Thursday, August 17, 2023

Dreams Revealing The Spirit Of Poverty

Dreams Revealing The Spirit Of Poverty Throughout my interactions with numerous individuals, a recurring concern that arises is their inability to comprehend why their diligently acquired possessions tend to elude them. Often, these individuals approach me with a plea to offer up prayers on their behalf, requesting that they be bestowed with financial abundance and liberty. Before I go into today's teaching, I want you to know that experiencing financial losses does not necessarily mean you need a miraculous economic intervention. Instead, the root of your problem may lie that you are under attack from the spirit of poverty. This spirit is responsible for sabotaging your spiritual blessings, preventing them from manifesting as physical blessings. It is not that God has not blessed you; instead, you may be unaware of the presence of this spirit that is consuming your spiritual blessings and hindering your physical blessings. According to scripture, God has already blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places (Ephesians 1:3). Everything is already in place to succeed in all areas of our lives, including our finances. Satan and his demons are spirits who understand spiritual laws and know that the spirit realm is the origin of all things. Therefore, if they can disrupt or misplace your spiritual blessings, it will result in physical losses. Specific dreams indicate you are under attack from the spirit of poverty. These dreams reveal how the enemy is stealing from you spiritually, leading to real-life financial losses. If you often dream of walking barefoot or wearing worn-out clothing or shoes, it could signify a spiritual attack from the spirit of poverty. Additionally, dreams, where you or others are constantly begging or seeking financial assistance could indicate that poverty has infiltrated all areas of your life. I'd like you to please take note of these dreams, as they may reveal more profound issues. Dreams, where you are shopping or spending money lavishly, indicate that this spirit influences you to spend your money foolishly and wastefully. The consequences of such dreams can be seen when a person struggles to account for their spending and has nothing to show for their transactions. Some dreams may appear promising on the surface but, when analyzed spiritually, reveal that the enemy is robbing you of your financial blessings and causing economic losses. For example, dreams of owning luxury items like private jets, luxury cars, or mansions, especially when financially struggling. It may seem like a sign of impending wealth. However, these dreams indicate that the enemy is influencing you to spend beyond your means, leading to financial difficulties and obligations that prevent you from enjoying any increase in your future finances. Dreams of selling your possessions or finding strangers in your home. In that case, it may be an impending financial ruin, such as foreclosure or the loss of valuable assets that would be difficult to recover from financially where you cannot access a bank or when the bank is closed, symbolizing financial blockages and restrictions. The manifestation of such dreams would be when people owe you money but cannot pay, or you cannot collect on a financial settlement or judgment. If you dream of losing money from your wallet, purse, or bag, or if you hide money in a dream and it goes missing when you try to retrieve it, it indicates that the spirit of poverty is involved in projects that will not yield any returns. Missing money in dreams signifies that this spirit is stealing your spiritual and financial blessings, preventing them from manifesting in your life. Dreams, where your finances are withheld or delayed, signify a delay in your real-life finances. For example, suppose you dream of being at an ATM machine and it malfunctions, or the power goes out when you try to withdraw money. In that case, it indicates that the spirit of poverty is delaying or hindering your spiritual finances, which will result in financial losses if not addressed. Dreams of rats, cockroaches, and missing properties also indicate the presence of the spirit of poverty in your life. Dreams where money is stolen, or you find yourself picking up cash, coins, silver, or gold suggest the influence of a pauper spirit supervised by a ruling spirit of poverty. If someone gives you money in a dream, be cautious and discerning. While some dreams of receiving money may indicate a genuine financial increase, others can be deceptive. If the person giving you money is someone you do not know or is an enemy in reality, it is an evil dream, and the money represents cursed finances. Similarly, if the money is old, dirty, torn, or a mixture of foreign currency, it signifies confusion and disorder in your finances. These dreams require immediate spiritual resistance and cancellation upon waking. Suppose you experience repetitive dreams related to these financial losses. In that case, it is essential to engage in fasting, as led by the Holy Spirit, and pray with relevant scriptures to break the curse of poverty over your life. Scriptures such as Philippians 4:19, Psalm 115:14, and Deuteronomy 28:12 can be used to declare God's provision and blessings in your finances. Based on spiritual laws, the spirit of poverty can only access your life through a covenant. Unfortunately, most folks are of these evil agreements. Therefore, renouncing and revoking any evil demonic covenants in your life, whether generational curses or established through dreams, is crucial. Ask God to reinstate His original plan for your life, particularly in your finances, in the name of Jesus Christ. It is crucial to keep in mind that the meaning of dream symbols can be influenced by factors such as one's cultural background, profession, lifestyle, and religion. Therefore, relying solely on the Holy Spirit's guidance and direction is essential when interpreting them. Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Monday, July 24, 2023

