Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Seeds produce after their kind

One of the greatest errors that we make in life that would eventually change the course of our lives, is our inability to carefully analyze the seeds we plant in our lives.

Now to be clear in what I am saying, I am referring to seeds as, people that we would eventually marry or what I also refer to as folks we forge covenants with. Scriptures, says that every seed produces or replicates after its kind, Genesis 1:11. In other word an Apple seed must produce Apples and a grape seed will only produce grape. Jesus himself said, “Make a tree good and its fruit will be good, or make a tree bad and its fruit will be bad, for a tree is recognized by its fruit”, Matthew 12:33.

Using the above mentioned spiritual law as our point of reference, we must now ask ourselves the question, why is it that we rarely if ever do our due diligence, in terms of research on the FAMILY of the person that we intend to forge a covenant with in regards to marrying them? Again, if the biblical law dictates that every seed produces after its kind then why do we insist on marrying that man or woman whom we know good and well, is a descendant from a family of Alcoholics, Sweetheart keepers, divorcee, barrenness, anti-God, etc.?

Let me be crystal clear here! I am not discriminating against such families, I am not even remotely suggesting you're too good for them. However, what I am saying, is the spiritual seed (curse) of that family is automatically levied on the descendant of the members of that family. Therefore, until the curse is recognized and broken, you are in essence marrying or covenanting with the evil spiritual forces that plague that family. Again, it does not matter what these persons portray on the outside. For example, your future mate maybe a Lawyer, Doctor, CEO of a company or even own their own business, unknowing to these people if their family line is under a particular curse then it will be just a matter of time before they will be challenge by the evil trends of their family. Again, once a family is under a curse it is only a matter of time before the signs of what that family is all about decides to display itself. It’s like time release capsules that’s released in each member of that family and things begin to go down hill from that point forward. Interestingly enough, any family member that attempts to break this curse or decides to give their life to the lord will be targeted by the spirits that govern the curse over the family to place overwhelming pressure on that family member that attempts to break free.

The older generations had a clear understanding of this. Do you recall back in the day when you brought your significant other over to meet your parents or grandparents? While you were all about listing the good qualities along with how beautiful or handsome your significant others were, your folks wanted to know where they came from in terms of family. The first question your folks would ask, particularly your grandparents would be, "Sweetie who ya people is"? In other words which family do you hail from? Of course the reasoning behind this was quite clear to the parents and grandparents and that is they wanted to connect the fruit which would have been your significant other to the tree which was the family they came from to determine if they would add to your life or take away from your life.

Old folks sayings such as, "Look before you leap" and "A little can tell you what a lot will be like" were all rooted in the biblical laws that says, "Every seed produces after its kind, Genesis 1:11 and you’d know the tree by its fruit, Matthew 12:33. Make no mistake, every family have secrets and more than likely you'll never know these secrets, especially in the beginning of the courtship. Nevertheless, the tentacle of whatever those secrets are in that family will eventually rear its head in the members of that family one day and by extension into the lives of those that they marry. Trust me when I say to you that there are many folks walking about daily that appear normal and seem to have everything in place. However, deep within them is a time release capsule of utter misery waiting for the right victim to bind themselves to and released the curse upon their lives. In all fairness to the family member that’s carrying the curse more than likely they have zero idea that they are under a curse. Therefore, it isn’t unusual to hear a victim of these circumstances make the following statements, “Man if I had known what I know now I would never marry so and so”. “Boy! From the day I said I do, my life was never the same and happiness is but a distant memory to me”.

You see my friend, the kind of society we reside in, promotes the idea of marrying someone that can help you or someone that have a good job, education etc. The reality is you’re program from a young age to only observe the outward appearance, again such as education, a person having their own home or business etc. When the reality is these things will eventually mean absolutely nothing when the person with these things that you once saw as a security net is making your life a living hell. Stupid advice from those that claim they want the best for you, such as, “Love who love you”, “Marry someone who could do for you” or “Make sure the person you marry have a good car, house and a degree” is in reality unconsciously setting you up for future disaster. Many of you reading this article right now I am sure can relate to what I am saying simply because you’re probably currently living this nightmare or you had a former experience.

Nevertheless it will always and continue to be God's desire for all of us to experience a happy and fulfilling life. This is why He insist we read and apply his spiritual laws that will cause us to navigate our way through life and connect with his best for our lives. The scripture says that there is a way that will always seem right to us but we are guaranteed according to this same spiritual law that destruction will be our end result when we decide to do things our way, Proverbs 16:25.

