Showing posts with label Dreams. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dreams. Show all posts

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Building Our Spirit Man For Dream Warfare

While interpreting a dream for a friend today, he revealed that he doesn't understand why, as of late, it seems as if he's fearful in his dreams. He added that even though he knows that he should be speaking God's word against the evil opponents in his dream. For some reason, he becomes paralyzed with fear and fail to resist his opponents in his dreams.

After reciting his dream to me, he quickly mentioned that he's committed to his prayer life and finds early Morning Prayer to be one of the best times for him to pray.

My first question to him was, "You are not a frequent reader of your bible, are you?" Well, he sheepishly looked at me with a guilty smile, nodding his head to confirm what I had already determine based on his behavior in his dream.

You may wonder what this guy reading his Bible has to do with overcoming his fears and achieving victory in his dreams. Well, I am happy that you asked. As a reminder, our physical being is refueled and energized by natural food such as meats, dairy fruits, etc. However, our spirit is fueled by things of the spirit, which In the case of a Christian, his or her spiritual food would be their reading of the Holy Bible or exposure to God's word. Therefore, if one neglects reading the scriptures, their spirit becomes spiritually malnourished. Consequently, he or she becomes spiritually weak and vulnerable to the attacks and consumed by fear of evil spirits in the spirit realm, which would be their dreams.

The scriptures remind us that one of the functions of the Holy Spirit is to bring to our recollection the things that Christ has said (which are the Holy Scriptures) according to John 14:26. However, the only way the Spirit of truth can perform this; we must commit ourselves to read the word of God. Jesus said, "The words that I speak they are SPIRIT and they are LIFE," John 6:63. So, in essence, the word of God, which is Spirit, empowers our spirit and energizes it with LIFE!

I advised this gentleman that his dreams reveal that he must either saturate his spirit with reading the word of God or exposing himself to biblical teaching saturated with the Word of God to strengthen his spirit man and defeat his evil spiritual opponents in his dreams.

I would like to point out here that such dreams speak volumes related to our spiritual life. Make no mistake, in the world of the spirit realm, demonic forces are fully aware of the spiritual state of its victim during their interaction in the spirit realm during the course of their dream.

As you would recall, the gentleman made it clear that he's an avid praying person. Well, I left a sobering thought with him when I said to him that prayer would be us talking to God but reading his word would be God talking to us!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Friday, August 5, 2016

Wisdom regarding your dreams

Not because you've had a good dream it would suggest that your dream will automatically come to pass.

As with a bad dream, upon waking from a bad dream you must immediately cancel your bad dream in an effort to prevent its physical manifestation in your life. Well, the opposite is also true. If you've had a good dream then you must come in agreement with God concerning his will for your life so that there would be no delay or non-manifestation of what God has revealed to you in your dream.

As a reminder, our dreams are spiritual and as such the spiritual realm is always seeking agreement or covenant with Human beings in order to manifest its will in the earth. If you're not sure if your dream was a good dream or not, then the best prayer to pray would be the following:

"Father, if my dream was of you then I come in complete agreement with your will and purpose for my life. However, if my dream was not of you but was demonically initiated, then I reject, renounce, rebuke and cancel any and all evil covenants and subtle demonic agreements that were established in my dream and that it will never manifest in my life in the name of your son and our savior Jesus Christ. Amen!

One of the worse positions a person could find themselves in, is a position where they’re not dreaming or unable to recall their dreams. Our dreams are our spiritual monitors allowing us to peer into the spirit realm and to receive excerpts of what’s pending for us or against us in the spiritual realm. The spiritual realm is the origin of all things. In other words before anything is manifested in our natural world is was previously conceived in the unseen world, which we refer to as the spirit world.

Again, if you’ve had a bad dream then upon waking cancel it in the spirit so that it won’t manifest in the natural. If it’s a good dream, then come in agreement with it in the spirit via prayer so that nothing will delay or setback your physical blessing in the natural.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Friday, July 29, 2016

Why Am I Dreaming So Much

For God speak once, yea twice, yet man perceives it not. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls upon men, in slumbering upon the bed;

Then he opens the ears of men and seals their instruction that he may withdraw man from his purpose and hide pride from man. Job 33:14-17.

Many people, both saved and unsaved, receive messages from God through their dreams. Unfortunately, the majority of these individuals tend to disregard these messages. I, too, used to be guilty of ignoring my dreams until I discovered my natural talent for interpreting them. It's worth noting that before this discovery, disregarding my dreams resulted in significant personal losses.

If you are experiencing a recurring series of dreams, particularly if you have not had them before, consider who or what has entered your life since these dreams began. If these dreams have negative themes, it is possible that the person you have recently connected with or an object you have acquired could be the source of the strange happenings in your life. Your dreams may attempt to highlight this as the root cause of your problems.

Have you experienced unsettling dreams since purchasing a new car or home? Have you dreamt of strange creatures roaming your house or of someone or something chasing you? Has your new car or home gone missing in your dreams? Your dreams may indicate a curse associated with your recent purchase or connection.

In Genesis 20, King Abimelech took Sarah, Abraham's wife, to sleep with her. However, this resulted from a lie that Abraham and Sarah agreed to tell King Abimelech, claiming that they were siblings. Interestingly, the scripture says that God visited King Abimelech in his dream by night and said, "Behold, thou art but a dead man, for the woman which thou has taken; for she is a man's wife." Now, here it is that since King Abimelech took Abraham's wife, Sarah, it immediately invoked a curse of death on his life. Nevertheless, God spoke to him in a dream, warning King Abimelech to release Sarah to her husband or suffer the consequences.

