbal communication from my mouth and the mouths of others against me, per Isaiah 54:17. I declare that life, health, and strength shall be my portion and that of my family today. I decree that no good thing shall be withheld from us, as stated in your word in Psalm 84:11. I decree and align with your word that says you will perfect all that concerns me.

I pray that sickness will not affect me or my family in Jesus' name. I speak with authority to the spirits of jealousy, hate, deceit, anger, unforgiveness, manipulation, and pride that control and influence my enemies to work against my family. I command these spirits to become confused and disgraced by the power of the living God in the name of Jesus Christ. I declare that every missed opportunity and every opportunity somehow manipulated out of my reach must revisit me in Jesus' mighty name.

Every spirit of rejection that once turned away those you've anointed to bless and favor me. Let those spirits be bound, and their plans be destroyed in Jesus' name. Lord, your word declares that my strength comes from you; therefore, by your spirit, I am asking you to release me and all that concerns me from the tormenting spirits of failure, defeat, procrastination, tiredness, delays, setbacks, and every other spirit that will challenge my God-intended destiny in the matchless name of Jesus Christ. 

Finally, Heavenly Father, I stand in covenant with your spirit of peace today. Therefore, I embrace that peace by declaring, "Great peace, have they that love thy law, and nothing shall offend them," Psalms 119:165. I bind myself as well as my faith to your word that says, "You will keep me in perfect peace as long as my mind is steadfast on you" Isaiah 26:3. I receive that peace from you, Father, which only you can give that transcends all understanding, Philippians 4:7. You promise us your children, that you bless the righteous and with favor will you compass us as a shield, Psalm 5:12. I embrace your blessings and claim such favor in the name of your son and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Kevin L A Ewing

Thursday, June 8, 2017

The spirit of Confusion must Go, in Jesus name!

Heavenly Father, I come to you this morning on behalf of someone who is presently and has been
for a while now, battling the "SPIRIT OF CONFUSION."

I come to you, Lord, reminding you of your word, which says that you are not the author of confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33). Therefore, I command the spirit of confusion that has been challenging those individuals to be destroyed by spiritual fire in the name of Jesus Christ!

Father, your word declares that confusion is the product or result of envy and strife, according to James 3:16. Lord, we use your word, which you said is liken to a sword, and sever the root of this spirit of confusion which is envy and strife and command it to die in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!

Lord, I cover every reader of this note and those confused with the blood of Jesus Christ and the whole armor of God, to the point whereby they don't know where to go, who to talk to, what to do next... Spirit of confusion, I curse you in the name of Jesus Christ and command you to leave the lives of these people permanently in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!

Now, Lord, I pray that you would replace that void that the spirit of confusion has left with your spirit of wisdom, knowledge, understanding, direction, hope, motivation, inspiration, and most of all, your spirit of TRUTH in the matchless name of Jesus Christ!

My Friends, let me inform you this morning that this oppressive spirit of confusion has been doing its best to disable the headquarters of your being, which is your mind. Therefore, you MUST fight this spirit with the spiritual weapons God has given you, which are his words!

So, whenever this spirit of confusion comes upon you, accompanied by its tentacles of being overwhelmed, frustrated, fatigued, and the like, you speak the word of God, which is literally a sword in the spirit realm, severing the existence of these tormenting spirits.


Written By: Kevin L A Ewing


We Must Recalibrate Our Spiritual lens Of Revelation

Revelation is revealing, exposing, or uncovering something that already existed! The
Unlocking any mystery requires revelation, just the exposure or uncovering of what always existed.

The scripture says, "The secret things belong unto the Lord our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law" (Deut. 29:29). Based on the above scripture, some secrets or mysteries are only reserved for God, such as where God came from, etc.

However, this same scripture also reveals that God has reserved some revelation for our children and us. Here is where this passage of scripture becomes interesting. The scripture clearly says that for those things that are revealed, the purpose of such revelations is to enable us to DO ALL THE WORDS OF THE LAW!

Wherever you are in your life right now, it feels as if you're stuck and going around in circles, asking God to reveal your situation's revelation so that you can apply his specific law to resolve your matter.

