Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Destroying The Evil Covenants Of Our Ancestors

"Our ancestors have sinned, but now they're dead, but we, the current generation, are left to bear their iniquities" Lamentations 5:7

When observed from the surface, the above scripture may not seem to be a significant passage. However, when we analytically review this particular scripture and measure it up to the quality of our lives, Surprisingly, there seems to be a realistic comparison. For example, you were disciplined in your studies to attain a master's degree. However, you now realize that even while being equipped with such a prestigious degree. It was not sufficient to prevent you from

being a victim of the negative pattern of divorce prevalent in your family. Aside from the above example, you were considered for a well-deserved promotion only to learn that someone less qualified was given the promotion. To make matters worse, your doctor's report just came back confirming that you have been diagnosed with Cancer. Again, while you may have been the only one in your family to break the ceiling of education to achieve a master's degree, it did not stop the all too common negative patterns that are synonymous with your family lineage, such as Cancer, divorce, anti-promotion, etc.

Many of us have observed these vicious, ruthless, evil patterns playing themselves out in our lives and the lives of our loved ones. We've reasoned with these occurrences and chalked it up by concluding that such things happen daily to everyone. Many of you, likely reading this article, have had men and women of God speak into your lives or even prophesy about things changing, such as a future promotion, a new home, etc. Nevertheless, because such prophecies have not panned out, we can quickly label the prophets as false prophets. Now, while I agree that there are many false prophets, I also know that from a biblical perspective, an underlying, undiagnosed spiritual issue could prevent certain things from happening in your life.

The scripture mentioned above, a spiritual law, exposes the evil patterns that manifest in our lives. By extension, the lives of our fellow family members do have an origin! In other words, the cycles of negative patterns in our lives are not happening because they could happen or they're happening by chance. Instead, there were certain forbidden practices that our ancestors engaged in that automatically levied these consistent evil patterns on us. This prohibited practice of which I speak is known from a biblical perspective as idol worship, which we learn to be witchcraft, Voodoo, Obeah, Santeria, etc.

In the book of Exodus 20:2-5, it reads as follows:

"I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt and the land of slavery. You shall have no other "gods" before me. You shall not make an image (idol) for yourself in the form of anything in heaven above, on the earth beneath, or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me."

The above scripture has made it clear as it relates to God's position on serving and worshiping other gods and that the punishment of such behavior would be where God (not Satan) will punish the present children of those that practice such forbidden acts and extend it all the way up to their third and fourth generation. As a result of this law now explains why you are either not achieving or not able to go past a certain point or even living a life of negative evil patterns that have literally disabled and crippled you and your family.

With the above understanding in mind, we must also realize that when our ancestors from the fourth generation decided to seek solutions or wanted to place a "fix, hex, spell or curse" on someone through the assistance of witchcraft workers. They unknowingly were causing curses to be levied on us who weren't even born yet, which would have spiritually set restrictions and limitations on us as soon as we were born. So, in essence, those evil covenants established with evil spirits for whatever reason are affecting us to this day simply because they were never confessed or recognized and broken, renounced, etc.

You might say, "Well, Kevin, my parents and grandparents were men and women of God, so what you're saying certainly does not apply to my family and me. You may be correct, but let's look at it differently. Do you recall your parents, grandparents, or any family member mopping their floor with turpentine, Florida Water? What about sprinkling salt around the home, sprinkling ammonia inside the house, or placing garlic on their person to ward off spirits? What about tying black strings around the child's wrist or leg when they become irritable and find it difficult to sleep? Let's take it a step further. What about the specific candles your parents, etc., would burn over a particular piece of paper or place a piece with someone's name written on it on the inside of their shoes? What was that big evil-looking book that your parents or grandparents always seem to be able to retrieve and recite specific stuff from when someone did them or any other family wrong?

You see, my friend, it was these acts, and so many other things that our ancestors and even living relatives (who also claim to be men and women of God) were and are engaging in that has caused us to be limited physically, all due to what they did spiritually. You cannot allow this to continue now that your understanding has been enlightened. In fact, you must not enter into 2017 with these same spiritual restrictions as a result of evil covenants established between your ancestors and evil spirits when participating in witchcraft. If you are a Christian, then you were given power by our Lord Jesus Christ to destroy all evil covenants and evil ordinances that have been unknowingly set up against you, according to Luke 10:19

Please, either now or at the beginning of next year, enter a three-day fast to expressly renounce, reject, and break all evil covenants that have covertly or overtly been speaking against your destiny as a result of the spiritual ignorance of your parents or ancestors which has caused you not to progress in life. Begin by asking God to forgive the iniquities of your ancestors and your own sins, according to Leviticus 26:40-41. Then retrieve scriptures relative to what Christ has done for you on the cross, according to Galatians 3, and include such scriptures in your prayers during your fast, all to break the spiritual shackles that have held you back for so many years. You have asked the Lord why your life has turned out the way it did; nowhere is your answer. "Through knowledge shall the just be delivered" Proverbs 11:9. What happens for you physically next year will depend on what you have broken and renounce spiritually either now or at the beginning of next year!