I do not know who God is speaking to through this article today, but what I do know is that God knows the end of all beginnings. Thus, he's fully aware of how your beginning will end with your future prospect. Therefore, place your misleading feelings and emotions on hold for a moment and earnestly ask the creator of all things, "Lord is this the person you desire me to be a life partner with? Father, please reveal to me the things I am ignorant to about this person, because your word clearly states that we are destroyed because of a lack of knowledge, Hosea 4:6.

Lord you know my heart and I cannot hide from you how I feel about this person but at the same time I cannot afford to waste my precious life with this person if this is not the person for me. Therefore lord, if this is not your best choice for me, then just how you harden the heart of Pharaoh to resist Moses, I am begging you to harden my heart towards this person so that I would not marry this person who would ultimately change the course of my life for the worse in Jesus mighty name. Amen! 

Friends hear me in your spirit today, everyone have family curses and family blessings, ask God right now to break you free from any blood line curses that maybe over your life that you may not be aware of and to enforce the generational blessing of your ancestors upon your life in Jesus mighty name amen!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

The greatest sign of commitment is discipline!

While many are aspiring to be Doctors, Lawyers, Teachers, developing a closer walk with God, being married, having children, job promotions and whatever else; the ingredient call discipline is usually absent from their equation in achieving their desires.

To be discipline suggests that you have thoroughly considered the principles, rules and regulation of whatever it is that you're getting yourself into and at the same time decided that you would subject yourself to the rules, regulations and principles that accompany and govern that situation in an effort, to achieve your intended desires..... This my friend now becomes the personification of commitment!

So based on the above understanding let's take note of the following scenario. Are you involved with someone that speaks of how committed they are, however you've observe a major lack of discipline in their life? Well my friend this is called "putting the carriage before the horse", meaning, a horse pulls a carriage but it is impossible for a carriage to pull a horse. Therefore commitment will always be the end result of the consistent acts of discipline! In other words discipline is the engine that generates commitment.............

Discipline folks are not surface people, meaning their calculations of any situation is based on its surface and depth. It will be as a result of this overall assessment that they will then determine if they are capable of disciplining themselves to produce commitment to whatever it is they're planning on attaching or binding themselves to.

Uncommitted folks are just the opposite, they are always ready to leap before they look and consider after they would have act! Fortunately, you don't have to possess a spirit of discernment or be a prophet to recognize an uncommitted person. uncommitted folks are far more talkers than doers, unstable, always with an excuse, rarely able to fulfill promises, classic disappointers, always with big dreams and big ideas engulfed with big talk but it's usually followed with little to no action.

These folks are agents of Satan to keep you and themselves delayed or setback in life. Scripture tells us that a double minded (indecisive) man is unstable in not some but all of his ways and always armed with excuses to defend his instability to be discipline to achieve commitment, James 1:8, Scripture goes on to say, "He that tilleth his land shall have plenty of bread: but he that followeth after vain persons shall have poverty enough" Proverbs 28:19. The understanding of this scripture is suggesting that the one who works with discipline shall have a harvest at the end of the day, but the one that follows and believe in those that are big talkers, big dreamers with no action and gives no evidence of discipline or commitment in their lives. Then, it will be such persons that's holding their hand and guiding them on the road to poverty and a non-progressive life,

The bottom line is this my friend, if you want to be true to yourself and really determine if the carriage has been placed in front of the horse in your case with Mr. or Ms. Committed, then stop listening to their promises and exaggerated talk, now begin to mentally compare what they have said with the disciplines of life and this is how you will determine that their talk of commitment is just that, a talk and far from a reality.

"Ye shall know them by their fruits" Matthew 7:16.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Friday, May 13, 2016

Dreams Representing Delays pending For A Person's Life

So this morning, I had a dream that I was not at all surprised. In my dream, I dreamt that I was at an airport with one piece of luggage. This piece of luggage was on wheels, and I was pushing it towards my gate.

Anyway, just before I got to my gate, there was a narrow passage that I had to enter that would actually take me to the gate. I can recall placing the luggage before me, pushing it through this narrow passage. Within a few seconds, we were at the entrance where other people were waiting for the flight to be called, but I could not locate my luggage for some strange reason. I can recall frantically looking for my luggage. I saw similar luggage, but there were other names written on the identification tags when I inspected it.

Two police
officers were standing at the rear of my flight gate area, but the site where the police were located seems to be a lost and found area for luggage. I entered this small space again, searching frantically for my luggage but had no success finding it. I can also recall that just before the dream ended, I was perplexed and frustrated that I could not find my luggage and all of my personal and much-needed stuff was in there.


I started out by saying that this dream was more or less expected. My reason for saying this is since I have several engagements on the horizon and based on the contents of the dream it is clearly revealing an overall understanding of pending delay, coupled with frustration and fatigue.