Some of you reading this article may have received a clear message from God through a dream, either yours or someone else's. The message may have been not to marry a particular person or not to accept anything from a specific individual or group. However, you may have ignored God's instructions due to your desires. This decision may have already cost you or will eventually lead to negative consequences. 
Several years ago, I can recall a situation when I met a man labeled a prophet by others. They claimed he was devoted to God and passionate about His work. Despite these claims, I felt uneasy about him in my spirit.

Over a few weeks, I had two dreams involving this same prophet. In the first dream, I found myself in a hotel room where I could see the "prophet," but he couldn't see me. He seemed to be secretly brewing some kind of witchcraft potion. At one point, he stopped what he was doing and looked in my direction, though he seemed unsure if someone was there. In the second dream, I was in a small community surrounded by military men with machine guns. They forced me into a jeep filled with adults and children, but I couldn't see their faces. I saw spirit-like beings emerging from the ground as we drove to a familiar location. At the end of the dream, the same "prophet" from the first dream emerged from the ground, also in spirit form, in front of the jeep. At that point, I heard a stern voice that warned me, "Do not take anything from that "prophet."

I later discovered that the individual referred to as a "prophet" had a history of involvement with witchcraft before their conversion to Christianity and continued to participate in it. Surprisingly, the pastors allowed this person to preach and pray over congregation members. I had the choice to disregard the instructions given in the dream, but like King Abimelech, I chose to obey the voice of the Lord, preventing any potential harm or trouble.

I don't know who this message is for, but I feel compelled to share that God may be trying to communicate with you through your dreams. If you have the same dream repeatedly or wake up from a dream only to fall back asleep and continue the same dream, it's not a coincidence. This could be God revealing something to you or warning you about the enemy's plans for your life. It's important to remember that God knows everything and often uses our dreams to guide us spiritually.

The spirit world is the parent world to our material world. The spirit world is where everything is conceived. Our material world is the distribution center of what was created spiritually. Those unaware of the spirit world or lacking the understanding of their engagement of the spirit world via their periods of dreaming could become a casualty of war due to their ignorance. Therefore, please pay serious attention to your dreams. One of the more common ways of associating your dreams with reality. Always compare what is currently going on with your real life and the dreams you are experiencing at that time. 

For example, ever since you became friends with a specific person, you have had frequent negative dreams concerning this person. Secondly, most symbols in our dreams would be relative to stuff we're familiar with, such as our jobs, family, religion, property, etc., so interpreting such symbols would be comparable to their role in our lives.

Kevin L A Ewing

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Signing Documents In A Dream

wrote an article some time ago about dreams where we are required to, or there is a demand for us to sign a specific document or certain papers in our dreams. In that particular article, I also mentioned that such dreams are usually presented to us when there is a breakthrough, miracle, or blessing from God on the horizon.

Well, I can vividly recall a dream that I had years ago. In this dream, a lady who appeared to be a former co-worker began to interact with me. Suddenly, we're in what seems to be a kitchen area, even though I didn't recall seeing any kitchen appliances. Anyway, we were in a home that I was not familiar with, and she was moving from room to room as if she was preparing to go somewhere. While preparing, she briefly chatted with me but never seems to be focused on whatever she's doing.

Anyway, I am now looking at a table that is in the center of this "kitchen," and these pair of hands appeared pointing towards a colored document. While I did not see a body attached to these hands. The actions of the hands were as if it was speaking to me through its gestures. The hands began to point at different sections of this document, that upon giving it a closer inspection, it now appeared to be an "expense report." So after the hands pointed at all of the sections on this document, the hands finally pointed at the bottom that required my signature.

It was at this point that I woke up out of the dream. Now, I don't recall signing this document. Still, just to be on the safe side, I immediately went into prayer, renouncing, rejecting, canceling, and rebuking any and all evil covenants that the enemy attempted to have me agree to spiritually via that malicious document in my dream. As a reminder, our dreams are real, and they're continually revealing the root of our matters from a spiritual perspective. As a reminder, whatever is conceived in the spiritual world, our natural world is the platform where it is manifested via covenant.

Consequently, even though our physical bodies are asleep, our human spirits are conscious of the spirit realm via our dreams. Alternatively, our spirits are fully engaged with the activities of the spirit world. It is this world that the enemy knows most of us are not familiar with, so he takes full advantage of our ignorance in this area. The scriptural law that supports Satan and his evil spirits taking advantage of us in our dreams is found in Matthew 13:25, which states the following, "But while men "SLEPT," his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way."

So, in essence, had I signed that document, the reality is my spirit would have agreed with the spirit that was instructing me to sign whatever that document represented. There were too many red flags in my dream that made it easy to determine that it was a dream from the enemy's camp seeking spiritual approval to secure the legal rights to oppress me physically. For example, what was the purpose of being in an unknown house with a former co-worker that I haven't seen in well of 15 years? Secondly, Why is she chatting with me but really, I didn't understand what she said to me, and she's very unfocused in this dream. Almost as if her behavior was intended to distract me. Finally, not only am I in a kitchen with no stove or refrigerator, but why am I observing a pair of hands that do not have a body attached to it, insisting that I signed what appeared to be an expense report? What was this expense report about, how did I incur the alleged charges on this expense report, who is giving the approval or disapproval of this expense report?