Kevin L A Ewing

Monday, December 5, 2016

Get your life together before your appointment with death

Death is the permanent transition from our physical world to the spirit world. Death is also the bringing to an end of all earthly matters whether its purposes were fulfilled or not.

More importantly however, death is the only way in which the real you which is your spirit can be extracted from your physical body to join the billions of souls that have gone ahead of you in the spirit world to either eternal rest or eternal damnation.

The reality is, it really isn't important how we meet our demise, meaning whether it was by a motor vehicle accident, a heart attack, sickness a plane crash etc. These means of death are just the process by which our spirits are permanently extracted from our physical bodies. This also means that there will be no further interaction between the departed and those that are alive. The scriptures makes it very clear to us when it said, "For the living know that they will die, but the dead knows nothing, neither have they any more reward; for the memory of them is forgotten. Also, their love along with their hatred and their envy is now perished; neither have they any more a portion forever in anything that is done under the sun" Eccl. 9:5-6

Unfortunately, folks are more challenged by the extraction process of death, and that is how a person died, which of course is entirely irrelevant as oppose to what happens after the extraction process. Many of us take for granted our brief time here on earth, by convincing ourselves that we are guaranteed another day of existence. This is primarily due to such events as: a good health report from the Doctor, a job promotion, a new marriage, a new baby a new relationship, a new home or recently purchased car etc. unfortunately, these things and the temporal joy that accompanies them, lack the ability of extending our allotted time on earth.

I am certain you would agree with me in that you either know of or have heard of the above instances where death unexpectedly showed up to perform the extraction process, in spite of a recent marriage, a new baby, a recent job promotion etc.?

My question to you this morning is simply this, during the course of your daily preparation for everything else that is of importance to you, have you seriously given thought as to what will really happen to you when your appointment with the extraction process presents itself to you? What is your position and relationship with God? Death is no respect of person. Death did not show up to strike a deal with you to extend your time. Many of us are exposed to the gospel of Jesus Christ on a daily basis. Many of us grew up in Christian homes but somehow allowed our college education, job promotion or wealth to question the authenticity of the God that not only delivered the biblical characters such as Abraham, Moses, and Joseph along with our parents and ourselves, but we have become our own god. My friends, your college degree, job status, wealth or popularity are of zero value in the spirit world. Instead, did you secure or meet the qualification to spend eternity with Jesus Christ? Trust me when I say to you that you will never have a true appreciation for life until your unplanned appointment with death finds you unprepared. More importantly you're not prepared to meet the God who have made every provision and opportunity available while you existed among the living to GET IT RIGHT!

If you are among the blessed ones to read this post, then know for sure it is not by accident. Instead, it is another opportunity being afforded you by God to get your life in order, to make Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior. I am certain that, just like myself you have noticed the great pace at which time is accelerating. The days, weeks, months and years are quickly flying by. What is even more interesting is the fact that each day is escorting us a little closer to our unchangeable appointment with death.

"You have no idea what tomorrow will bring. For what is your life? Is it not like a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away?" James 4:14

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Symbols Are The Language Of Our Dreams

About ninety-five percent of our dreams are saturated with symbols. It is these symbols, when understood that speak to a greater reality or provide a more distinct meaning or understanding of the hidden messages that our dreams are attempting to convey.

What is a symbol? Well, in laymen's terms, a symbol is the use of something to represent something else. A symbol can also be defined as an object, person, idea, etc., employed in an illustration or presentation, dream, or vision to stand for or suggest something else with which it is associated, either explicitly or subtly.

Thus, the symbols in our dreams literally become the language of our dreams to reveal the coded messages embedded in our dreams. Our dreams in and of themselves are a mystery. However, once the dream is interpreted, the interpretation is now known as the revelation of what was once a mystery concerning our dreams. Therefore, Dream interpreters translate our dreams' language (symbols) to reveal the hidden spiritual messages incorporated into our dreams.

Our dreams are displayed chiefly in symbols because the reality of the spirit realm, in which the dream is created, is far too complicated for ordinary human understanding. Therefore, signs in our dreams point to real-life situations and matters. Nevertheless, symbols are not just limited to dreams and visions. In fact, throughout the scriptures, symbols are depicted in parables to convey messages from God or compare or contrast spiritual and physical things.

Case and point, in Isaiah 5:1-7, a story of "The parable of the vineyard" is narrated by the prophet Isaiah. This parable reveals that a farmer loved his vineyard to the extent that he had fenced it, removed all the stones, and planted a choice vine. The story says that the Farmer built a tower in the middle of the vineyard and built a wine press. However, to the Farmer's surprise, his well-loved vineyard brought forth wild grapes! The Farmer nurtured his vineyard and provided it with the best of everything to expect that the vineyard would bring forth the best grapes.

In Isaiah 5:3, the Farmer makes a statement and asks a question to the inhabitants of Jerusalem and the men of Judah. "Judge, I pray you, between me and my vineyard," "what more could I have done to the vineyard that I have not done in it"? "Because when I expected grapes, it brought forth wild grapes."