Father, expose, peel back the curtains, and cause me to see spiritually what I was physically ignorant of before. Father, just like how Elisha prayed for his servant, asking you to open his servant's spiritual eyes, I am asking you to open our spiritual eyes to provide us with the revelation necessary to apply your law and release us from the spiritual cages we've found ourselves in.

Lord, I agree with Elisha's prayer for his servant over my life right now in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. In fact, I bind my spirit to this prayer and expect similar results in my frustrating matter in Jesus' name.

"And Elisha prayed, and said, LORD, I pray thee, open his eyes, that he may see. And the LORD opened the eyes of the young man; and he saw: and, behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha" 2 Kings 6:17. Keynote: The chariots of fire already existed and were present before the servant's spiritual eyes were opened to observe them.

God is no respect of person. If he did it for Elisha's servant, he would undoubtedly do it for you who believe!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

God's Ordained Positions Is Where You'll Find Your Provisions

Position: a condition concerning place, location, or situation. Particularly relating to favorable or unfavorable circumstances.

The favor of God that sets you apart is based on the instructions you follow regarding your current and future positions. After God instructed Elijah to declare a famine over the land, He also directed Elijah that his next position would include his provision during the famine, as recorded in 2 Kings 17:1-5.

Provision is defined as an arrangement or preparation beforehand for the doing of something, the meeting of needs, the supplying of means, etc.

Today, I would like to share some good news with you. God's favor is upon your life, and as a result, provision has been made for that complex, stubborn, and seemingly impossible situation you find yourself in. However, it is important to follow God's instructions to fully participate in this provision and occupy the position assigned to you.

To refresh your memory, even though God instructed Elijah to declare a famine, it did not excuse him from participating. However, God told Elijah to go to the brook Cherith, where he would find his provisions waiting for him. It's important to note that Elijah could accept or reject these crucial instructions. Before we move forward, please say to God, "Lord, please provide me with detailed instructions to my assigned positions where my provisions await me, in the mighty name of Jesus!"

"And it shall be, that thou shall drink of the brook; and I (God) have COMMANDED the Ravens to feed thee THERE!, 2 Kings 17:4.


"Your priority now should be seeking God's instruction for your next position. Ask Him to guide you towards the right place, location, people, or environment to proceed to. Many of you may struggle unnecessarily because you are in the wrong position waiting on God's provisions."

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. In ALL thy ways, ACKNOWLEDGE him; as a result, He SHALL DIRECT THY PATHS! Proverbs 3:5-6.


Kevin L A Ewing

Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Spirit Led Folks Are Proactive Not Reactive

Don't be reactive; instead, why not choose to be proactive.
In other words, do not wait for trouble or challenges to visit you, and then respond. Instead, you
must take on a proactive spirit and deal with your future problems and challenges in the spirit realm before they manifest in the natural realm!

Most folks who received an adverse doctor's report or their kids encountered trouble. At this point, they want to rally up their prayer partners to launch a counter-attack on the Enemy's camp. Unfortunately, our response is only because of the physical attack. As human beings who reside in a world we share with spirits, we have the unique advantage of calling things that are not in existence and preventing certain things from manifesting in our lives before they happen. This, my friend, is called being reactive.

Everything originates in the spirit world before its existence in our natural or physical world. We can prevent certain spiritual things and events conceived in the spirit world from entering our natural world.

One of the primary ways we do this is by being "PROACTIVE" in our prayers. We do this by canceling and rebuking all evil devices, schemes, and ploys spiritually implemented by Satan and his kingdom before their happenings in our physical world. We can also cancel the plans of the kingdom of darkness before they manifest on the earth by challenging our bad dreams. Our dreams provide a glimpse of activities being conceived either for or against us in the unseen world. Again, in being proactive, we pray by asking God to destroy everything in the spirit realm that the Enemy has planned and conspired against us so that it can not manifest in our lives.

I know of many Christians diagnosed with a particular sickness, and only at this point did they want to "press into God" for a miracle. We all have the advantage of praying against Cancers, Heart disease, diabetes, and any other disease before their manifestation. These diseases, or any other damaging event such as a divorce, premature death, termination from a job, etc., did not begin when the physical events took place physically. Unfortunately, these adverse events were all initiated spiritually, and what is being displayed physically is its manifestation that was never challenged spiritually.