During the time of this dream, I was, in reality, employed at FedEx as an Account Executive, and it was normal for me to have interactions with expense reports. Well, these spirits choreograph this dream in such a way that they knew I would be familiar with an expense report and more likely to sign it. By doing this, they would have achieved the necessary approval spiritually to attack my finances. If you recall, God appeared to King Solomon in his dream and asked king Solomon what he would want him to do for him, 1 Kings 3:5. Remember, King Solomon is physically asleep. So if King Solomon is sleeping, then who was God speaking to? Well, God was speaking to the real king Solomon who was King Solomon's spirit. However, the point I am attempting to get at is that God gave King Solomon his request IN HIS DREAM! God is a spirit, according to John 4:24. Therefore, God, who is a spirit, gave the spirit of King Solomon wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and riches, which were all in their raw state, which we know to be spiritual that would eventually manifest physically in King Solomon's life. As proof that Solomon's gifts of wisdom, knowledge, and understanding were spiritual and given to him by God. Let's review a similar scripture. The book of Isaiah 11:2 said the following, "And the spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him (Jesus Christ), the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord." Again, all of these spiritual events are taking place in Solomon's dream to advance him in reality!

This is why you need to place serious attention on who or what is offering you whatever in your dream or what is it that you're being asked to sign in your dream simply because it will have severe spiritual and physical implications in your life. Your signing whatever document in your dream is literally forging a covenant with spirits to have legal access to your life. Again, such dreams are in an attempt to block what God has pending for you in the not too distant future.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Monday, May 23, 2016

Are You Spiritually Authorized To Effectively Rebuke Dreams

I can assure you that any kingdom, organization, company, or group operating effectively and successfully will directly result from the delegated authority distributed and levied on whom authority within those organizations is given.

The word authority is defined as the power to determine, adjudicate, or otherwise settle issues or disputes. It is also defined as the right to control, command, or decide over whatever you've been given authority.

As it relates to our dreams, our portals into the spirit realm. We must be authorized or understand our authority related to rebuking, commanding, or simply understanding what we can and cannot do in the spirit realm. I have counseled and met with many folks to discuss their dream. Some of the folks I've met with would say to me, "Minister Ewing! There were certain dreams that I have followed your advice on as it relates to canceling. Nevertheless, weeks or months later, what I thought I canceled in the spirit via my dreams seems to be playing out in my life all over again".

The above scenario is a classic example of our teaching today: understanding our authority and the authority of spirits in the spirit realm. In the realm of the spirit, there are many ranks of spirits. For example, in the book of Daniel, chapter 10:10-14, it is discovered that the prince of Persia was a high-ranking demon, a principality to be exact, that spiritually ruled the earthly kingdom of Persia. This principality delayed the messenger angel (Gabriel)  from continuing his journey to earth to give Daniel his message. In fact, this demonic prince was so powerful that he delayed the messenger angel (Gabriel) for twenty-one days. The scripture then reveals that Michael, one of the chief prince angels from the kingdom of God, came and resisted the Prince demon from the kingdom of Satan.

The above-noted passage of scripture gives us a glimpse of ongoing activities in the spirit realm that we are unaware of unless God reveals it to us in our dreams or visions. Therefore, if a messenger angel sent from God to deliver a message to a human being was able to be delayed by a high-ranking demon in the spirit realm. What would be the case for those human beings who enter the spirit realm via their dreams with zero authority in that realm?

The reality is that only Jesus Christ can give us authority related to spiritual things, especially when it comes to subduing and resisting the evil and opposing spirits that challenge us from the spirit realm. Firstly, the requirement for Jesus' authority to be given to us to challenge these evil spirits, we must believe that Jesus Christ actually exists and accept him into our lives as our lord and savior. Amazingly, when this occurs, we are immediately given power over spiritual entities opposing us, such as evil spirits, demons, and the like. The following is biblical proof: "The seventy-two returned with joy and said, "Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name." "I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and overcome all the enemy's power; nothing will harm you," Luke 10:17, 19.

As you would have read, the additional seventy-two disciples that clearly believed and accepted that Jesus was the Christ were able to legally use the name of Jesus Christ to challenge, defeat, and ultimately make demons submit to them. Jesus now explains in Luke 10:19 why they were able to exercise such power. Jesus said that he had given them "AUTHORITY" to trample or subdue snakes and scorpions. Before I proceed any further, I would like to provide an understanding of the terms snakes and scorpions. Snakes and scorpions are terms used to symbolize evil spirits, but, more importantly, their behavior and characteristics in the spirit world mirror that of these same creatures in the natural. Joel 2:25 gives another example: "And I will restore the years that the locust hath eaten, the canker-worm, the Caterpillar, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you." Again the insects in this text were not literally eating away at human beings. Instead, the insects are the personification of how evil spirits were attacking and devouring their spiritual blessings.

Think about it for a second. Do you really believe Jesus was giving power and authority to his disciples to subdue animals? Or were the insects in Joel 2:25 really eating away at the lives of those described in the text? Nevertheless, you are literally a sitting duck in the spirit realm if you're not a member of the body of Christ because the authority and power to successfully fight in the spirit realm can only come via accepting Jesus Christ.