"Because of this, I will tell you what I will do to my vineyard: I will take away the hedge I had in place to protect it, and now it will be eaten up and exposed to everything that the hedge once protected it from. Then I will allow it to lay waste, and it shall not be pruned nor plowed. Instead, I will let thorns and wild bush spring among it. I will also command the clouds not to rain upon it.

However, the revelation of this parable is revealed in Isaiah 5:7, where the symbol of the vineyard is revealed as the house of Israel, and the men of Judah were the Farmer's pleasant plants. The Farmer was the Lord God himself. The Lord expected they would display righteous judgments after his provision and protection of Israel. Instead, they became lords of oppression. The parable further revealed in verse 5 that God would eventually remove his protection from Israel, and other nations would come in and oppress them. In verse 6, however, He promised that he would no longer provide for Israel and that they would become desolate and poverty and hardship would now be their portion.

So as you would have read in the above parable, the symbols indicated the past, current and pending state of the inhabitants of Israel just because they failed to produce what they were empowered by God to produce.

Another example of the spiritual implications of symbols is revealed in Matthew 12:43-44. In this illustration, Jesus told a very profound revelation of how evil spirits classify human beings. Jesus said that when a person is delivered from an unclean spirit, the unclean spirit walks through dry places seeking rest and finds none. The unclean spirit then says to himself, let me return to my "HOUSE" from where I came out. The symbol of a house in this parable represents the life of a human being. Therefore, for the most part, when a home is presented in a dream, it symbolizes a person's life; if it is a huge house or apartment complex, it expresses a family or a group!

Therefore, we must learn the language of our dreams by understanding the symbols presented in our dreams. This, my friend, can only happen via the assistance of the Holy Spirit, who has been assigned to us primarily to lead us into all truth.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

The purpose and process of witchcraft

Witchcraft is an oppressive spiritual system operated by a witch or wizard to spiritually hijack and program a person's life to experience perpetual hardship, failure, depression, anti-progress, etc. However, the programming of the system of witchcraft cannot be achieved outside of what is known in the world of witchcraft as an evil altar or shrine.

An altar or shrine is a place where divinity meets humanity or the visible meets with the invisible to forge evil demonic covenants with evil spirits targeted explicitly at the lives of others. The life of the altar will depend on the sacrifice made at the altar, which in turn will summon particular evil spirits to attack a person. However, because spirits are not omnipresent, the practitioners of the evil altar will require something personal for the intended target, such as a photo, fingernail clippings, worn clothing, hair, blood, etc. Such items, except a picture of the victim, carry the DNA of the victim so that spiritually, the assigned evil spirits can locate their intended target in the spirit realm. This why it is so important to cover oneself and your loved ones daily with the whole armor of God and the blood of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Now, when these evil workers of witchcraft can not retrieve such personal items of their victim. Then, through the consultation of the evil spirits from the altar, the witch or wizard would mix a concoction to either bury this evil on the intended victim's property or set it in a place where the victim will make some contact with this mixture. Other methods would be placing it in the victim's food, drink, and clothing or projecting evil spirits from the evil altars in the victim's dreams. Therefore, dreams where one is constantly being fed or they're eating in their dreams, drinking in a dream, having sex in a dream or interacting with dead people in their dreams are all means of evil spirits being projected from demonic altars to begin the process of spiritually oppressing the life of the victim.

I am sure you've heard where someone was said to be "fixed," but it wasn't intended for them. In such a case, the witch or wizard could not acquire anything personal of the intended victim. The witch or wizard decided to place it in the path they believed the intended victim would travel. In another instance, spiritual concoctions can be put on food or drink items, hoping they will consume them. However, someone else consumed or walked on it, and as a result, the person that has either walked on the concoction or consumed it. The concoction has now become the point of contact to begin the evil, oppressive spiritual cycle of the system of witchcraft on that person.

The scriptures say, "Regard not them that have familiar spirits, neither seek after wizards to be "DEFILED" by them, for I am the Lord" Leviticus 19:31. The word defile in the above text means to corrupt or change the original of something. Therefore, the purpose of wizards and witches and their attempts to enslave their victims spiritually to the system of witchcraft is to change God's original intent for their lives. It ensures they become opposite to God's original purpose for them. According to Genesis 1:28, God's original plan for man is to be fruitful, multiply, and replenish. In other words, God always wanted people to advance in their earthly journey. Well, the system of witchcraft is designed to bring man's natural process of advancing in every area of his life to a slow and non-productive state.

Some of the most common signs of witchcraft operating against a person would be overwhelming panic and anxiety attacks. This is usually accompanied by a progressive state of confusion and an abnormal inability to focus or concentrate on everyday activities. The purpose of these initial attacks would be to begin the process of slowly disabling the victim from progressing in every area of their lives, which would include losing the desire for people, places, and things that they once loved and had a passion for. However, the origin of such attacks is via spiritual manipulation, of course, caused by the calculating efforts of evil spirits. The second phase of witchcraft attack on a person is to cause the victim to see, hear, and experience things that others cannot see, hear, or experience. Thus, if the victim decides to speak of their weird and strange experiences to others, they would appear crazy and bizarre. This is to cause the victim to isolate himself or herself from friends, family, etc., because their experiences are too incredulous to be believed by others.