The dream started off with me being at an airport. An airport in a dream symbolizes preparation and transition. My luggage in the dream that contained my clothing and personal effects would represent the tools needed to execute my future assignments. So far, the dream is revealing from a spiritual perspective that I am fully prepared to complete my coming tasks. However, the dream will show an attack pending in the spirit realm, specifically against those assignments.

As you would recall, I mentioned that I was rolling my luggage towards my flight gate, but before getting to my flight gate, there was a narrow passage that I had to go through and it was only when I came through this narrow passage to get to my flight gate I noticed that the luggage that was initially in front of me went missing. Now, because I did not see anyone take the bags and the luggage just disappeared, this part of the dream is now revealing that the source behind this pending attack is spiritual, and the leading spirit in this attack is the spirit of delay!!

Obviously, suppose all of my personal belongings are in my only piece of luggage. In that case, it is almost impossible for me to perform or complete my assignments where I am headed, clearly revealing the spirit of delay. Secondly, I mentioned that just before the dream ended, I felt a sense of confusion and fatigue, of course, due to not being able to locate my luggage. Confusion and frustration are the accompanying spirits that work along with the spirit of delay to further incapacitate the dreamer.

Well, because of my knowledge of dreams, upon waking, I went into intense prayer, declaring directly to the spirit realm by canceling and rebuking the dream and commanding that its spiritual contents will never manifest in reality. I have decided to share this particular dream, especially with those looking forward to great future expectations such as promotions. Dreams such as what I have mentioned clearly reveal to the dreamer what they cannot see in the spirit realm pending against them under normal circumstances.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself

Your lack of self-control and rotten attitude has cost you friends, promotions, favor, opportunities, and once open doors.

Your famous sayings such as, "This is who I am, take it or leave it," "I don't care what others think about me," "My haters are jealous of me," and "They can talk all they want" has caused you not to advance and remain anchored in your current dislike position. You have convinced yourself that because you're loud, arrogant, boisterous, and demanding, folks must honor and respect you.

My friend, if God were to show you the many opportunities you've missed out on because of your lack of discipline and self-control, you would probably hate yourself. Your attitude has clearly been determining your altitude, and based on where you are in life right now is a direct result of your unwelcome attitude.

Check yourself before you wreck yourself. While others appear to be laughing with you, the truth is they're laughing at you, and for the most part, they're spellbound by your immaturity and your inability to display respect for yourself and others.

"He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls" Proverbs 25:28. A city whose walls are broken down suggests that there are no forms of protection, anything or anyone can traffic in and out, no law, rule or principle to be guided by. It is equivalent to one who has no authority over their own spirit. Their lives are in complete and utter chaos..............

They believe life's rules, laws, and principles do not apply to them. However, the end result of their rebellious spirit has left them bitter, angry, and frustrated. In fact, no one wants to deal with them.

Friends, if you feel your life is going nowhere, or everyone else is progressing except you, before you place the blame on anyone, please, take an inventory of your attitude!


Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Saturday, May 7, 2016


Is failure really failing for the Believers of Jesus Christ? I am convinced that "failure" for the Believer is not the same as the secular understanding or interpretation the world defines it as.

From a secular perspective, failing means missing an assigned mark or goal or not meeting a specific qualification.

Failure for the Believer means that something is missing, or whatever it is that we've considered being a failure is just part of a whole. Bottom line, SOMETHING IS MISSING OR NOT COMPLETED!

Indulge me for a few minutes as I unveil my understanding of this mystery. Biblical spiritual law dictates the following, "And we know (The Believers) that all things (Good and Bad) work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose" Romans 8:28

To understand this mystery of failure concerning the Believer. the key resides in the phrase of the scripture mentioned above, "ALL THINGS." All things are a combination of good and evil. Of course, as Christians, we've been erroneously taught to assume that "all things" suggest only good things. So, in essence, this scripture says that GOOD+BAD or BAD+GOOD either way will=GOOD FOR THE BELIEVER! In any scenario, THE PHRASE "all things" suggests that no matter how the situation presents itself to the Believer. Its conclusion must benefit the Believer.

Therefore, if what you're experiencing does not equal good, IT IS AN INDICATOR THAT IT'S NOT THE END!

I want to say to someone this morning who feels or has felt as if you're a failure or others have labeled you as a failure, the term failure for you is just a red flag SHOUTING.......... Something is missing, and for what you or others have concluded as a failure, the proper connection must be attached to your "failure," which will eventually produce good for you!

To seal this mystery, let's look at another spiritual law to bring this baby home....... "In everything (Good & bad) give thanks: for this is the WILL OF GOD IN CHRIST JESUS CONCERNING YOU" 1 Thessalonians 5:18. In other words, we must view the fortunate and the unfortunate experiences in our lives as a part of the overall plan of God to manufacture the end result of good for our lives.