The bible provides a clear-cut example of the consequences of what can happen when someone attempts to use unauthorized power against evil spirits. In Acts 19. it is recorded that the sons of Sceva tried to use force and authority that was not given to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

"Then some Jews who went around trying to drive out demons attempted to use the name of the Lord Jesus on those who had evil spirits, saying, "I command you by that Jesus whom Paul preaches!" "And there were seven sons of one Sceva, a Jew and chief of the priests. The evil spirit answered them, "I know Jesus, and I recognize Paul--but who are you?" And the man, in whom was the evil spirit, leaped on them and subdued all of them and overpowered them so that they fled out of that house naked and wounded", Acts 19:13-16.

So, are you or have you been authorized to use the name and power of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ against the evil spirits challenging you spiritually or even physically? If your answer is no, this would explain why you're rebuking and canceling bad dreams that seem not to be working, or the attacks would stop for a season and return. In such a case, it was probably the grace of God working for you as a non-Believer or the generational blessings from your ancestors who were committed to Jesus Christ.

Please, why not take this opportunity and ask Jesus Christ to take up residence in your heart? Tell him you're tired of living a defeated, shallow, and hopeless life that has left you completely exposed to the wiles of the Devil. Once you would have made this life-changing move, then at that very moment, you will be given the power to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you according to the promise made by Jesus in Luke 10:19.

If these teachings are building you spiritually and advancing your thinking with revelations. Please share them with others so that they would be liberated also.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Masquerading Spirits In Our Dreams

This afternoon, I had a brief dream that I've decided to share with you as a teachable moment.

I drifted off to sleep shortly after 5 pm. Immediately, I found myself in a dream. In this dream, I was standing in my living room and noticed my door was ajar. I could see the bright sunlight beaming through the portion of the door that was partially open.

As I approached the door to close it, I noticed a person standing at the front of the entrance. I pulled the door completely open to see who this person was. It appeared to be a cousin of mine dressed in a white Bahamas Defense Force uniform.

Surprisingly, she had her head downward as if she didn't want me to see her face. She was motionless, and it seemed she was waiting for me to invite her in. For some reason or another, even though this person's structure appeared to be my cousin, something just didn't seem right. Aside from that, the more I attempted to get a good look at her face, the more it appeared not to be my cousin. So I shouted, "You are not my cousin; I recognize you, you masquerading spirit, and I rebuke you in the Name Of Jesus."

Well, immediately after I rebuked this masquerading spirit impersonating my cousin in my dream, it disappeared, and I woke up. Here is why such a dream is a teachable moment related to understanding our dreams. My home in the dream represents my life. The masquerading spirit that decided to impersonate my cousin was attempting to obtain my trust in the dream to invite it into my life (home).

As a reminder, spirits need human permission or approval to manifest their will on the earth, specifically in a person's life. Again, a masquerading spirit, which is an evil spirit, could be a spirit of sickness, poverty, delay, anxiety, depression, etc., disguised as someone we are familiar with or unfamiliar with. If I invited this spirit into my home, I would have established an evil covenant between me and the spirit to operate in my natural life. However, because I immediately canceled what that spirit had pending for my life from the spirit realm, there cannot be any manifestation in my life in the natural realm.

This dream also reveals the spirit of truth, which is the Holy Spirit revealing to me that this masquerading spirit was not my cousin but a masquerading spirit. Look at what the bible says about Satan and his evil workers regarding their ability to masquerade. "Don't be surprised, for Satan is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore, it is no great thing if his ministers can transform as ministers of righteousness, whose end shall be according to their works" 2 Corinthians 11:14, 15. This is why I insist you make reading your bible or exposing yourself to preaching or teaching of the Word of God. The purpose of this is the word of God, which is spirit feeds your human spirit once exposed to it. As a result, your success in your dreams will be more frequent because there is better communication between your human spirit and the Holy Spirit against the evil forces targeting you in the spirit realm via your dream.

This is about the fifth or sixth time I have had a dream in which a person outside my home attempted to convince me to let them inside my house. In any event, such a dream would result from the enemy failing to physically secure entry into your life via temptation. It will now resort to covertly trying to secure an agreement from the dreamer via their dream to begin the process of misery in the dreamer's life.

Once again, these teachings on dreams bring clarity and understanding to your dreams and cause you to put the pieces of revelation together to unlock the mysteries of your life.

Kevin L A Ewing

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Put on your spiritual armor prior to going to sleep

It is of vital importance that before going to bed, you must cover yourself with the whole armor of God according to Ephesians. 6:11, 13. Then you must ask God to expose every hidden agenda of the enemy in your dreams, again, before bedtime. Begin making your verbal declarations that you refuse to come to any agreement with any covert or overt evil covenant and that you will rely solely on the aid of the Holy Spirit throughout the course of your dreams, particularly in the area of exposing masquerading spirits.

Finally, ask God to reveal to you via the spirit realm through the portal of your dreams, every enemy, and device of evil pending and currently against you along with his instructions for you to overcome the enemy in the spirit so that his plans will be canceled in the natural.

Now, thank God for the victory that you believe you already have by faith in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen!

Written By Kevin L A Ewing

Friday, May 13, 2016

Dreams Representing Delays pending For A Person's Life

So this morning, I had a dream that I was not at all surprised. In my dream, I dreamt that I was at an airport with one piece of luggage. This piece of luggage was on wheels, and I was pushing it towards my gate.