The Thermostat of The Ungrateful

Ungrateful people can be extraordinary and difficult to understand. If you have interacted with such individuals, you may have noticed that they have an overwhelming desire for more without showing appreciation for what they already have.

I have titled this lesson "The Thermostat of The Ungrateful." I chose this title because there is a clear connection between a thermostat and the mentality of an ungrateful individual. A thermostat is a regulating device that regulates the air temperature in any air-controlled environment. If the thermostat is broken, the air conditioning system loses its ability to control the air in that environment.

Before I proceed further, I want to be clear that there is a big difference between being ungrateful and simply not expressing gratitude. People have different ways of communicating their appreciation, which may differ from how we would express gratitude. Of course, this is acceptable because we are all different. However, an ungrateful person takes things for granted and possesses an almost demonic sense of entitlement. They are intoxicated with selfishness, negativity, chronic complaining, and always critical of others.

Let's return to the comparison between a thermostat and an ungrateful person's mindset. As previously mentioned, the thermostat manages the air in an air-controlled environment. However, the thermostat for the ungrateful individual would be their "shame." You're wondering how shame is supposed to act as a thermostat for the ungrateful individual. Let's define the word shame, and it will eventually make sense. Shame is a painful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by the consciousness of wrong or foolish behavior.

If an ungrateful person's shame mechanism is not functioning, they may lose their ability to regulate their behavior in particular or all areas of their life. This can lead to them repeatedly asking for favors without considering your feelings, always borrowing and begging from you. In addition, they may become defensive if you confront them about their insensitive behavior towards you. Nevertheless, the most challenging area for anyone encountering such a person is their annoying, arrogant sense of entitlement.

As a counselor, I either meet such people or counsel those who have encountered them. Amazingly, I have discovered two predominant qualities in most ungrateful people that have become pillars in their foundation. The first quality is jealousy. Yes, this may seem odd, but indulge me for a moment.

Ungrateful individuals tend to unconsciously direct their negative behavior toward those they envy. This is their way of punishing those individuals for their success. Therefore, whenever they require resources or assistance, they seek help from those they envy. However, if you refuse their request, they will politely accept it but may speak ill of you behind your back to mutual friends, portraying you as an unkind, selfish, and mean person.

This leads to my second observation of ungrateful people. Ungrateful people often possess the trait of being skilled dissemblers. A dissembler is someone who hides their true thoughts or emotions. In simpler terms, a dissembler is a deceitful person.

They will go to any lengths to achieve their goals due to their broken thermostat (shame). Their tool of choice would be flattery and playing the victim to manipulate you. They always paint a negative picture of their circumstances and claim the world is against them, conveniently leaving out any mention of those who helped them. Then, they will praise you, saying how generous and helpful you are while hiding their true feelings (jealousy) to get something from you.

I think such people are covertly disrespectful with a mild hint of bullying their victims. In other words, due to their entitlement complex, they will subtly put you in an uncomfortable position through another one of their requested favors, which would almost be impossible for you to say no to. Despite inconveniencing you, they will shower you with compliments, such as "I really appreciate" and "I don't know what I would do without you," to persuade you to grant them the favor.