As I said, failure is a good thing if we understand it from a biblical perspective which will always indicate that either something is missing or whatever we've supposedly "failed" at is not completed, or it's not the end of the matter......... But in any event, good or bad, we must thank God because not only is it his will for us at that particular time, but it MUST CONCLUDE IN GOOD FOR US, THE BELIEVERS OF JESUS CHRIST...........

For we know in part, and we prophesy in part, but when that which is perfect (complete) is come (full understanding), then that which was in part shall be done away with 1 Corinthians 13:9-10.

My people are failing because they lack available knowledge, Hosea 4:6........

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Familiarize Yourself With The God Of The Scriptures

I cannot emphasize how important it is to read, study, and research those things that you believe in and are committed to. Reading was never something I initially enjoyed before accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and savior. 

Since my conversion to Christianity many years ago, I have significantly invested in reading. As a result, I have accumulated many books that have increased my knowledge base.
Yes! Most of the books I have read over the years came about via my experiences. My experiences provoked me to not only want to know more about my challenges but, at the same time, provoked me to educate myself concerning the origin of my challenges.

Scripture is clear when it says, "Study to show thyself approved unto GOD!" "And that we ought to work out our own salvation."

The reason for posting this post today is to point out to you that if you don't study scripture and seek God for yourself, which in reality is the process of developing a relationship with Him. Then you run the risk of becoming conformed to man-made religious systems, traditions, philosophies, and the eloquence of words by certain spiritual leaders with minimal, if anything, to do with The Holy Bible. Like yourself, I am at a point where I'm confronted daily with real issues, which rhymes, clichés, false prophecies, protocols, and church politics JUST CAN NOT FIX! The reality is WE ARE IN DESPERATE NEED OF THE WORD OF GOD!!!!! Unfortunately, in today's society, we are hearing and being introduced to everything except the word of God.

Indulge me for a few seconds as I released to you what God has released to me. I am not shoving this understanding down your throat. Instead, I admonish you to ponder it and allow the word to do what it was designed to do.

"Thus says the LORD, "Cursed is the man who trusts in mankind And makes flesh his strength, And whose heart turns away from the LORD. He will be like a bush in the desert, and he won't SEE WHEN GOOD COMES. He will dwell in parched places in the wilderness, a land of salt, without inhabitants" Jeremiah 17:5-6.

Wow! Now isn't this interesting? God is making it abundantly clear to all that will pay attention to his word that we are automatically under a CURSE when we replace him with the ideologies, philosophies, and the like of man. In fact, it goes on to say that when we place our trust in man and turn away from him (God), EVERYTHING DRIES UP IN OUR LIVES.............. But more importantly and notably, WE LOSE OUR ABILITY TO RECOGNIZE WHEN GOOD COMES OUR WAY. Now, please pay close attention to what the scripture is saying. It did not say God would not provide good while under this curse. Instead, it said we will not be able to recognize, decipher or understand when what is good for us shows up.

The reality here is you could become so bound to a particular Preacher, Pastor, Apostle, Evangelist, church, or whatever, that whatever they say becomes final to you. You will not see the need to study anymore, read anymore or search the scriptures anymore TO SEE IF WHAT THEY ARE SAYING REALLY DOES LINE UP WITH WHAT THE WORD OF GOD SAYS. Instead, your trust is so saturated in a person, church, system, or tradition, and, as a result of this, WHEN GOD DOES SPEAK AND SUPPLY YOU WITH THE GOOD YOU WERE ASKING FOR OR HE KNOWS THAT YOU NEED, YOU WON'T BE ABLE TO RECOGNIZE IT WHEN IT COMES........... Mighty God, please help us!

My friend, allow God to speak to your spirit today. To someone today, are your conversations saturated with what " your Pastor says" or what God has said? Are you more concerned or afraid of your Pastor seeing you do wrong or God who sees you continually? When you do give, are you giving for the sake of your religious leader, or are you giving to help others less fortunate and to promote the kingdom of God on the earth? I am not condemning anyone; all I am simply saying it is easy to idolize a person or even an organization or building structure to the extent that you subtly see them as your God while ignorantly not giving sincere attention to the God of all creation.


My words of wisdom on this day are simply this, RE-VISIT WHERE YOU'VE PLACED YOUR TRUST AND COMMITMENT. It just might reveal or even explain the mystery surrounding your misery.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Spiritual Oppression

For many believers of Jesus Christ, you are currently experiencing "spiritual oppression". Spiritual oppression is where you find supernatural evil occurrence taking place in one's life such as enormous unexpected bills, vehicle constantly having to visit the repair shop, being held down in your bed by unseen forces, your bed shaking by an unseen force, trouble erupting in the home for foolish reasons, constant insomnia. Unexplained accidents in the workplace that leads to suspension or reprimands, monies going missing off your bank accounts, panic and anxiety attacks, unidentified or unexplained sickness, severe depression to the point where it feels as if there is a literal weight on your shoulders. Constant confusion in your mind accompanied with irritating forgetfulness, strange noise and cracking sounds in your home particularly at night time.