Anyway, just before I got to my gate, there was a narrow passage that I had to enter that would actually take me to the gate. I can recall placing the luggage before me, pushing it through this narrow passage. Within a few seconds, we were at the entrance where other people were waiting for the flight to be called, but I could not locate my luggage for some strange reason. I can recall frantically looking for my luggage. I saw similar luggage, but there were other names written on the identification tags when I inspected it.

Two police
officers were standing at the rear of my flight gate area, but the site where the police were located seems to be a lost and found area for luggage. I entered this small space again, searching frantically for my luggage but had no success finding it. I can also recall that just before the dream ended, I was perplexed and frustrated that I could not find my luggage and all of my personal and much-needed stuff was in there.


I started out by saying that this dream was more or less expected. My reason for saying this is since I have several engagements on the horizon and based on the contents of the dream it is clearly revealing an overall understanding of pending delay, coupled with frustration and fatigue.

The dream started off with me being at an airport. An airport in a dream symbolizes preparation and transition. My luggage in the dream that contained my clothing and personal effects would represent the tools needed to execute my future assignments. So far, the dream is revealing from a spiritual perspective that I am fully prepared to complete my coming tasks. However, the dream will show an attack pending in the spirit realm, specifically against those assignments.

As you would recall, I mentioned that I was rolling my luggage towards my flight gate, but before getting to my flight gate, there was a narrow passage that I had to go through and it was only when I came through this narrow passage to get to my flight gate I noticed that the luggage that was initially in front of me went missing. Now, because I did not see anyone take the bags and the luggage just disappeared, this part of the dream is now revealing that the source behind this pending attack is spiritual, and the leading spirit in this attack is the spirit of delay!!

Obviously, suppose all of my personal belongings are in my only piece of luggage. In that case, it is almost impossible for me to perform or complete my assignments where I am headed, clearly revealing the spirit of delay. Secondly, I mentioned that just before the dream ended, I felt a sense of confusion and fatigue, of course, due to not being able to locate my luggage. Confusion and frustration are the accompanying spirits that work along with the spirit of delay to further incapacitate the dreamer.

Well, because of my knowledge of dreams, upon waking, I went into intense prayer, declaring directly to the spirit realm by canceling and rebuking the dream and commanding that its spiritual contents will never manifest in reality. I have decided to share this particular dream, especially with those looking forward to great future expectations such as promotions. Dreams such as what I have mentioned clearly reveal to the dreamer what they cannot see in the spirit realm pending against them under normal circumstances.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Basic Rules And Principles That Governs Our Dreams

God's original plan for man in terms of man's position in the earth would be found in Genesis 1:28, "And God blessed them, and God said unto them, be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moves upon the earth".

Based on the above scripture, several things are made crystal clear regarding God's original intent for mankind. Primarily, we were created to advance, increase, multiply, and overpower whatever challenges our progress. Secondly, God gave man and not spirits dominion over the earth.

On the other hand, Satan's plan for man is quite the opposite. Scripture says the following, "The thief (which is Satan) comes only, to steal, kill, and destroy" John 10:10. These are crucial points to stick a pin in when it comes to our dreams. These principles set the bases of all dreams, meaning that despite how complicated or straightforward a dream may present itself, the above principles should always be our GPS as to how we navigate to the accurate interpretation of our dreams.

So, to put it in simple terms, the purpose of our dreams are:

a) To reveal to us what's pending in the unseen world (the spirit world) or to reveal to us the root causes of the mysteries surrounding our lives.

b) For spirit beings to covertly or overtly forge covenants to manifest their purpose/will in our natural world

With that said, the first thing we should do when attempting to understand our dreams is to decipher if our dream is from God or Satan. We calculate this by using Genesis 1:28 and John 10:10. If the dream is from God, then the contents of the dream will inevitably be about advancing, promoting, replenishing, etc., or it will be about things that will benefit us. On the other hand, if the dream is consistent with things being taken from us, stuff going missing, death, destruction, etc., clearly, such a dream is from the kingdom of darkness.

In either case, because God has given man and not spirits dominion in and of the earth, spirits cannot just do what they want to do whenever they desire to do in the earth. Instead, human assistance, but more importantly human approval, be it covertly or overtly is a MUST to manifest the will of spirit beings in the earth. Surprisingly this also includes God. Now I know that many of you are challenged by the fact that I said that God needs man approval or permission to operate in the earth, and I am sure your reasoning would be God needs no one's permission to operate anywhere simply because he's God. Well, aside from the scriptures that clearly indicate that the earth and its responsibility was given to man, Psalm 115:16 and that God gave man dominion or rule over the affairs of the earth, Genesis 1:26,28, every book of the Bible reveals this principle.

In fact, if one were to review scripture carefully, whatever God did on the earth, it was never outside the consultation of man. For example, I am sure you'll agree that God is all-powerful, right? So why did he use Moses to free the Hebrew people from Egyptian bondage? Couldn't he, as God, just kill Pharaoh and his armies and took his people from Egyptian bondage straight to the promised land? Why did God not kick down the walls of Jericho but instead used Joshua to follow a set of instructions to have the walls of Jericho destroyed? These are but minimal examples compared to the many examples demonstrating God's laws and principles of man ruling the earth, and for any spirit beings to participate in earth's affairs, the ultimate approval or cooperation must be approved by man.