I came across a scripture that references the dissembler quality of an ungrateful person, and here is what it said. "A person that hates dissembles with their lips and stores deceit within themselves. When he speaks fair, believe him not, for his heart has seven abominations. Whose hatred is covered by deceit, nevertheless, his wickedness shall be exposed before the entire congregation" Proverbs 26:24-26

Here are thirteen signs of an ungrateful person:

1. They are never satisfied with what you've done for them.

2. They take advantage of your kindness.

3. Always negative, critical, and finding fault with others.

4. They are pretty calculating and deceptive.

5. They take you for granted.

6. They unashamedly express a sense of entitlement.

7. They consistently blame others for their problems.

8. They are challenging to work with and can be uncooperative.

9. They are excellent at flattering you when they need favors.

10. They have a victim mentality.

11. They do not care about your feelings.

12. They are master manipulators.

13. They disrespectfully violate your boundaries.


Addressing the issue is usually recommended when someone's behavior is problematic. However, it's not uncommon for ungrateful individuals to twist the situation and make you out to be the unappreciative one despite all you've done for them. But if that approach doesn't work, setting boundaries and saying no when necessary is essential. These individuals can be persistent and shameless in their requests, so please be firm with your decision. If boundaries and saying no still don't work, the best course of action may be to ignore them entirely. Being bold and firm in your efforts towards these people is essential.

If all attempts to resolve this issue have been unsuccessful, it may be in your best interest to permanently distance yourself from these individuals. Evidently, they are not true friends and are only interested in using you.

Kevin L A Ewing

Sunday, June 4, 2023

Experience Is The Best Teacher

Most things can be misleading due to their packaging. Beautiful packaging can hide terrible content, and unpleasant packaging can contain something beautiful.

Many of us can agree that what we see on the outside, such as packaging, can sometimes be different from what's inside. Our mistakes in life often stem from accepting things at face value and foolishly believing that appearances accurately represent what's inside. Unfortunately, we live in a world where honesty has been replaced with dishonesty. Experience has taught us the valuable lesson of looking before we leap.
I want to tell someone this morning, "Please remember, not everything that glitters is gold." It's important to carefully examine anything that seems like a fresh start, a great deal, a new relationship, a job offer, or anything else. Your responsibility is to do thorough research, ask questions, and focus on substance rather than appearance. In the end, it's the substance that you'll have to deal with, not the temporary attractive packaging. Jesus Christ gave us a great principle that, if followed, will allow us to recognize content over packaging. Jesus said, "You will know them by their fruit" (Matthew 7:16).

The fruit of anything is a telltale sign of not only the contents but also defines whatever it is producing that particular fruit. For example, an apple can only be made by an apple tree. In other words, the fruit is just the evidence of what tree produced it.

I don't know who you are, but you must grasp this understanding. Your decision to follow the packaging will force you to deal with unnecessary content. Unfortunately, most folks tolerate the undesired contents with the hope that they'll be exposed to the packaging again........... My mother repeatedly told me, "A little can tell you what a lot will be like." My words of wisdom to you on this beautiful morning. Focus on the fruit produced by that person, place, or thing. As a reminder, a fruit is the result of a seed. Hence, what they're consistently producing reveals who they really are. And at the same time, warning you that their packaging is a mere distraction from their contents. ~Kevin L A Ewing~

Friday, September 30, 2022

A Reward Awaits Those That Will Follow Godly Instructions

 Something beautiful and very much unexpected is about to unfold for someone. The Lord said to tell you not to hold on to more than you need. Instead, you must share it with others, especially those in a lower position than yourself. Further, your assistance and making provisions for others must not be limited to those who can eventually assist you but also those who may have been unfair to you.