Consistent or sporadic evil dreams/nightmares, an intense feeling of fear and unwarranted worry, always thinking about death and the loss of your livelihood. My friend if you are experiencing any of the above experiences that just all of a sudden popped up in your life then you are certainly under "spiritual oppression".

The whole idea of spiritual oppression is to overwhelm its victim in such a way that it literally disables his faith. As a result, the believer is saturated with fear, anxiety, doubt, unbelief and questions the word of God. As a result, the victim's prayer life also becomes disable which now leaves its victim in a state of utter confusion and an erroneous reliance on self; this my friend sets the course for self-destruction and an uncanny state of FRUSTRATION!

Specific prayers are your keys out of this overwhelming attack against your spiritual walk............. You must begin an aggressive counter attack inclusive of a minimum of a two-day fast, praying against the spirits of fear, confusion, anxiety and every other spirit that is associated with this spiritual oppression.

Make no mistake knowledge without application is still considered spiritual ignorance.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Basic Rules And Principles That Governs Our Dreams

God's original plan for man in terms of man's position in the earth would be found in Genesis 1:28, "And God blessed them, and God said unto them, be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moves upon the earth".

Based on the above scripture, several things are made crystal clear regarding God's original intent for mankind. Primarily, we were created to advance, increase, multiply, and overpower whatever challenges our progress. Secondly, God gave man and not spirits dominion over the earth.

On the other hand, Satan's plan for man is quite the opposite. Scripture says the following, "The thief (which is Satan) comes only, to steal, kill, and destroy" John 10:10. These are crucial points to stick a pin in when it comes to our dreams. These principles set the bases of all dreams, meaning that despite how complicated or straightforward a dream may present itself, the above principles should always be our GPS as to how we navigate to the accurate interpretation of our dreams.

So, to put it in simple terms, the purpose of our dreams are:

a) To reveal to us what's pending in the unseen world (the spirit world) or to reveal to us the root causes of the mysteries surrounding our lives.

b) For spirit beings to covertly or overtly forge covenants to manifest their purpose/will in our natural world

With that said, the first thing we should do when attempting to understand our dreams is to decipher if our dream is from God or Satan. We calculate this by using Genesis 1:28 and John 10:10. If the dream is from God, then the contents of the dream will inevitably be about advancing, promoting, replenishing, etc., or it will be about things that will benefit us. On the other hand, if the dream is consistent with things being taken from us, stuff going missing, death, destruction, etc., clearly, such a dream is from the kingdom of darkness.

In either case, because God has given man and not spirits dominion in and of the earth, spirits cannot just do what they want to do whenever they desire to do in the earth. Instead, human assistance, but more importantly human approval, be it covertly or overtly is a MUST to manifest the will of spirit beings in the earth. Surprisingly this also includes God. Now I know that many of you are challenged by the fact that I said that God needs man approval or permission to operate in the earth, and I am sure your reasoning would be God needs no one's permission to operate anywhere simply because he's God. Well, aside from the scriptures that clearly indicate that the earth and its responsibility was given to man, Psalm 115:16 and that God gave man dominion or rule over the affairs of the earth, Genesis 1:26,28, every book of the Bible reveals this principle.

In fact, if one were to review scripture carefully, whatever God did on the earth, it was never outside the consultation of man. For example, I am sure you'll agree that God is all-powerful, right? So why did he use Moses to free the Hebrew people from Egyptian bondage? Couldn't he, as God, just kill Pharaoh and his armies and took his people from Egyptian bondage straight to the promised land? Why did God not kick down the walls of Jericho but instead used Joshua to follow a set of instructions to have the walls of Jericho destroyed? These are but minimal examples compared to the many examples demonstrating God's laws and principles of man ruling the earth, and for any spirit beings to participate in earth's affairs, the ultimate approval or cooperation must be approved by man.

Satan, on the other hand, understands his limitations and restrictions as it relates to his performance on the earth. Well, we need not go any further that Genesis 3. Satan knew quite well that for him to carry out his evil objectives in the earth he MUST again secure man's approval; in Genesis 3 he manipulates Eve by encouraging her to disobey God's command as it relates to the forbidden tree they were not to eat from and obey his suggestion, which legally opens the door for him. Well, we all know what happened as a result of that incident, right?