Satan, on the other hand, understands his limitations and restrictions as it relates to his performance on the earth. Well, we need not go any further that Genesis 3. Satan knew quite well that for him to carry out his evil objectives in the earth he MUST again secure man's approval; in Genesis 3 he manipulates Eve by encouraging her to disobey God's command as it relates to the forbidden tree they were not to eat from and obey his suggestion, which legally opens the door for him. Well, we all know what happened as a result of that incident, right?

So, in essence, spirits would either influence, persuade, encourage, tempt, entice or lure human beings to advance their will or objective on the earth through securing covenants between themselves and human beings. This is how things manifest from the spirit realm to our natural world. So, about our dreams, if your dream is consumed with killing, stealing, or destroying, then make no mistake that the contents of such dreams are revealing evil spirits hoping to get you to agree to such a dream to secure an evil covenant between you and the evil spirit so that they can legally manifest their malicious intent in your life and by extension in the earth. If the dreamer does not challenge such events in his dreams or cancel and rebuke the dream upon waking, then the manifestation of that evil covenant will prevail in reality.

The reality is, upon waking from a dream, you must first ask yourself, what covenant did I agree to? This is the primary reason why it is a must that you remember your dreams because you've either knowingly or unknowingly forged a covenant in your dream that may pan out something very terrible for you later.

A simple prayer to pray upon waking from a dream that either you didn't understand, or you just don't remember is: "God in the name of your son Jesus Christ, if whatever I have dreamed was of you, then I come incomplete agreement with your plans for my life. However, if my dream was not from you then I cancel, rebuke, and renounce all evil covenants that may have been covertly secured in my dream in the name of your son Jesus Christ!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Saturday, April 16, 2016

The Error Of Misinterpreting Your Dreams

Daily, I am bombarded by any number of folks seeking insight into their dreams. In fact, most of them actually never took their dreams seriously until either they came across something I wrote concerning dreams, or there was some dream that was so frightening, they desperately needed insight into it.

I've recently had the unfortunate experience of interpreting someone's dream after the dream's events had manifested in this person's life. Amazingly, this person said that they decide not to call me when they had the dream because they interpreted the dream to be a good dream. They assumed that God was showing them through the dream that even though they were experiencing complications at the time, everything was going to work out fine.

Anyway, I got this call, in which I was asked to interpret a dream. Now the person that called me I knew to be pregnant at the time. Anyway, the lady said that this dream she wanted me to interpret occurred while she was in the hospital, and the reason was due to some complications she was having with her baby. She went on to say that in her dream, she dreamed that her father came to visit her. While he was standing by her bedside, she said that a nurse also approached her bedside, asking her if she was ready. The lady asked the nurse what she was talking about because her doctor gave her strict orders to stay in bed. The nurse insisted that the Doctor said she must exercise. The lady said that all of a sudden, another nurse entered the room with what seems to be a premature baby and the baby was unusually small. In fact, the baby was so tiny it was lying in the palm of the nurse’s hand. The lady then asked the nurse whose baby was it, which the nurse replied that it was her baby. The lady said she was very excited and that the nurse rests the baby on her chest; the dream ended.

This lady insisted that I help her with her dream and that she really needed clarity because, as far as she was concerned at that time that it was a good dream. Well, I paused for a while and told the lady that this was certainly not a good dream. She immediately asked why I would conclude that it was not a good dream. I further explained that the setting of the dream, along with its characters, is all wrong and that she was overlooking the obvious signs of the dream that made it a bad dream. Firstly, in reality, your doctors have ordered you to stay in bed due to your complications, but the nurse insists that you exercise in your dream. Secondly, in reality, you're in the hospital because you're experiencing difficulty with your pregnancy, but yet a "nurse" shows up with what she claims is your premature baby in her hand. Firstly, you should have asked yourself, How is it you were not aware you gave birth. Secondly, where was the doctor in all of this? Thirdly, why weren't you tired from the supposed delivery and finally who doctor gives orders to exercises after having a baby?

I emphasized that the entire dream is spiritual, revealing what was about to take place or pending with the not so obvious being shown to her. I told her that the women in her dream were witches and the man that appeared to be her father was a familiar spirit pretending to be her father, again only to achieve her trust and confidence in her dream. The witches had stolen her baby, which automatically meant she would lose the baby in reality if she doesn’t rebuke and cancel the dream. The mere fact that she'd accepted the baby in the dream from the nurse spiritually indicated that she agreed to everything that she was manipulated into believing. As a reminder, for things to manifest from the spirit realm to our natural realm, there must be an agreement between spiritual and natural. Unfortunately, in the kingdom of darkness, securing such agreements are, for the most part, covert and deceptive.

All of a sudden, I heard a piercing scream on the other end of the phone line, saying, "I lost my baby." The lady then revealed that she had lost her baby and that she had miscarried while she was in the hospital and that the dream was revealed to her the night leading to her miscarriage. She further added that she was convinced that it was a good dream and that God gave her the dream to confirm that everything would work out fine despite her complications. She said that she was so upset with God after the miscarriage that she didn't want to hear anything about the bible, prayer, or scriptures about all things working together for good.