As Believers of Jesus Christ, we MUST change our methods and strategies for engaging in spiritual warfare. The only way this can be achieved. We must adhere to the laws and rules laid out in scripture, such as We are not fighting against flesh and blood and must gear our attention on the spirit world if we intend to be successful in our natural world, according to Ephesians 6:12 and 2 Corinthians 4:18.

Why not let this day be the day you change and implement spiritual warfare's biblical strategies? While you may not be divorced or suffering from some terminal disease, it would undoubtedly be proactive in praying against them to ensure that they never take shape in your life later. Therefore, we must choose life instead of death by being proactive instead of reactive.

"I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live." Deuteronomy 30:19.

Kevin L A Ewing

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Living in the spirit will require walking by faith

The Believers of Jesus Christ who live by sight, meaning they're limited to interpreting their five senses as it relates to our natural world, will permanently be restricted if not stagnated in their spiritual walk.

As Believers in Jesus Christ, we are commanded to walk by faith and NOT by sight. In other words, as members of the body of Christ, we directly violate this spiritual law stated in 2 Corinthians 5:7 when we judge or even assess matters from a superficial or physical perspective.

As a body of Believers, our acceptance of Jesus Christ and his works on the cross has to transition us from mere natural men and women (being limited by our five senses) to receiving the Spirit of God, whose purpose is to elevate us to greater spiritual understanding along with limitless spiritual experiences.

Therefore, if the Believer does not see him or herself as a new spiritual creation with the Spirit of God dwelling within them, then more than likely, they will automatically revert to their usual natural way of living, of course, which is limited to their five senses which are governed by fear.

Walking by faith means walking or behaving according to the Holy Bible's laws, principles, rules, and protocols! In doing so, you are positioning yourself to live, walk and even behave in a manner that must exceed your natural human limitations. Moreover, you are also in a better position to receive the things of the spirit. According to scripture, the natural man, in his attempt to obtain the things of the spirit, will always conclude the things of the spirit as foolishness simply because such things are spiritually discerned. On the other hand, the Believers of Jesus Christ, who have been spiritually regenerated, will always see things from their origin no matter how it is presented. The source of all things is spiritually rooted, and it will always be the process of comparing spiritual things with something of a spiritual nature that will unveil the mysteries of our natural problems.

Thus, the following scripture, "13 Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.

14 But the natural man receiveth, not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

15 But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he is judged of no man. 1 Corinthians 2:13-15

Live according to the scriptures if you intend to live beyond your limited and restricted human limitations.

Kevin L A Ewing

Physical Strength vs Spiritual Strength

Revelation will always be the keys to unlocking the mysteries of our lives!

However, the revelations that we need to advance us from the same old, same old will initially require a greater hunger for the word of God. It is impossible to develop in the things of God physically if you're malnourished spiritually.

The scripture advises us that if we faint in the day of adversity our (spiritual) strength is small, Proverbs 24:10. Amazingly, in an earlier verse of this same chapter, Proverbs 24:5 to be exact, we are instructed how to increase our spiritual strength to avoid defeat in the day of adversity obviously. Proverbs 24:5 reads, "A wise man is strong, but a man of "KNOWLEDGE" increases his strength."

The understanding here is, while physical resistance such as weight lifting builds the physical strength of a person the equivalent of building spiritual strength would be by increasing the "KNOWLEDGE" of God to your human spirit. In so doing it is impossible to fail in the day of adversity!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

The Real Purpose of Our Gifts

If you're sitting on your God-given gifts and talents, then make no mistake there's a whole lot of folks suffering unnecessarily because of you!

The purpose of our gifts and talents is to improve, advance, and simplify the lives of others. This is aside from its primary purpose which is bringing glory to God. Our gifts are not about us, again it will and always be about others.

There are many of you reading this post right now that are excellent singers, teachers, coordinators, etc. however, you're probably wondering why is it that, that grand opportunity hasn't arrived to launch you into what you love and enjoy doing. Well, just maybe, it is because your focus is more on what your gifts and talents will do for you as opposed to what it was intended to do for others.

Speaking from experience, I can say to you that my gifts and talents that I'm on a consistent basis sharing with others have on many occasions open unexpected doors of opportunity for me. I would like to encourage someone this morning who have been wondering when will your gifts begin opening doors for you.