He said to tell you that, as crazy as his instructions may seem to you, The spiritual implications of those instructions will produce more of what you are about to receive "IF" you obey or cause you to be in a far worse state than you currently are if you choose to disobey.
The results of your obedience or disobedience will be based on the following principles, which will determine your future outcome, " There are those that will share with others, and it will result in an increase for them. Then, some decide to keep everything they have to themselves, automatically producing poverty. A
generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will one day be refreshed himself, Proverbs 11:24-25. This word is just ANOTHER confirmation of the Lord asking you to release into the life or even the lives of others so that he can channel increase to yours!!
God is watching over his word to perform it, my friend and he has promised that his word cannot return unto him void. Obedience is by far better than sacrifice!
~Kevin L A Ewing~

Monday, September 5, 2022

This Kind!

 Jesus Christ made a profound statement to his disciples regarding the invisible agents of evil that are consistently attacking us. In fact, his statement made it unequivocally clear that not all evil spirits are of the same rank or on the same level and must be handled differently.

In Jesus' statement, he was advising his disciples, who were apparently baffled as to why Jesus could cast out an evil spirit from a particular person. They were not able to do the same. Jesus said, "This "KIND" will only come out or be eradicated from a person through prayer and fasting" Matthew 17:21.

Today, I want to teach about a particular set of evil spirits typical among all humans. They are the tormenting spirits of Panic and anxiety attacks. I have suffered from such attacks and eventually became very frustrated in several attempts to rid myself of them, but they would still visit me. For some folks, the experience would come about as a sudden and overwhelming fear, an abnormal fear of dying, being fearful of enclosed environments, the abnormal fear of speaking in public, etc. In fact, anything or any setting that creates abnormal, unexplained fear will fall under panic or anxiety attacks.

I am also confident that many of you have seen your local Doctors. They, of course, would have superscribed medication such as Xanax, Ativan, Klonopin, or any other antidepressants that are supposed to either prevent the attacks or lessen the frequency of it. I am also confident that those who took this medication can say, for the most part, that the medicine made them sluggish, sleepy, etc. However, inevitably, you still had your bouts with unbearable and disgusting feelings of anxiety and panic attacks.

Well, like in so many of my articles. I am sure you would discover that due to my knowledge of the spiritual realm and my concrete belief in that realm. I found that panic and anxiety attacks in their original state are spiritual. I am suggesting that they are actual spirits or a legion of demonic spirits that systematically launch an attack on their victims to disable them, particularly in progress or potential development. Again, the victim will feel a sense of overwhelming fear, their minds racing with the worst thoughts possibly regarding the particular area they're being attacked in, accompanied in most cases by profuse sweating, fatigue, confusion, and a sense of being immobile. As a result, the victim shuts down and is discouraged from progressing in whatever area they are going or attempting to advance.

Now, in drawing a reference to the biblical story mentioned in Matthew 17:14- 21, It was recorded that a confident man came bowing to Jesus, begging him to have mercy on his son, whom he labeled a Lunatic and very angry. The father said that his son was so messed up that he would throw himself into a blazing fire and make several attempts to drown himself. Well, just like in today's world, we see and observe such occurrences as something physical and, at the same time, dismiss or never ever entertain the thought that what could be happening is spiritual.

The man then explained to Jesus that he even had his son to Jesus' disciples, who also failed to administer some form of help to this young man. Long story short, Jesus eventually healed the boy to the amazement of his disciples, so much so that his disciples asked Him how Jesus might have been able to heal the young man, and they could not do the same.

Jesus' response forces us, the readers of this particular story, and of course with his disciples back during that period, that the young man's physical behavior was just the result of what had been orchestrated by evil spirits. As long as his symptoms were addressed from a physical standpoint, failure was inevitable for whoever attempted to secure relief for this young man.