Friends, this is just another case of a lack of spiritual knowledge that prevented this lady from acting upon the spiritual intelligence being revealed in her dream. While God had revealed to this lady what the enemy, along with his human agents, had done in the spirit realm, she had the opportunity of canceling and rebuking it to prevent manifestation in the natural realm. I advised this lady to pray specifically against the spirit of witchcraft, miscarriage, and demonic manipulation. I told her that she must retrieve scriptures from the bible that speak against witchcraft works and include these scriptures in her prayers along with scriptural promises about our seed. Still, before all of this, she must cover herself and her family with the whole armor of God, simply because the scriptures said that it is this armor that will cause us to stand against the wiles of the devil, Ephesians 6:11,13.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

A Deeper Spiritual Understanding Of Dreaming Of The Dead

 I was in a recent conversation with a friend facing severe spiritual challenges. Fortunately for my friend, she knew what the attack was about, and more importantly, she learned from whom the attacks were coming from.

Based on my teachings, my friend added that she was fully aware that a fast was necessary, so she decided to engage in a dry fast. For those unaware of what a dry fast is, a dry fast is three days or 72 consecutive hours without food or water. Interestingly enough, she had an extraordinary dream immediately after her fast had successfully ended.

Here is what she dreamed. "Minister Ewing, I had this strange dream the night after I ended my dry fast. In my dream, I saw this gentleman I knew was dead. This deceased person in my dream approached me and said he had a set of keys for me. I stared at him in amazement, not so much that I knew he was deceased, but what the set of keys was for. He then looked me square in the eye and said that the keys were for his store and that he wanted me to watch his store for him. Minister Ewing, I must admit that while it all seems strange in the dream, I was happy about accepting his offer to watch over his store". She said the entire scene in the dream was dark, but not to the extent she could not see.

Now, to add a little more to this story, the original reason why my friend contacted me was for the mere fact that she was confused that even though she'd completed the dry fast successfully, absolutely nothing about her situation seemed to have changed. In fact, she said that she felt somewhat discouraged and depressed because physically, the spiritual attack against her was now manifesting in her body and presenting unique challenges in her marriage.

Although she was narrating this story to me. I was in awe, holding my mobile phone in my right hand, simultaneously steering at it and wondering if she knew what she was saying to me and what she had allowed and ignorantly agreed to spiritually. At this point, I could not focus nor mentally digest what she was saying to me any further. So I interrupted her and asked her, "Are you aware of what you did in your dream?" She said, "What do you mean what I did?" I told her that I was surprised she didn't cancel and rebuke her dream based on the contents of her dream and the many discussions we've had regarding dreaming of deceased folks and the spiritual manipulation they represent. At this point, she indeed came to an understanding of what she did.

Here it is, my friend made the wise decision of going on a 3-day dry fast to break demonic covenants that were causing problems to erupt in her life to the extent it affected her health. Only to be manipulated in her dream by a familiar spirit or otherwise known as a masquerading spirit pretending to be someone deceased that she's familiar with, of course, to win her trust. This masquerading spirit pretending to be her dead friend was the spirit she initially challenged during the dry fast. However, she was manipulated into re-establishing the covenant with this spirit by accepting the keys from this spirit and following additional instructions in the dream. As a reminder, any contact with a deceased person in your dream symbolizes agreeing or covenanting with whatever it is that that spirit truly represents.

Therefore, if the masquerading spirit pretending to be her deceased friend is a spirit of infirmity (sickness), she unknowingly agreed when she accepted the keys and everything else, representing an agreement. As a result, she's now in the same position she initially went on the fast to rid herself of this. Unfortunately, it is a classic example of not being alert to the devil's devices. Scripture cautions us regarding the following, "Be sober, be vigilant; because of your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour" 1 Peter 5:8.

Two critical statements should be noted in the above scripture. We must be sober and vigilant, so we must always be spiritually alert to Satan's traps. More importantly, the scripture clearly says that our adversary, the devil, is walking about "LIKE A ROARING LION," seeking whom he may devour. So, in essence, our adversary is not a roaring lion. Instead, he pretends to be a roaring lion. Doesn't this mirror his behavior in our dreams, where he imitates or impersonates deceased folks to deceive and manipulate the dreamer to sow his evil seeds?

While we can all conclude that our adversary is extraordinarily cunning and legalistic, his behavior is governed by spiritual laws to which we must pay attention. Hence, he preys on his victims' spiritual ignorance to secure his evil seeds for a later harvest. Satan and his human agents (witches & warlocks) invade and manipulate us in our dreams via the following spiritual law, "But while men slept his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way" Mathew 13:25. Again, the masquerading spirit secured the evil covenant with my friend in her dream and went his way. Now, my friend has to begin the process repeatedly to break the evil covenant she ignorantly agreed to in her dream.

I will say repeatedly that God has outfitted all human beings with the tool of dreaming. The idea is to allow the dreamer to peer into the spiritual world. This will not only enable the dreamer to observe pending matters but also to strategize. Please pay special attention to your dreams.

Kevin L A Ewing

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Rebuke negative dreams, they're trying to stop your physical blessings

The Lord has revealed beautiful things that await those who commit to His will through many of His prophets. However, that does not mean that the enemy will roll out a red carpet for us and allow us to retrieve them unchallenged.

Therefore, God has outfitted every human being with the spiritual tool, which is our dream! Yes, you've read correctly; it is our dreams that are constantly giving us a heads-up as to what's pending in the spiritual realm for or against us or revealing the spiritual root behind our physical issues.