Of course, at this point, the victim has fallen into the trap of becoming a recluse due to the efforts of evil spirits. These assigned spirits from the satanic altar where they were summoned will begin projecting overwhelming evil thoughts spiritually at the victim, which the victim believes are their thoughts, such as logical negative thoughts, suicide, depression, etc. Unfortunately, it is the ignorance of the victim as it relates to the system of witchcraft that literally becomes the fuel of this demonic system. In other words, the victim cannot fight what they're unaware of, which places them at a significant disadvantage.

Again, the idea, intent, and purpose behind the oppressive system of witchcraft are to ultimately challenge God's original plan for mankind, and that is to resist man's natural God-given ability to be fruitful, multiply, replenish, and subdue the earth. In other words, man should continually advance according to Genesis 1:28.

In essence, God's will is for man to continually develop and progress as long as he exists on earth. On the other hand, the system of witchcraft is designed to prevent this average progress from being achieved through hardship, depression, poverty, and confusion, along with causing man to connect with what he has no business connecting with. These connections that are obviously not from God are designed by the adversary to continually BLOCK AND ULTIMATELY STOP MAN'S PROGRESS!

Written By Kevin L A Ewing

God's word above EVERYTHING else

Whatever you're challenged with today, grab a hold of a passage of scripture that speaks to that situation and begin to quietly repeat that scripture into your human spirit until that particular scripture refuse to leave your spirit.

In doing so, you are coming in agreement with the word of God, which I might add is the spirit of God. The law of the spirit world dictates that manifestation of the things of the spirit world into our natural world occurs when a human spirit comes in agreement with a spirit or the Spirit of God.

This is why the word of God reminds us to remind God of his word. Not that he forgot his word but that you would participate and agree with his word to produce what his word has promised. The bottom line is this, the eyes and presence of the Lord are literally roaming the earth in search of those that have made the decision to agree with Him, so that he can show himself strong in their matters.

This greatly explains why complainers, negative folks or folks that made their situation greater than the word of God are still waiting and will continue to wait for God to show up in their lives because they have placed their situations ABOVE the word of God, when he clearly said in his word, "For thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name" Psalm 138:2.

If God has placed or magnified his word above his name, then I think it is only wise that we magnify his word above our situation. My word for my human spirit today is, "I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST THAT STRENGTHENS ME" Philippians 4:13

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Do Not Forget!

Do not forget to cancel and rebuke those negative dreams you've experienced during the night, before you start your day/week!

Unknown to many, our dreams are the soil bed for the enemy to plant evil seeds and forging evil covenants spiritually to bring about the physical manifestation of that evil in the dreamer's real life. For example, you might have had a dream last night where you saw your business or workplace on fire. Well, such a dream would be revealing the evil spiritual satanic seed of yourself either losing something precious that will also be very costly to replace, or the dream could be exposing the spiritual satanic root of significant confusion and conflict at your business or workplace. If you did not resist these events during your dream. Then it is vitally imperative that you begin the process of rebuking, canceling, and denouncing such dreams upon waking or even right now! In so doing, you are bringing to an end what the enemy had planted in your dream with the intent and purpose of it manifesting in your real life.

As a reminder, for things of the spirit world to manifest in our natural world, there MUST be an agreement between humans and spirit. Unfortunately, our adversary obtains such agreements covertly by planting evil seeds in our dreams with the hope that we are ignorant to the spiritual laws that govern our dreams and just ignore our dreams upon waking.

Nevertheless, the spiritual rules of the Holy bible make such an attempt very much legal spiritually. "But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed (planted) tares (evil) among the wheat (good) and went his way" Matthew 13:25.

Now, for those that have difficulty recalling your dreams or you just
don't understand the dreams you've had. In essence, ignoring such dreams would give spiritual rights to what was planted spiritually in your dreams. Therefore, the safest prayer to pray would be the following:

Father God, if my dreams were from you, then I come incomplete agreement with your blessings pending for my life and the things you desire to do in my life. I also pray that there would be no delay or setback by the enemy to frustrate the blessings and plans you have for my life. On the other hand, if my dreams were from the kingdom of darkness, especially the dreams that I either cannot recall, or I don't understand, I cancel, rebuke, reject and renounce all curses, pending evil along with covert evil covenants that may have been established in my dreams in the name of your son Jesus Christ!

Many are dealing with stubborn challenges physically, which had their spiritual origin through their dreams. However, they lacked the knowledge that could have spiritually ended the evil seeds when it was initially planted in their dreams. "Through knowledge shall the just be delivered" Proverbs 11:9.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Our Invisible Allies

 As with all armies, it is always helpful to have allies in an attempt to fortify that army's forces against their

An ally is a person, group, or nation associated with others for some common cause or purpose. In the case of war, countries join forces with other countries with the common goal and the objective of destroying a common enemy.