Firstly, you must put aside the wealth and fame that has become your primary thoughts as to what your gifts will do for you. Instead, begin to focus on freely sharing your gifts with others and watch your gifts do to their lives what it was intended to do, while God begins the process of opening those once impossible doors of opportunity for you!

Written by: Kevin L A Ewing

Monday, May 22, 2017

Undoing The Spiritual Injunctions Against You

 In the judicial world, there is a term referred to as an "injunction." An injunction is a judicial process or order requiring the person or persons to whom it is directed to do a particular act or to refrain from doing a specific action.

With that said, in the spirit world, false prophets create injunctions in the lives of their victims. In other words, by coercing their victims to agree with false prophecies being levied on and against them, the victim does not know that through their agreement with these false prophets' prophecies, an evil covenant is established spiritually that will literally suspend the victim physically. Thus, the false prophet has placed a spiritual injunction on the victim. The evidence is that the victim will experience consistent negative changes in their life.

However, this morning by the authority and blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, we break all demonic injunctions that we have ignorantly received, along with evil covenants that were unknowingly established between ourselves and all false prophets through their false prophecies. We command all demonic ordinances in the realm of the spirit that has hindered us spiritually and, as a result, have prevented us from going forward physically to be consumed by spiritual fire in the mighty name of Jesus Christ! We speak the word of God against these spiritual legalities that are operating against us, which says, "Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross" Colossians 2:14

Father God, let your word that cannot return to you void and unseat all hidden injunctions and evil ordinances established in our lives. Father, these spiritual injunctions that have found themselves in our lives through our ignorance, be destroyed by Holy Ghost fire in your son's mighty and matchless name and our savior Jesus Christ. Amen!

Kevin L A Ewing

Someone's being setup for the good that's coming their way!

  In order to understand what will be good for you in the future or to possess the ability to even recognize good when it comes, you MUST go through a period of just the opposite of what you're anticipating in terms of things that are good.

As human being our ability to determine what is good will, always rest in the understanding of comparing whatever it is that we're labeling as good to what is bad. For example if you were to say to me that you have a good man in your life, then based on the laws of life this automatically suggest to me that you've had a bad man before.

I want to point out to someone this morning that the bad that's happening or going on in your life right now if viewed from a positive perspective, it is a gentle head's up to you, that not only will you experience good in the future but what you're going through currently is necessary for you to understand, recognize and decipher what that good is when it comes!

The reality is your situation can not go on forever. In fact the laws of life will not allow it to, because like the law of temporary dictates, there is a "TIME AND SEASON" for "EVERYTHING", Eccl. 3:1.

Therefore, because every situation, feeling, event, matter etc. is temporary we can fairly conclude that its purpose is conditioning us for something else. Those that find themselves repeating temporary matters is a clear sign that they're spending time murmuring and complaining instead of learning to move on to their NEXT!

My words of wisdom for this wonderful spirit filled morning is simply this, those that murmur and complain will always make what was supposed to be a temporary situation feel like FOREVER!

~Kevin L A Ewing~

The quality of your life will be determine by what you allow or not allow from the spirit world

The keys to a good life surprisingly begins with addressing pending negative matters from the unseen world which we commonly refer to as the spirit world!

The troubles, obstacles, delays and setbacks that we experience in our natural lives are clear indicators of a) our lack of spiritual knowledge and b) Our inability to successfully fight and shut these evils and negative patterns down in the spirit world so that they do not manifest in our natural world.

One of the more secular demonstrations of this spiritual revelation, are motivational speakers that encourages their audience, class or even congregation to focus on making declarations from a positive stand point in spite of how adverse or negatively convincing it may appear from a natural perspective. It is through those positive declarations that they believe somehow would change what once appeared negative to transition into a positive situation.

The reality is these folks are participating in a spiritual law which spiritually dictates that we "MUST CALL THOSE THINGS THAT BE NOT AS THOUGH THEY ARE" Romans 4:17.

One of the more noted ways of participating in this spiritual principle is by canceling our negative dreams and asking God to destroy all evil covenants that may have been established by evil spirits in our dreams whose intentions were to manifest their evil in our lives. The spirit realm is where everything happens but more importantly it is the place where everything has it beginning. Coincidentally, it is also the same place where all things have their endings. Thus, the quality of a person’s life will be predicated on whether they won or lost their spiritual battles in the spirit realm because whatever the results were in the spirit world will be manifested in our natural world.