Jesus wrapped up his conclusion of the entire ordeal by indicating in his statement in Matthew 17:21 the phrase "THIS KIND." In essence, he's speaking about a presence or entity that is very much real but invisible to the human eye. Its purpose is to mislead everyone to focus on the visible instead of the invisible operating behind and influencing humans.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Detecting Monitoring Spirits Through Your Dreams

Before I proceed with today's teaching on dreams of cats and birds, I would like to mention a strange but expected dream I experienced last night.

Why did I say that the dream was expected? Well, whenever the kingdom of darkness is exposed through the knowledge of God. I assure you there will be a response, which will undoubtedly be initiated spiritually,: via our dreams.

In my dream last night, I was in what appeared to be an abandoned area. Along with me was a white gentleman who seemed to be a pilot friend. In this dream, he was running away from this cat. The cat was abnormally aggressive towards him in that the cat was relentless in his pursuit of my friend.

Strangely enough, while I was watching this unfold, there was a light green vehicle about thirty feet diagonally across from where I was standing. This car was filled with about three cats and what appeared to be a brownish-looking dog. Anyway, the cat that was pursuing my friend saw me. When he saw me, he stopped attacking my friend and began following me. As with all my dreams, there was no fear, nor did I attempt to move. However, for some reason or another, there was some invisible barrier around me that this vicious cat could not get beyond to attack me. The cat became even more aggressive, almost behaving like a human being in a rage.

The cats I mentioned earlier in the car became upset and began to behave aggressively. They eventually jumped out of the car's window, approaching me with rage and aggression. Suddenly, I heard a voice, almost as if it came from within me, that said, "Say in the name of Jesus." Like clockwork, I said to this cat, "In the name of Jesus," when I stated that it was as if the cat was electrocuted and fell to the ground with its body having uncontrollable convulsions and ending as if it was in a rigor mortis state.

As they were about to leap towards me, again I said, "In the name of Jesus," repeating this statement of course, and they all fell to the ground, only this time they were all side by side, displaying uncontrollable convulsions and eventually died.

These cats symbolize monitoring spirits sent by witchcraft practitioners to track and record their victims. The information gathered from their victims would be used for future attacks against their victims. The victim, of course, has no knowledge of this. They need to gain such understanding in this area of spiritual warfare. These cats can also be Witches attacking their victims in their dreams. Therefore, if you dream of cats watching you in your dreams or following you, the dream indicates monitoring spirits in your life. If you dream where you see birds chasing you, moving in a circular motion over your head, or even stationary watching you, the dream reveals monitoring spirits in your life. This also explains why your enemy knows your every move.

In other instances, many folks have encounters with monitoring spirits but dismiss it as if their minds are playing tricks on them. For example, I am sure most folks have had the experience of sleeping or about to go to sleep, and they felt something holding or pressing down on them in their bed or wherever they were lying. Now, this person is fully conscious at this point, maybe the Television is on their spouse or whoever is near them, but they can not talk or move for some reason. Again it's almost as if they've become paralyzed. In other instances, you would feel the presence of someone or something entering a particular room you're in. Sometimes, you'd feel the hair on your skin rise, the atmosphere becomes thick, or you experience a sense of claustrophobia.

In other cases, some folks would see dark shadows or images flash by them in their homes or specific places. In extreme cases, folks would see manifestations of a tall, dark man standing a certain distance away from them, more like a silhouette of a person standing in complete silence. In another case, a beautiful woman would manifest herself again, being silent for the most part. I have had instances where a person would experience certain electronics in their home malfunctioning or losing power. For example, they were acutely aware that they left a particular light, fan, or air conditioner on, only to wake to meet these things off. Remember that these folks are the sole residents of their homes, so obviously, no one else was there to turn these things off.

The sudden appearance of strange animals, such as cats, blackbirds, crows, etc. that mysteriously appear either on your property or across from your property are monitoring spirits. I must also add that the sudden infestation of roaches, rats, centipedes, or any insect manifestation is also a sign of monitoring spirits. One of the more telling signs of monitoring spirits is the appearance of an Owl during the daytime. Also, the formation of a long-legged bird known as a crane appears on your property or any property near you, steering at you, or no matter where you go, certain birds or cats show up, again always watching you.