Well, in the spirit realm, God has assigned spiritual allies to aid human beings in their spiritual fight against the kingdom of darkness. These allies are known as angels. According to scripture, angels are referred to as ministering spirits. The word ministering, which comes from the word minister, literally means to serve! The scripture also made it clear that these ministering spirits (aka Angels) are sent to minister (help or assist) those who are heirs to salvation (Christians) Hebrews 1:13-14

However, even though the angels of the Lord are our allies. we cannot say to our allies, "go and do this or go and do that." Instead, these ministering spirits ONLY RESPOND TO THE COMMANDS AND THE WORD OF GOD, which is the Holy Scriptures. "Bless the Lord, ye His angels that excel in strength, that DO His commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word." Psalm 103:20.

The reality is, the angels that have been assigned to the Believers of Jesus Christ as allies in their spiritual fight against the kingdom of darkness is, for the most part, unemployed, simply because they have yet to be deployed via the Christian declaring, the commands, precepts, and laws of God.

For example, when a Christian prays or speaks to the unseen world (spirit world) and declares no weapon formed against them shall prosper, while at the same time condemning every tongue speaking against them according to Isaiah 54:17. These words or declarations become marching orders for our spiritual allies to prevent the weapons of the kingdom of darkness from being successful against us and stop those evil words that are being spoken against us by others from ever coming to pass.

I submit to you that if you are not declaring the word of God consistently, especially in your prayer, then you are not making use of or taking advantage of the spiritual allies assigned to assist you in the process of spiritual warfare.

As a reminder, life is spiritual. I encourage you to use your spiritual authority by making spiritual declarations to the spiritual world. This is achieved by continually declaring the scriptures against the spiritual and physical opposition opposing you. While you may not be able to physically see your spiritual allies fighting on your behalf, know for sure they're waiting on your scriptural commands to begin defeating the forces of darkness against you.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Mountains are moving, walls are falling

Mountains are moving, and walls are falling in the realm of the spirit. The Lord and God of all hope is making clear your spiritual path for the manifestation of your much-awaited release and victory in the natural.

School fees will be met! Lending institution loans will be satisfied! Families will be brought back together! Things that were either lost or stolen will be restored and replaced! Resources will not only be restored but also maintained all because of what is going on spiritually. "Thou shall arise and have mercy upon Zion (God's people): for the time to FAVOR her, yea the SET TIME is come" Psalm 102:13.

Gideon was sore afraid because he knew it was not humanly possible to defeat the Midianites, the Amalekites, and the heathen armies of the east that had joined forces against Israel with his 300 men God insisted he goes to war with. Gideon was unaware of the simple fact that the spiritual components and agents in this war had already been addressed spiritually. Thus, God made the following statement to Gideon before engaging in the PHYSICAL battle between Gideon's army and the armies of his enemies.

God made it clear to Gideon, "Arise and go down to the Enemy's camp; for I have DELIVERED them into your hands, Judges 7:9. The word delivered speaks to or suggests something or an event that has already happened. With that said. Then how was it possible for God to tell Gideon that he'd already delivered Gideon's enemies into his hands (won the war) when the reality is Mr. Gideon and his 300 men had yet to launch an attack against his enemies?

Well, this is just another clear biblical example of the spiritual law of Ephesians 6:12, meaning our real battles and issues must be addressed from the spirit realm as opposed to making the center of our fight between flesh and blood (human beings). In other words, the spiritual battle between Gideon's army and his enemies had already been won in the spiritual realm, even though they had yet to physically engage in war. Nevertheless,  the results of what God did in the unseen world/spirit world automatically secured Gideon's victory in the physical realm (our natural world).

I am saying to someone this morning that have spiritual ears to hear and spiritual eyes to see beyond their overwhelming misleading circumstances that God has removed the spiritual stumbling blocks, walls, mountains, and all spiritual impediments to secure you nonstop victories in the natural!

As a reminder, absolutely nothing happens physically unless it was conceived or manufactured spiritually first! The mystery behind you repeatedly going around the same issue was due to spiritual blockages you were unaware of that prevented physical manifestation!

Come in agreement with what God has already done. In other words, stop repeating your prayers. Instead, begin thanking God, who has removed the spiritual impediments for answering your prayers in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ!

Father, I thank you that the mortgage is paid, the school fees are paid, and the resources are endlessly flowing in like never before. Thank you, Lord, that relationships have been restored and all losses and missed opportunities have been reinstated, ALL BECAUSE OF WHAT YOU'VE DONE IN THE REALM OF THE SPIRIT JUST FOR ME, IN THE MIGHTY AND MATCHLESS NAME OF JESUS CHRIST AMEN!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Is Your Relationship Controlled By Witchcraft?

So you don't like your son's girlfriend or your daughter's

boyfriend. You may have preferred if your son had married someone else or if your daughter had made a better choice in who she decided to marry.

As a parent, it is essential to understand that you should not interfere with, dictate, manipulate, or ruin the relationships of others, especially those of your children. You have already lived your life, so it is crucial to avoid the temptation to live indirectly through your children. Unfortunately, many relationships have been stifled or destroyed because of controlling mothers or intimidating fathers who had no business meddling in relationships that were not theirs to control. It is important to respect the autonomy and freedom of others to make their own choices in life.