I can vividly recall attending a funeral and while casually speaking to a family member of the deceased, I was told of a dream that the deceased had a few weeks prior to their demise. In this dream the deceased was shot multiple times in the dream and that he (the deceased) had died in the dream. Of course I stood there in amazement listening to this dream with my thoughts being dominated by the spiritual law of destruction that clearly says, "My people are destroyed because of a lack of knowledge" Hosea 4:6.

I am convinced that had that deceased person been exposed to the spiritual understanding of shutting negative stuff down in the spiritual realm so that it does not take place in our natural world, then more than likely that deceased person would be in the land of the living today!

My advice to you this wonderful morning is simply this, cancel, rebuke and destroy all negative dreams via prayer and continue to speak and declare the positive in all things as opposed to declaring what appears to be negative. In doing this you are dictating to the spiritual world how your natural world should perform for you, of course the performance will be positive for you!

~Kevin L A Ewing!

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Commanding the earth and its inhabitants to work in your favor

Every evil voice speaking against the favor and mercy that God has impressed upon others
to grant you, spring forth without delay in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!

Every institution and persons that has promised you assistance, may the spirit of commitment overwhelm them to follow through on their promises in Jesus name!

Every opportunity that have some how missed you or was secretly stolen or manipulated from you; may those opportunities re-visit you in greater portions in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!

May the evil powers behind every block in your life be permanently disable and become a stepping stone in elevating you to your God intended destiny in the matchless name of Jesus Christ!

Finally! Spiritual law dictates, "The profit of the earth is for all" Ecclesiastes. 5:9. Therefore Lord, I command the earth to release and give up my portions of its profits according to your word in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!

"O earth, earth, earth, HEAR THE WORD OF THE LORD" Jeremiah 22:29

~Kevin L A Ewing!

Monday, May 1, 2017

Evidence You're Being Fought Spiritually

If you are having difficulties recalling your dreams and visions. Know for sure that there is a significant spiritual attack against you! Such an attack's primary focus is to keep you ignorant of what is being concocted against you spiritually.

As previously mentioned, our dreams serve as the intelligence branch of spiritual warfare. They regularly unveil glimpses of the spiritual world and reveal what is in store for us, whether positive or negative, in the spiritual realm.

Do you remember when I mentioned that the spirit realm is the parent world to our natural world? For anything from the spirit world to manifest in our physical world, there must be an agreement between the two realms. Those involved in the occult and secret societies know this primary law of physical manifestation. They perform rituals, take oaths, and make evil covenants with unseen entities to help them carry out evil deeds on Earth and in people's lives. If you find it difficult to remember your spiritual dreams, it could be a sign that you are being spiritually erased by evil spirits.

It's important to understand that the issues you're experiencing aren't necessarily physical but rather stem from a spiritual origin. How you feel physically is simply a manifestation of what's happening spiritually. Unfortunately, many followers of Jesus Christ are conditioned to fight against what they can see. However, this only plays into the enemy's hands, as they'll subliminally engage you in a physical fight to cause you to violate the spiritual law outlined in Ephesians 6:12. As a Christian, you should remember that your battles are fought against spirits, not people. The hierarchy of these evil entities includes principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, and spiritual wickedness in high places.

Therefore, our dreams become our spiritual monitors revealing spiritual intelligence from the spirit realm so that we can take our fight to the spirit realm to prevent evil from manifesting in our natural lives. So, you are regularly not able to recall your dreams. In that case, Satan and his agents have disabled the spiritual intelligence branch of your warfare to keep you ignorant of the spiritual snare, evil devices, and pending plots for your life!

As a helpful reminder, Proverbs 11:9b says that "Through Knowledge shall the just be delivered" according to spiritual law. With this in mind, I suggest fasting and asking for God's guidance to better understand your dreams' spiritual meaning. This can help you remember and interpret their messages with clarity.

Heavenly Father, I come to you in the name of your son Jesus Christ. Please remove any spiritual forces that prevent me from remembering and comprehending my dreams. I am grateful for the gift of dreaming and believe in your promise, as stated in Joel 2:28, that all people will dream and see visions. I declare that I will remember and understand every dream going forward in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Thank you. Amen.

Kevin L A Ewing

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