A word to the wise, false prophet's tool of choice is monitoring spirits. These animals are called mediums that monitor spirits occupied to watch and observe whomever they were assigned to watch. If your home has had a sudden infestation of roaches, ants, rats, insects, or even snakes, you could be dealing with monitoring spirits and don't even know it. Through divination, they can use monitoring spirits to retrieve information on their victims to make them believe they are hearing from the Lord.

You must cancel all dreams where animals or people follow, chase, or even watch you. Ask God to bring spiritual blindness to all monitoring spirits in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth! Pray the whole armor of God of yourself and all that concerns you.

~Kevin L A Ewing!

Thursday, April 21, 2022

Spiritual Insight Into Witchcraft Dreams

People who are under witchcraft attacks often have dreams where they are challenged or fought against by people, animals, or strange creatures.

In intense witchcraft attacks, the individual might often have recurring dreams of animals, specifically dogs, attacking or attempting to attack them. These dream attacks are caused by evil spirits who take on the form of animals or other creatures and battle against the human spirit of the victim. As a result of these attacks, the victim may feel drained and fatigued even after a seemingly restful night's sleep.

Therefore, the intensity of adversities you encounter in your dreams will be equivalent to the unexpected challenges you face in real life. For instance, let's say you had a dream where a group of strange-looking men attacked you, and there was little opposition from your end. To understand this dream, let's focus on the group of strange men and the victim's lack of response. It is important to note that being attacked by a group of men indicates a more significant issue in your life. These problems may be wider than your daily routine but could have more severe and costly effects. For example, you were awoken by your smoke alarm because of an electrical fire in your home. After handling that emergency, you were involved in a car accident that resulted in the total loss of your vehicle. Upon returning home, you were blindsided by your partner's request for a divorce despite no prior indications of trouble in the relationship.

When examining the dream further, it's important to note that the victim doesn't seem to fight back against the attacker. Instead, they appear to give in to the attack. This is something that we should pay close attention to.

To clarify, the victim in this dream represents their human spirit or soul rather than their physical body. This suggests their spiritual source is vulnerable to the various spiritual forces working against them. According to spiritual law, "If we faint in the day of adversity, our strength is weak" (Proverbs 24:5). Therefore, the strange men appearing in the dream are actually evil spirits of misfortune, stagnation, poverty, and divorce, among others, overpowering the human spirit and, ultimately, affecting one's life.

I have repeatedly said that our spiritual life dictates our day-to-day material life. So, the aid of witchcraft is to assist in undermining the victim spiritually, which will, by default, disable them in their daily material life. The concept of witchcraft involves battling someone spiritually through performing specific rituals and ceremonies that the evil spirit demands to obtain their assistance. Naturally, this requires a spiritual agreement between the practitioner and the spirits, commonly called an evil covenant.

Once the covenant is achieved, the evil spirits must still submit to the rules that govern the spirit world as it relates to the victim. In Lamen's terms, no matter how powerful an evil spirit may present itself, it is still required to have legal cause to attack its victim. The law clearly states, "The curse without a cause shall not come" Proverbs 26:2. Therefore, these spirits observe their victims' lives spiritually, focusing on unconfessed sins, ancestral covenants, curses, or any actions that violate God's law. As a result, I advise people that if witchcraft is present in their lives, they should analyze what is happening in their lives, particularly their dreams that may be causing it, according to spiritual principles.

Many people have experienced dreams where they find themselves running away from individuals, groups, animals, or even unknown assailants. Using Biblical principles as a guide, we can understand that such dreams may reveal the victim's lifestyle and behavior. According to Proverbs 28:1, the wicked flee even when there's no danger, while the righteous are bold and brave like lions. Therefore, the dreamer must contemplate why they were running from their pursuers. If they are truly righteous, why didn't they stand up to their opponents instead of fleeing?"