So, in essence, spirits would either influence, persuade, encourage, tempt, entice or lure human beings to advance their will or objective on the earth through securing covenants between themselves and human beings. This is how things manifest from the spirit realm to our natural world. So, about our dreams, if your dream is consumed with killing, stealing, or destroying, then make no mistake that the contents of such dreams are revealing evil spirits hoping to get you to agree to such a dream to secure an evil covenant between you and the evil spirit so that they can legally manifest their malicious intent in your life and by extension in the earth. If the dreamer does not challenge such events in his dreams or cancel and rebuke the dream upon waking, then the manifestation of that evil covenant will prevail in reality.

The reality is, upon waking from a dream, you must first ask yourself, what covenant did I agree to? This is the primary reason why it is a must that you remember your dreams because you've either knowingly or unknowingly forged a covenant in your dream that may pan out something very terrible for you later.

A simple prayer to pray upon waking from a dream that either you didn't understand, or you just don't remember is: "God in the name of your son Jesus Christ, if whatever I have dreamed was of you, then I come incomplete agreement with your plans for my life. However, if my dream was not from you then I cancel, rebuke, and renounce all evil covenants that may have been covertly secured in my dream in the name of your son Jesus Christ!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Saturday, April 16, 2016

Spiritual warfare against the spirit of procrastination

  One of the fundamental principles of spiritual warfare is the law of resistance. This law indicates a few things, and they are. 1) We must resist whatever is challenging us spiritually. 2) If we do not oppose, then whatever is challenging us will eventually overcome us. 3) By not resisting what is challenging us, then by default, we are giving it the right to remain and rule in our lives. Finally, 4) By activating the law of spiritual resistance, whatever is resisting us MUST FLEE!

This spiritual law of resistance says, "Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you" James 4:7. The word submit means to give over or yield to the power or authority. So to be successful in the second part of the spiritual principle of James 4:7. We must first relinquish our way of doing things and yield to the power and authority of God to withstand the spiritual forces that are resisting us.

So, in essence, we don't resist our spiritual opponents by saying, "Go away, devil," or saying, "leave me alone, Satan." Instead, it's done by submitting to God. It indicates that we must take his word and resist the devil and his agents by speaking it against them. To suggest otherwise would suggest that we are doing it our way, and scripture clearly says that there is a way that may seem right to us, but at the end of that way, we are guaranteed failure and destruction, Proverbs 16:25 and Proverbs 12:14.

I mentioned all of that to get to what the Lord laid on my heart for someone today challenged by "PROCRASTINATION." The enemy of your soul has been having a field day with your life by endorsing that you never ever complete the things you've started or get to work on something you know you need to be doing. You either become exhausted, sleepy, frustrated or naturally lose the desire to complete assigned or essential tasks. Your life has become an utter mess due to unfinished or things you have yet to address. The spirit of procrastination has overwhelmed you with the desire and pleasure of putting it off for another time, and you know just as well as I do that task will never get done.

The Lord told you that to overcome this nagging and frustrating spirit, you must initiate the process by submitting to God. He said also remind you that we are co-laborers with him, 1 Corinthians 3:9 and that you are guaranteed failure if you continue to fight this stubborn spirit on your own.

From this moment forward, you must speak the word of God against the spirit of procrastination. For example, "Spirit of procrastination, I can and will do all things through Christ who strengthens me, Philippians 4:13" "Spirit of procrastination there is a greater force in me than any evil force attempting to influence me" 1 John 4:4. "Spirit of procrastination, the word of God, says, "We must work the works of him who sent us while it is day; night is coming when no one can work" John 9:4. "Spirit of procrastination the word of God says that whatever my hand finds to do, do it with your might" Eccl. 9:10. 

"Spirit of procrastination, I reject your subtle influence that would usually cause me to neglect what I should be doing. I decree and declare to you that according to the word of God, Jesus Christ has Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross, there for your subtle evil influence WILL NOT WORK TODAY!" Colossians 2:14. "Spirits of procrastination and confusion I agree with the word against you that says all things should be done decently and in order" 1 Corinthians 14:40. "Spirit of procrastination I will obey God's word that says, do not say to your neighbor, "Go, and come again, tomorrow I will give it"—when you have it with you" Proverbs 3:28.

Friends, this is spiritual warfare against the spirit of procrastination. God will deliver you if you co-labor with him by decreeing his word. As a reminder, the process of deliverance begins and ends with KNOWLEDGE! Proverbs 11:9

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

The Error Of Misinterpreting Your Dreams

Daily, I am bombarded by any number of folks seeking insight into their dreams. In fact, most of them actually never took their dreams seriously until either they came across something I wrote concerning dreams, or there was some dream that was so frightening, they desperately needed insight into it.