 One of the greatest tragedies I have witnessed in relationships is the uncanny desire of a parent to resort to witchcraft in an attempt to destroy the unions of their children by manipulating the minds of their children's spouses or mates. In some cases, both parties bring about division and establish their will. All along, the victims have no idea that their flesh and blood have resorted to evil spiritual means to make their lives a living hell. While you're sleeping at night, they are forging evil covenants with evil spirits to oppress you!

We must ask God to give us the gift of discernment or amplify our understanding to be spiritually enabled to detect, discover, and distinguish these people and their evil devices. Scriptures say, "Do not enter the path of the wicked and do not walk in the way of evil. Avoid it, do not travel by it; turn away from it and pass on". Now, read carefully why the scripture advises such actions: "For these evil people sleep not unless they have done evil and their sleep is taken away unless they have caused someone to fall" Proverbs 4:14-16.

 The Bible tells us that a man's enemies are that of his household, Matthew 10:36. Very rarely would a person's natural enemies or those constantly opposing him be that of a stranger or someone unfamiliar to them. I have dealt with many of these cases before, and believe me when I say to you that it will require much prayer and fasting for the spiritual eyes of the victims to realize that it is their own doing this evil to them. Some time ago, a young lady was encouraged to see me concerning some strange happenings in her relationship that she knew was unnatural. This lady, who did not realize how much her mother hated her partner, was advised by her mother via witchcraft practices to place certain items and sprinkle certain unknown concoctions in the dwelling of her and her partner. This mother convinced her daughter that what she was giving her and advising her daughter to do would improve things in the home, even though the daughter was not to tell her partner what her mother was urging her to do. Aside from all of this, whenever the daughter would visit the mother's home, the mother would always "predict" negative things that would happen between her daughter and her partner, and according to the daughter, precisely what the mother said was what would happen. The daughter was unaware that her mother had her bewitched to the point that she would never see her mother as the evil seed sower. She was, instead, viewing her mother as the one that has her back.

It was inevitable that the couple would eventually have heated arguments, face financial difficulties, and develop an interest in people outside their relationship. Shockingly, the lady's mother even suggested that she see other people. Under her mother's spell, the daughter believed everything her mother advised her was correct.

I want to say to someone that the source of your unexplained financial losses, discord, foolish arguments, kids acting up, you and your family not being able to progress, and your lack of desire for your mate is due to family members and in-laws working against your union via witchcraft. They either believe their loved one is too good for you or are just jealous of your relationship with their relative. This scenario is more common than you could imagine, and only God's wisdom can free you from this evil. The scripture says, "Through knowledge shall the just be delivered" Proverbs 11:9. I mentioned this because I have witnessed many resort to the same source of evil for relief and only multiply their sorrows. In other words, you cannot fight witchcraft with witchcraft. The scriptures clearly say, "Any kingdom divided against itself will fall" Matthew 12:25. 

 If you are under demonic oppression caused by someone who practices witchcraft. The signs include constant confusion, difficulty sleeping, irrational arguments, tiredness, frustration, forgetfulness, financial challenges, abnormal sexual urges, and recurring perverted dreams. You might also feel someone feeding you in your dreams or experience pain around your neck and shoulder areas. The person responsible would usually act sheepishly and offer you (cursed) items as gifts for your home, food, or spiritual items to wear for good luck, etc. Please be aware of such offers, as they are meant to restrict you spiritually and will, by default, limit you physically.

I cannot place enough emphasis on this, but you and your partner are victims of some selfish family member/s who, for whatever reason, has issues with your union and wants to see your marriage fail. I advise you to pray against the spirit of witchcraft and controlling spirits. Still, more importantly, the ongoing havoc in your life results from evil spirits summoned from evil altars. Ask God to reveal the point of contact in your home, such as some strange gift given to you, a book, figurine, clothing, etc., used as a point of contact to maintain the evil hurled at you. Whatever God reveals to you regarding particular items, you must destroy them by fire!

It is important to remember that our actions have good or bad consequences. The Bible teaches us that we will reap what we sow. Those who intentionally harm others are laying the groundwork for a challenging future for themselves and their loved ones. Remember that God will hold us accountable for the evil we inflict upon others. Furthermore, according to biblical principles, we will always harvest more than we sow. So, let us be mindful of our actions and strive to do good for others.

 Today, many folks need help and clarification about why trouble after trouble frequents them with no relief. Could it be the harvesting of the evil seeds their parents or even themselves planted in the past in their attempt to destroy others that they're now reaping today? Please make no mistake, my friend. Every action will cause a reaction. So do what is right now so that somebody will do the right thing for you and your children in the future.

Kevin L A Ewing

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Wisdom Regarding Our Dreams

Not because you've had good dreams, it would suggest that your dream will automatically come to pass.

As with a bad dream, you must immediately cancel such a dream to prevent its physical manifestation in your life upon waking. Well, the opposite is also true. If you've had a good dream, then you must come in agreement with God concerning his will for your life so that there would be no delay or non-manifestation of what God has revealed to you in your dream.

