This is no new revelation. In fact, if we go back to the Old Testament in Exodus 7, the scripture provides us with the knowledge that Pharaoh's magicians, wise men, and enchanters were able to duplicate some of the miracles that Moses and his brother Aaron performed. Then we also see that in the New Testament, in Revelations 16:13-14, evil spirits will be working miracles.
Based on our teachings of the spiritual law according to Ecclesiastes 9:11, which has clearly revealed the law of promotion and advancement, one must ask what would be Satan's counterattack to this law? If time and opportunity are the agents of progress and promotion, then delay and distraction will be the opposing forces.
God's ultimate goal is to help humanity advance. However, this progress can only be achieved through man's adherence to scripture's laws, principles, and protocols. Satan's main objective is to hinder man's advancement by luring him into connecting with people, things, or environments that serve no purpose other than to distract and delay man from fulfilling his divine assignments and seizing opportunities for growth and promotion.
So, let's say God had it designed for you to meet Mr. or Ms. Right next week on Tuesday at 10 a.m. to start the beginning of a relationship that will lead to marriage and, eventually, ministry together. Satan will always send in a carbon copy of God's plan to distract you from that divine appointment with the overall intent of delaying your advancement. Again, this is nothing new when it comes to satanic strategies in distracting and delaying man's advancement. As you would recall, God promised Abraham a child with his wife, Sarah. Because Sarah could not wait on God's divine appointment with time and opportunity to bring forth Issac, Sarah was distracted and delayed by the enemy when she insisted that her husband Abraham sleep with their maid Hagar to "assist God" with his will for their life in bringing forth the promised child. Well, we all know what happened as a result of that.
Since you're gaining a better understanding of how things work, you may have noticed that the agents of distraction and delay are immediately assigned to counteract your divine appointment with time and opportunity. Have you noticed everything in your life seems on hold since you connected with a particular church? Your gifts and talents are not utilized, and your prayers are unanswered. Based on the laws of promotion and demotion, do you still believe that God led you to that church, or could it be that the agents of distraction and delay led you there, thereby hindering your progress?
Another example is that you know well that ever since you began a relationship with that person, everything in your life seems to be drying up, and opportunity seems elusive. You've probably even made plans to marry this person, but time and time again, the spirit of the Lord has revealed to you that this person is the front man for Satan's agents of distraction and delay, keeping you away from God's best for you.
It's worth asking God for the courage to free yourself from the distractions and delays keeping you from where you want to be. You may have been married with kids or promoted by now. But it's as if this invisible force is connecting you with people, places, and things to prevent you from going forward.
Father, in the name of your son Jesus Christ! I break the curse of delay, setback, mis-opportunity, and misplaced appointed times in the life of the person reading this article. I command the enemy to restore this person according to your word in Proverbs 6:31, which declares that the thief must restore seven-fold what he's stolen initially from this person.
Dear Father, I humbly pray for this person according to your word in Joel 2:25. I ask for your restoration, that you would restore to them all the years that the enemy has covertly and overtly stolen from them. I pray that you will advance them to where they should have been at this stage of their life in the mighty name of your son, Jesus Christ. Amen!
Written By: Kevin L A Ewing
Shabbat Shalom Brother Ewing,
ReplyDeleteThe spirit of truth has lead me to this post. I am a 36 year old man who has been brought to life after being washed in the blood of Yahusha(jesus) at 33. Before my immersion I was in the streets and in a dead end relationship. I lost 9 plus years due to lack of discernment. before the relationship I was doing great, 3 semesters in college, completed a trade school and more. doors where opening as I began to read the word and trust the Most High. But then I lost focus and fell for the fair speech just like in PV 7. The same week I broke up with my ex I had a dream with these men who had gold in there mouths and wrist, they gave me a gun and as I walked in the street I was shot in my side by the cops. I ran the the rest room in notice myself dying in the mirror I looked like a zombie. For that next year in a half I felt a sharp pain in my side where I got shot in the dream. I've witnessed even deeper stuff then that. I fasted so much to cast off the enemy I lost like 80 pounds at the time back in 2017.
Anyway thank you for your service it really is a great help.
Rephayah Yahudah Yisreal(NYC)
Amen I come in to full agreement of this plan in Jesus mighty name!
ReplyDeleteI connect myself to this prayer by the servant of GOD and declare it is settled in my life in JESUS MIGHTY Name Amen 🙏
Amen in Jesus Christ our Sovereign Lord and King.
ReplyDeleteThank you man of God. This came at the perfect time as I just came out of a dream where a spider tried it best to attach itself to me but I fought it off and bat it away. This morning, I set the fire of God on that spider and it's eggs and babies. It's end is ashes right now, in Jesus name. After this dream I awoke with this scripture: If God be for us, who or what can stand against us? Nothing.
ReplyDeleteI receive the prayers over my life and let it be so. Halleluyah.
ReplyDeleteHallelujah and Amen!! To God be the Glory!!
ReplyDeleteIn the Mighty Matchless Name of Yashuah! I receive and believe this prayer over my life and the lives of my immediate family Amen 🙏🏿
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteIn the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ I bind myself to this prayer in Jesus Name AMEN!
ReplyDeleteI come in agreement with this prayer, in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ.
ReplyDeleteand it so Amen and Amen !
ReplyDeleteAmen and Amen
ReplyDeleteHeavenly father I pray that you shut the door to the enemy and open the doors to possibilities of new beginnings,opportunities. I no longer think in a way I can do all things by myself. Because you the great alpha God who can do all things.🙏🏾
ReplyDeleteIn Jesus Christ of Nazareth Amen
ReplyDeleteDear Min. Ewing, as I read your article flash backs of my life began to reveal the reason for the challenges in my life. Thank you for such great teachings. I am spending quality time in the WORD. I also want to thank you for the prayers you've included at the end of this article. I must say that the LORD is using your ministry to deliver and changes my life and the lives of my family. May God continue to richly bless you and family.
ReplyDeleteAmen hallelujah received