I've recently had the unfortunate experience of interpreting someone's dream after the dream's events had manifested in this person's life. Amazingly, this person said that they decide not to call me when they had the dream because they interpreted the dream to be a good dream. They assumed that God was showing them through the dream that even though they were experiencing complications at the time, everything was going to work out fine.

Anyway, I got this call, in which I was asked to interpret a dream. Now the person that called me I knew to be pregnant at the time. Anyway, the lady said that this dream she wanted me to interpret occurred while she was in the hospital, and the reason was due to some complications she was having with her baby. She went on to say that in her dream, she dreamed that her father came to visit her. While he was standing by her bedside, she said that a nurse also approached her bedside, asking her if she was ready. The lady asked the nurse what she was talking about because her doctor gave her strict orders to stay in bed. The nurse insisted that the Doctor said she must exercise. The lady said that all of a sudden, another nurse entered the room with what seems to be a premature baby and the baby was unusually small. In fact, the baby was so tiny it was lying in the palm of the nurse’s hand. The lady then asked the nurse whose baby was it, which the nurse replied that it was her baby. The lady said she was very excited and that the nurse rests the baby on her chest; the dream ended.

This lady insisted that I help her with her dream and that she really needed clarity because, as far as she was concerned at that time that it was a good dream. Well, I paused for a while and told the lady that this was certainly not a good dream. She immediately asked why I would conclude that it was not a good dream. I further explained that the setting of the dream, along with its characters, is all wrong and that she was overlooking the obvious signs of the dream that made it a bad dream. Firstly, in reality, your doctors have ordered you to stay in bed due to your complications, but the nurse insists that you exercise in your dream. Secondly, in reality, you're in the hospital because you're experiencing difficulty with your pregnancy, but yet a "nurse" shows up with what she claims is your premature baby in her hand. Firstly, you should have asked yourself, How is it you were not aware you gave birth. Secondly, where was the doctor in all of this? Thirdly, why weren't you tired from the supposed delivery and finally who doctor gives orders to exercises after having a baby?

I emphasized that the entire dream is spiritual, revealing what was about to take place or pending with the not so obvious being shown to her. I told her that the women in her dream were witches and the man that appeared to be her father was a familiar spirit pretending to be her father, again only to achieve her trust and confidence in her dream. The witches had stolen her baby, which automatically meant she would lose the baby in reality if she doesn’t rebuke and cancel the dream. The mere fact that she'd accepted the baby in the dream from the nurse spiritually indicated that she agreed to everything that she was manipulated into believing. As a reminder, for things to manifest from the spirit realm to our natural realm, there must be an agreement between spiritual and natural. Unfortunately, in the kingdom of darkness, securing such agreements are, for the most part, covert and deceptive.

All of a sudden, I heard a piercing scream on the other end of the phone line, saying, "I lost my baby." The lady then revealed that she had lost her baby and that she had miscarried while she was in the hospital and that the dream was revealed to her the night leading to her miscarriage. She further added that she was convinced that it was a good dream and that God gave her the dream to confirm that everything would work out fine despite her complications. She said that she was so upset with God after the miscarriage that she didn't want to hear anything about the bible, prayer, or scriptures about all things working together for good.

Friends, this is just another case of a lack of spiritual knowledge that prevented this lady from acting upon the spiritual intelligence being revealed in her dream. While God had revealed to this lady what the enemy, along with his human agents, had done in the spirit realm, she had the opportunity of canceling and rebuking it to prevent manifestation in the natural realm. I advised this lady to pray specifically against the spirit of witchcraft, miscarriage, and demonic manipulation. I told her that she must retrieve scriptures from the bible that speak against witchcraft works and include these scriptures in her prayers along with scriptural promises about our seed. Still, before all of this, she must cover herself and her family with the whole armor of God, simply because the scriptures said that it is this armor that will cause us to stand against the wiles of the devil, Ephesians 6:11,13.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

A Deeper Spiritual Understanding Of Dreaming Of The Dead

 I was in a recent conversation with a friend facing severe spiritual challenges. Fortunately for my friend, she knew what the attack was about, and more importantly, she learned from whom the attacks were coming from.

Based on my teachings, my friend added that she was fully aware that a fast was necessary, so she decided to engage in a dry fast. For those unaware of what a dry fast is, a dry fast is three days or 72 consecutive hours without food or water. Interestingly enough, she had an extraordinary dream immediately after her fast had successfully ended.

Here is what she dreamed. "Minister Ewing, I had this strange dream the night after I ended my dry fast. In my dream, I saw this gentleman I knew was dead. This deceased person in my dream approached me and said he had a set of keys for me. I stared at him in amazement, not so much that I knew he was deceased, but what the set of keys was for. He then looked me square in the eye and said that the keys were for his store and that he wanted me to watch his store for him. Minister Ewing, I must admit that while it all seems strange in the dream, I was happy about accepting his offer to watch over his store". She said the entire scene in the dream was dark, but not to the extent she could not see.