So, back to dreaming of dogs. As I said earlier, those attacked by witchcraft commonly have dreams about being chased or attacked by dogs. Again, the dogs, in this case, represent evil spirits. However, the type and size of the dogs would also mean the rank of that spirit and the level of attack against you. The experiences depicted in your dreams are actual spiritual occurrences that will affect your daily life. If you've had dreams where puppies were attacking you. Such dreams may define tormenting spirits assigned to cause you distress. As a result, you may notice minor mishaps, such as frequently hitting your toe on the corner of your bed, experiencing "accidents" with breaking dishes, and items slipping out of your hand. This overall behavior of clumsiness could be linked to these dreams. Just a heads up, if you experience recurring dreams where dogs are attacking you, it could be a sign that a family member is behind such spiritual attacks.

In contrast, if the individual dreams of being attacked by a Pitbull dog, it may indicate significant challenges in their day-to-day life. After experiencing such a dream, it is common for the individual to struggle with recalling it. In fact, the more they try to remember the dream, the more fragmented and scattered it becomes. Again, these are all signs of witchcraft attacks levied against the victim. In the victim's day-to-day life, they should expect confusion in almost every environment they enter. Secondly, they will encounter unusual rejection. The spirit of rejection causes individuals to be consistently turned away by those who should provide assistance, support, resources, and opportunities. Afterward, the attack is strengthened by a spirit of abandonment. In such situations, the individual may experience overwhelming feelings of loneliness, confusion, and disturbing thoughts related to death and depression. It's important to note that the person's mental and emotional state (soul) is targeted by these evil spirits of witchcraft rather than their physical being. In fact, whatever is happening to them physically is the result of what is happening spiritually.

In some cases, if a person is bitten by a dog or another animal in their dream, they may experience unexplained illnesses in their physical body. Victims of such dreams may experience unusual swelling in various parts of their body. Additionally, they may start to appear older than their actual age. Other symptoms include discoloration on the face and skin diseases that are difficult to cure. The intention behind these actions is to disconnect the victim from reality by diverting their attention towards witchcraft manipulations instead of the power of God.

As these traumatic experiences continue, the individual may frequently have dreams where they lose or misplace their vehicle. Another common dream involves the victim constantly dreaming about their home's roof leaking or strange men working on it. Instead of fixing the roof, the men working on it seem to be destroying it or unable to finish the repairs. As a side note, when dreaming of a house, it is often interpreted as a symbol for a person. In this context, the roof would represent the individual's mind.

Be attentive; having these dreams is usually a sign that witchcraft or sorcery may be directed toward you. It is also important to remember that this is a spiritual battle you are facing. Any physical harm or negative experiences you may encounter are just a result of what has been achieved against you in the spiritual realm.

To overcome and subdue such evil, it is a must that you subscribe to righteous living. This involves accepting the Lord Jesus Christ as your savior and developing an intense relationship with him. You are automatically susceptible to witchcraft attacks if you are not a Believer of Jesus Christ or a Believer of Jesus Christ, but there are unconfessed sins in your life.

People often ask if someone who isn't a believer in Jesus Christ can be delivered from witchcraft attacks. The answer is yes, but it's only a temporary solution. Eventually, those spirits will return because the person doesn't have the spiritual protection believers of Christ have. This protection is explained in Ephesians 6:11-17. It is in the best interest of a person who has yet to accept Christ as their savior to do so to experience the spiritual benefits of being a believer in Jesus Christ.

As a Christian who conducts deliverance, it is crucial to prioritize fasting as a part of your Christian discipline. As we have been taught, evil spirits have varying ranks, and it is equally important to use the proper method to expel them, depending on their level. According to Matthew 17:21, scriptural rules dictate that some evil spirits can only be removed through prayer and fasting. Therefore, it is reasonable to conclude that prayer alone may not be effective in some instances of deliverance.

Minister Kevin Ewing

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