The spirits of delay, lateness, setback and stumbling block are assigned by Satan to fight our SPIRITUAL BLESSINGS, to prevent the physical manifestation of our material blessing. For example, let's say you had a dream, and in your dream, you dream that you missed your flight, or in your dream, you saw yourself waiting for someone to pick you up at a particular time, but the person never showed up.

The reality is that your spiritual dream is revealing the spirits of delay and set back fighting you in the spirit realm to prevent you from connecting with what God has put in place for you spiritually that has a fixed period to manifest physically in your life. Make no mistake, the actions and symbols in your dreams, when converted, will always reveal the spirit behind the mystery of what's going on in your life physically.

This is why I insist that you challenge your negative dreams with prayer by rebuking and canceling your negative dreams. By doing this, you are literally rejecting and renouncing any evil covenants that have or were being attempted in your dreams that will give legal grounds to manifest physically in your life.

Words to the wise, the spiritual realm relies on covenants to execute their will in the earth or in the life of a human being. This is so because God has given man and not spirits dominion of the earth according to Genesis 1:26, 28. As such, all spirits need the co-operations of human beings to bless or curse them or anything on the earth.

Constant negative dreams are a clear and conspicuous sign that something good is about to take place in the life of the dreamer. However, whatever that good thing maybe can be hijacked spiritually by evil spirits masquerading as others in their dreams to get the dreamer to ignorantly commit to evil covenant whose sole purpose is to prevent what God has released to them; spiritually with a set date to manifest physically!

As a reminder, because the spirit world is the parent world to our natural world and all things have their origin in the spirit world, all losses or success are conceived in that world and only awaits time to manifest it into our natural world.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Dreaming of Your Haters

Dreaming of Your Haters

Scripture says, "For God speaks repeatedly, though people do not recognize it. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls on men while they slumber on their beds. Then He opens the ears of men and seals their instruction. That he may withdraw man from his purpose, and hide pride from man" (Job 33:14-16).

The above Scripture makes it abundantly clear that God uses various means to communicate with us. However, for some reason, we often fail to recognize His attempts. Nevertheless, the Scripture says that when other means of communication fail, God can speak to us in our dreams. These dreams provide us with spiritual instruction and allow our enemies to witness our victory over them in the spiritual realm. Building upon this Scripture, I would like to delve deeper into the understanding of dreams and how God can use the dreams of our enemies to communicate His spiritual work concerning our enemies.

In the story of Gideon from Judges 7, God instructed him to prepare the men of Israel for war against their enemies, the Midianites. Gideon started with an army of 32,000 men to fight against the nearly innumerable Midianites. Through God's guidance, Gideon ended up with 300 men for the battle. Understandably, Gideon must have been concerned about how such a small number could defeat their enemies. God knew Gideon's fears and instructed him to go by night into the camp of the Midianites to eavesdrop on their conversation (Judges 7:9-11). Through what Gideon overheard, he was strengthened and encouraged as God revealed that He had already "delivered" the Midianites' host into Gideon's hands.

It is essential to emphasize the word "delivered" here, as it indicates something has already occurred spiritually. God was conveying to Gideon that from a spiritual perspective, Israel had already won the war against the Midianites, even though they had yet to engage in combat. Continuing with this peculiar turn of events, God used the dreams of Israel's enemies, the Midianites, to further validate the already accomplished spiritual victory. Gideon overheard a Midianite telling his companion about a dream in which a loaf of barley bread came tumbling down into the Midianite camp, knocking over a tent (Judges 7:13-15). The companion interpreted the dream as a sign of Gideon's victory over the Midianites. Upon hearing this, Gideon bowed down and worshipped God. He returned to the camp of Israel and announced that the Lord had given them victory over the Midianite camp.

Isn't that amazing? This story shows us that dreams and their interpretations are not limited to Christians, as demonstrated by the involvement of Israel's enemies. Furthermore, dreams have a spiritual dimension that can reveal mysteries and provide insights into our everyday concerns or pending manifestations. As everything visible and invisible originates in the spiritual realm, God made it clear to Gideon that victory had already been determined before the physical battle. Lastly, although it was a positive dream, Gideon did not merely walk away feeling confident based on the dream alone. The Scripture states that after hearing the dream's interpretation, Gideon worshipped God. He agreed with what God had already established in the spiritual realm, which clearly favored Israel.

I often instruct you to cancel and rebuke any negative dreams through prayer upon waking up. No matter what negativity the dream may contain, always remember that dreams have a spiritual nature. Therefore, the enemy attempts to establish a spiritual covenant with the dreamer through such dreams. This is one of the ways negative dreams can manifest in the physical realm. The second way is ignoring, dismissing, or forgetting to rebuke a negative dream. By doing so, the dream can manifest by default. The spiritual law states that if we resist the devil, he must flee (James 4:7). Therefore, if we do not resist him, he will not. In Gideon's case, with the positive dream he had, Gideon followed the same principle. After hearing the dream that revealed Israel's victory, he aligned himself with God's perspective by worshipping Him.

As seen in this teaching, God can allow your haters to witness in you what you may not see for yourself. These same haters can also receive spiritual confirmations about you, which you may have dismissed or failed to understand. Finally, we must align ourselves with our positive dreams, just as we cancel and rebuke our negative ones.

Kevin L A Ewing

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