Now, to add a little more to this story, the original reason why my friend contacted me was for the mere fact that she was confused that even though she'd completed the dry fast successfully, absolutely nothing about her situation seemed to have changed. In fact, she said that she felt somewhat discouraged and depressed because physically, the spiritual attack against her was now manifesting in her body and presenting unique challenges in her marriage.

Although she was narrating this story to me. I was in awe, holding my mobile phone in my right hand, simultaneously steering at it and wondering if she knew what she was saying to me and what she had allowed and ignorantly agreed to spiritually. At this point, I could not focus nor mentally digest what she was saying to me any further. So I interrupted her and asked her, "Are you aware of what you did in your dream?" She said, "What do you mean what I did?" I told her that I was surprised she didn't cancel and rebuke her dream based on the contents of her dream and the many discussions we've had regarding dreaming of deceased folks and the spiritual manipulation they represent. At this point, she indeed came to an understanding of what she did.

Here it is, my friend made the wise decision of going on a 3-day dry fast to break demonic covenants that were causing problems to erupt in her life to the extent it affected her health. Only to be manipulated in her dream by a familiar spirit or otherwise known as a masquerading spirit pretending to be someone deceased that she's familiar with, of course, to win her trust. This masquerading spirit pretending to be her dead friend was the spirit she initially challenged during the dry fast. However, she was manipulated into re-establishing the covenant with this spirit by accepting the keys from this spirit and following additional instructions in the dream. As a reminder, any contact with a deceased person in your dream symbolizes agreeing or covenanting with whatever it is that that spirit truly represents.

Therefore, if the masquerading spirit pretending to be her deceased friend is a spirit of infirmity (sickness), she unknowingly agreed when she accepted the keys and everything else, representing an agreement. As a result, she's now in the same position she initially went on the fast to rid herself of this. Unfortunately, it is a classic example of not being alert to the devil's devices. Scripture cautions us regarding the following, "Be sober, be vigilant; because of your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour" 1 Peter 5:8.

Two critical statements should be noted in the above scripture. We must be sober and vigilant, so we must always be spiritually alert to Satan's traps. More importantly, the scripture clearly says that our adversary, the devil, is walking about "LIKE A ROARING LION," seeking whom he may devour. So, in essence, our adversary is not a roaring lion. Instead, he pretends to be a roaring lion. Doesn't this mirror his behavior in our dreams, where he imitates or impersonates deceased folks to deceive and manipulate the dreamer to sow his evil seeds?

While we can all conclude that our adversary is extraordinarily cunning and legalistic, his behavior is governed by spiritual laws to which we must pay attention. Hence, he preys on his victims' spiritual ignorance to secure his evil seeds for a later harvest. Satan and his human agents (witches & warlocks) invade and manipulate us in our dreams via the following spiritual law, "But while men slept his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way" Mathew 13:25. Again, the masquerading spirit secured the evil covenant with my friend in her dream and went his way. Now, my friend has to begin the process repeatedly to break the evil covenant she ignorantly agreed to in her dream.

I will say repeatedly that God has outfitted all human beings with the tool of dreaming. The idea is to allow the dreamer to peer into the spiritual world. This will not only enable the dreamer to observe pending matters but also to strategize. Please pay special attention to your dreams.

Kevin L A Ewing

The God kind of peace

The peace that comes from God does not necessarily mean that all your needs have been met, trouble has ceased and everything is in its place in your life. Instead, the God kind of peace, is your decision to acknowledge God in all that's going on and as a result this will generate that peace from him that passes all understanding in the midst of your challenges.

The scripture says, God will keep us in perfect peace (the word perfect in the text means complete) "IF" our minds are stayed or focused on him, Isaiah 26:3. The word "if" which is a conjunction in the above scripture is clearly indicating that the peace of God is always available but it will depend on us to be focus on God and not what's going on around us in order to achieve this peace.

Say to yourself right now, "Lord you know that it is hard for me to keep my mind on you due to the overwhelming troubles coming at me and the many responsibilities that has encompassed me, aside from the enemies that has set themselves against me, Therefore I am asking you to assist me to remain focus on you and to see you in all that is happening around me all in an effort for me to be a candidate for your peace that passes all understanding that I so eagerly desire".

"Lord you've said in your word that "ALL" things work together for good to those that love you and to those that are called according to your will, Lord I believe I have met your qualifications in this regard, so therefore I expect that these seemingly impossible and overwhelming matters will work out for my good in the name of your son and my savior Jesus Christ. Amen!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

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