As a reminder, our dreams are spiritual, and as such, the spiritual realm is always seeking agreement or covenant with Human beings to manifest its will in the earth. If you're not sure if your dream was good or not, then the best prayer to pray would be the following:

"Father, if my dream was of you, then I come in complete agreement with your will and purpose for my life. However, suppose my dream was not of you but was demonically initiated. In that case, I reject, renounce, rebuke, and cancel any. All evil covenants and subtle demonic agreements that were established in my dream will never manifest in my life in the name of your son and our savior Jesus Christ. Amen!

One of the worse positions a person could find themselves in is where they’re not dreaming or unable to recall their dreams. Our dreams are the spiritual monitors that allow us to peer into the spirit realm and receive excerpts of what’s pending for us or against us in the spiritual realm. The spiritual realm is the origin of all things. Before anything is manifested in our natural world, it was previously conceived in the unseen world, which we refer to as the spirit world.

Again, if you’ve had a bad dream, then upon waking, you must cancel it in the spirit so that it won’t manifest in the natural. If it’s a good dream, then come in agreement with the dream in the spirit via prayer so that nothing will delay or setback your physical blessing in the natural.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Include the word of God in your prayers if you want things to change

The best thing anyone can do for you or even you can do for yourself is to pray for you. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting with many folks to discuss spiritual things particularly dreams. What I find to be most interesting is that when I say to them, that they must pray specifically against what we have discovered to be the root of their problem, they in turn would say, "I don't know how to pray".

Well, what they mean is, they don't know how to pray lengthy loud prayers. Well my friend if you have this same issue, then let me properly educate you concerning prayer. God is more concern about the contents of your prayers rather than the length or volume of your prayers. Some folks believe that 2-3 hour prayers is the model for praying. However, if you were to zoom in on what it is that they are praying about, I can assure you they're probably repeating the same thing over and over again, with the center piece of their prayer being a grocery list of what they want God to do for them.

Many of you that I have counsel with will know that I insist on discovering the root of your physical matter from a spiritual perspective and once discovered, I insist that we search the scriptures in an effort to retrieve scriptures that are relevant to your situation and begin to pray those scriptures against the spiritual root of your physical matter. For example, if your child is rebellious then we use scripture against the spirit of rebellion in that child, but never praying against the child because the child is just a puppet to the spirit of rebellion. The word of God which is spirit is the only weapon against spirits, if one desires to eliminate their problem from its root and the root will always be spiritual.

The bottom line is this, when it comes to prayers, we will achieve more success in what we are praying for or even against when we discover its roots. Secondly, we must always pray the word of God in regards to whatever it is we are praying for or against. By doing this we will spend more time targeting and dismantling specific areas in prayer and destroying strongholds in the realm of the spirit that will result in positive physical manifestation as opposed to praying for hours saying the same thing over and over again with absolutely no word involved. Pray the word of God if you desire change as a result of your prayers!!!!!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

You Must Discover To Recover

"Our ancestors sinned. Now they are gone, [but] we have to take the punishment for their wickedness" Lamentations 5:7

Wow! The minute we're conceived, we're strapped with generational curses that automatically set limitations and restrictions on us. "Indeed, I was born guilty. I was a sinner when my mother conceived me" Psalm 51:5.

Isn't it amazing how you spend the majority of your life fighting for what's due you on your job, fighting to have a good relationship, fighting with your family members, fighting for peace, fighting for contentment, just fighting, fighting, fighting!

Interestingly, our fights result from our ancestors' ancestral baton handed down to us. You see, even though they've passed on, we still carry the burden of the known or unknown covenants they've made with the powers of darkness.

The bottom line is that the root cause of most of your problems originates in our past generations. "The LORD is slow to anger and filled with unfailing love, forgiving every kind of sin and rebellion. But he does not excuse the guilty. He lays the sins of the parents upon their children; the entire family is affected--even children in the third and fourth generations" Numbers 14:18

TO RECOVER, YOU MUST DISCOVER! DISCOVER WHAT YOU MAY ASK? DISCOVERING THE SOURCE OF YOUR PROBLEM. This vital piece of neglected information have you going around in circles year after year. You've prayed, fasted, spoke in tongues, anointed with oil, prayed the prayer of faith, and came into agreement with others, but absolutely ZERO happened!

Ask Mamma and them, what was that concoction in a bottle they kept behind the door for "protection," What was their reason for mopping the floors with turpentine, what was the purpose of sprinkling salt around the house? Why were they wearing pieces of garlic, going to bed with their underwear on the wrong side? Why was there a particular room in the home that no one was allowed to enter? In fact, it was always locked with a strange smell emitting from it? Well, my friends, these are, but some of the events you were not made privy to are more than likely the source of your stubborn harmful matter. 

What about when your parents said to you, with such passion, "you'll never amount to anything" "You'll suck the seeds of sorrow," "You will regret these days" "You are so dumb, stupid, ignorant, foolish" My friend, it is these types of saying that was said and done out of anger and frustration that we're living in today.

Based on the way our ancestors lived, the reality is they were writing the scripts to our lives when they performed and spoke these evils in and over our lives ignorantly. Many of them, through their greed, revenge, competitiveness and their quest to seek a better life outside of Jesus Christ, etc. made the life-changing foolish decision to consult these destiny destroyers, such as witchcraft and Voodoo practitioners, to perform sacrifices and forge evil demonic covenants, which automatically enslaved their entire family bloodline to these evil altars. This, in turn, programs the life of that family, particularly their future generations, to a life of hardship, failed marriages, barrenness, sickness, anti-progress, failure, depression, etc., all in exchange for temporary and selfish comforts.  

The scriptures were transparent when it said, "Our Ancestors have sinned, and now they are dead, but we the current generation are left to carry the burden of what they've done" Lamentations 5:7. God further warned that anyone that chose to worship Idols (witchcraft, Voodoo, etc.), that he will visit the iniquities of their ancestors on the children and up to the third and fourth generation, Exodus 20:3-5, "Father reveal to me the origin of this endless cycle of defeat and failure that has been going on in my life. Father, just like your servant Nehemiah, I confess my sins and the sins of my ancestors, Nehemiah. 9:2. Lord, I stand in agreement with your word which says in Leviticus 25:40, "But if they confess their iniquity and the iniquity of their fathers in their treachery that they committed against me, and also in walking contrary to me" Lord, please forgive the iniquities of my ancestors and break the wicked covenants, contracts, and agreements that were forged in the past. Father destroy by fire every evil voice, every evil word, and every evil sacrifice that has been speaking against my destiny in the name of your son and my savior Jesus Christ! 

So, for the older folks, who love to speak so condescendingly about the present generation, make no mistake this same generation of which you speak so negatively, are the fruits of the seeds you planted in your time...........


Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Fighting The Spirit of Depression From its Origin

 Fight depression with the word of God! Depression is a spirit. Spirits only respond to and are affected by things of the spirit.
The word of God is spirit; Jesus said that the words that he speaks, his words are spirit, and they are life, according to John 6:63.

God is a spirit, according to John 4:24. John 1:1 says, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." If the word was God and God is a spirit, and he is his word, it is crystal clear that the word is the Spirit of God!

We must get in tune with the power of God, which is His word, and begin to speak to the spirits of depression with the word of God, which is the spirit of God.

For example, the spirit of depression always highlights our flaws and shortcomings. This, of course, would be those voices in your head consistently distributing negative thoughts and giving you every reason to be depressed.

It is time for you to relinquish the victim role and begin speaking the word of God. "Spirit of depression God has given me dominion over the works of his hands and has placed all things under my feet including you spirit of depression according to Psalm 8:6

I speak the word of God over me, which is the spirit of God that says, "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusts in thee," according to Isaiah 26:3. I receive this word; I bind my mind, body, and soul to this word in the name of Jesus Christ!

I shall overcome depression simply because the word of God clearly says that I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me according to the precious spirit of the Lord, which is his word according to Philippians 4:13.

Finally, I covenant with the word of God that says to me, God has given me beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning, and the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness according to the spirit of the Lord in Isaiah 61:3.

I agree with whoever you are reading this that's suffering from any type of depression. I pray that God would reinforce his angels that he's given charge over you and that they will continue to keep you in all your way, particularly with fighting and subduing the spirit of depression, according to Psalm 91:11-12.

Finally, Father, because your word can not return unto you without accomplishing what it was sent to do, we, therefore, wait in great expectation on the manifestation of the promises of your Holy word in the name of your son Jesus Christ. Amen!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

God Will Reroute Your God sent helpers Back To You.

To the person reading this post right now. God has commissioned folks to help you out of the mess you've found yourself in, but the enemy of your soul has delayed and misrouted that assigned help that was explicitly given to assist you.

Your scenario is very similar to Daniel, the prophet. God sent an angel to deliver a message to Daniel in Daniel chapter 10. However, the scripture clearly said that the angel of the Lord sent to help Daniel was DELAYED by an evil angel biblically known as "The Prince of Persia." Nevertheless, God sent one of his chief Angels, Michael, to break and subdue that evil angel of delay that was delaying the messenger angel sent to assist Daniel the prophet.

I sincerely pray tonight that the God of Daniel will again send Michael, one of his chief angels, to disable and subdue the evil invisible and visible forces delaying the help God had initially sent to help you in the mighty name of Jesus Christ!

It is my prayer, Lord, that just like in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah, when you sent physical fire and brimstone to those two cities, you will send spiritual fire and brimstone against every device, tactic, satanic strategy, evil manipulation, and craftiness of delay that has delayed the assigned help you have commissioned to help and assist your people.

Lord, frustrate the evil plans and pending results launched against your people in the spirit realm. End those spirits of lack, sickness, disappointment, delay, setback, broken marriages, anti-promotion, and anti-progress, along with all monitoring spirits assigned to spiritually cage your people.

Lord, enough is enough, and I agree with those who decided to agree with this prayer to permanently disable the powers and clouds of darkness that have hung over their lives in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

Lord, we cancel every secret evil covenant and curse that has been giving these evil forces the legal right to delay and misroute our God-intended destinies. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, they will proceed no further, and we command a seven-fold restoration in the matchless name of your son and our savior, Jesus Christ. Amen!

Kevin L A Ewing

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