Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Is This a Spirit or a Mindset that I'm Fighting

One of the most deceptive strategies of the Enemy is to permanently isolate us regarding our various problems and make us feel as if we're the only ones experiencing such challenges.

This way of thinking encourages the victim to feel hopeless and that all possibilities to overcome their circumstances are exhausted. However, the reality is that whatever you're challenged with, millions and probably billions of folks worldwide are experiencing the same events.

According to scripture, "The same destiny ultimately awaits everyone, whether righteous or wicked, good or bad, ceremonially clean or unclean, religious or irreligious. Good people receive the same treatment as sinners, and people who make promises to God are treated like people who don't" Eccl. 9:2

The subliminal message of the above scripture is; that all things come similar to all humanity; it is not uncommon for us to face challenges throughout our life journey. However, the true purpose of our common destiny is not wondering why we're challenged but, more importantly, how we perform or react towards those challenges!

While our challenges may be typical, our personal backgrounds as to what was instilled in us can be oceans apart. Thus, our foundations individually will expose different behaviors, replies, responses, etc. In fact, Proverbs 22:6 would be the spiritual law that's truly governing our various behaviors as it relates to our handling of situations, and here is what it says, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." The word train means to teach, instruct, or to cause to practice a specific format.

Therefore, we have discovered that back and forth with our Spouses, challenges with our bosses or co-workers, confusion with Family members, etc., are all common issues. Still, the reality is we are not fighting or contending with people; instead, we're unknowingly fighting and bucking heads with a cemented learned behavior from ourselves and those that we're opposing. I must add that this learned behavior could be obtained physically or spiritually.

I will give a quick example. I met a lady once that cheated on her husband regularly and felt no weight about it. While she was never sat down and taught how to cheat on her Spouse, she saw and heard rumors about her father having multiple affairs with her mother for years in her younger years. Now, even though she knows right from wrong and she's clearly aware that cheating on her husband is wrong, the reality is her morals are being challenged by the law in Proverbs 22:6. Now, because Proverbs 22:6 is indeed a law, it can be used for one's advantage or disadvantage. Unfortunately, it will be to her detriment because of what was instilled in her as a child; now that she is older, it is difficult for her to depart from it, even though she is quite aware that what she's doing is wrong.

This, my friend, is revelation knowledge; this, my friend, is spiritual understanding. This, my friend, is the deep-rooted background behind the surface of what you're being challenged with. With that said, your prayer should be towards that evil seed planted years ago in that person or yourself. Your attempts to go back and forward with that person will prove fruitless. In the young lady's case, she had to begin the process of prayer and fasting against the evil seeds of infidelity and adultery, asking God to destroy them by fire so that she could have a typical marriage and, by extension, a good life.

Is your place of worship revealing such revelation and knowledge to you so that the process of deliverance can be your portion according to Proverbs 11:9?

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

The process of promotion

Some folks and things will have to be moved out of the way so that you can begin to make progress in
certain areas of your life!

Do not be surprised when you hear or read of the demise, demotion or removal of individuals from key places or positions in life. The reality is, the removal of such persons will automatically unclog the pipeline of progress for others. This does not necessarily mean that these folks did something wrong to be removed. Instead, this is what is known as the process of progress.

Scripture tells us that Moses in his anger towards the Egyptian soldiers in their mishandling of the Hebrew people, caused him to literally struct and kill one of the Egyptian soldiers and eventually fled Egypt. Scripture further records that after approximately 40 years of being on the run or living in exile, the Lord said unto Moses, "Go back to Egypt, for all those who wanted to kill you are "DEAD" which sought thy life." Exodus 4:19.

After spending such a long time in the wilderness, unknowing to Moses during those 40 years of being on the run, his circumstances were preparing him for the next stage of his life. Interestingly enough, Exodus 4:1-17, a dialog between Moses and God ensued, where God was revealing to Moses what would take place during the next stage of his life. Nevertheless, in spite of all the grand plans, God had for Moses some folks had to be removed that would have usually blocked Moses' progress or should we say delay his destiny.

Okay! So someone died, someone was demoted, someone was fired, someone just up and quit, someone just without notice ended the relationship, well rather than looking at these everyday occurrences from a negative and depressing perspective, your initial thought should be.... Who is about to be advanced? Who is about to be promoted? What change is about to take place? Or Who is about to actually begin living their life after the exit of certain folks?. Better yet! What can you do now that you could not do before because of those blockages that were initially in your way?

I want to say to someone today, that advancement and a new beginning for you will come through some of the most unlikely set of circumstances but fear not because these are the things that God had originally intended to unclog the system of progress just to elevate you!

However, there are three fundamental things that you must make a note of during this transition, and they are:

1) Do not forget where you came from

2) Treat folks the way you would wish to be treated

3) Be fair and just with all that you are given rule over while viewing the past as experience and not a motive to get back at others that were not on your side.

For the day will come when the cycle of removal and promotion will run its course in your life so that others will have the opportunity to be advanced.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

God will cause someone to recognize and reward you for your passion

Don't stop singing, don't stop writing, don't stop schooling, don't stop motivating, don't stop inspiring, do not stop doing whatever it is your passion is consistently encouraging you to do, even when you don't feel like doing it.

Everyone that has made it in life got the attention and assistance of someone who was in a position to help them get to where they are now as a result of doing the things that they're so passionate about doing. I promise you, GOD HAS SOMEONE ASSIGNED SPECIFICALLY TO RECOGNIZE, PROMOTE AND TO REWARD THE EFFORTS OF THE PASSION HE'S PLACED DEEP WITH IN YOU!

Don't mind the naysayers, haters, the jealous crowd and those that belittle your God  given talent/dreams etc. Believe me when I say to you that your talent will usually attract these folks first to your life before the real folks come along that are able to promote, elevate and advance your passion/talent/dreams etc. As a side note, would you believe that there are folks that are literally upset that I am always writing, teaching, posting, sharing and consistently distributing my talent and passion? What they do not know is that I am completely convinced that the day will come when the assigned person will pick up a copy of my work and begin the work they were divinely assigned to do and that is to advance Kevin L A Ewing!

In fact let us agree right now in prayer asking God to reveal your talent to you if you're not aware of it as yet or to give you confidence and boldness to display your talent. Father I agree with the person reading this note right now, that you would position them in the company of those that are in search of their talents and gifts at the right place and indeed at the right time.

Father, we stand on your word right now that says, "A man's gift will make room for him and bring him before great men" Proverbs 18:16. Lord, I command the spirit of fear, doubt and a lack of self confidence be removed from this person indefinitely in the name of your son Jesus the Christ so that they can not only begin to do what you have created them to do but to also be rewarded in doing whatever it is that they love doing.

Lord, prior to any elevation for this person, cause them to understand now that, " Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning" James 1:17. Remind them Father, that your word clearly states that it is the gift in them and not themselves that will make room for them and bring them before great men. Therefore Lord, I command the spirit of pride, self, arrogance and anything that exalts itself above you to be remove now from this person and replaced with humility in the name of Jesus the Christ. Amen!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

What is God saying to you in your dreams that you're ignoring

 For God speaks once, yea twice, yet man do not understand. In a "DREAM" , in a "VISION" of the night, when deep sleep falls upon men, in slumbering upon the bed; Then he opens the ears of men, and seals their instruction, Job 33:14-16.

Question! What were the instructions that God was attempting to reveal to you either about your current situation or matters concerning the future, but you dismissed it simply because it came in a dream.

" But when Herod was dead, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared in a "DREAM" to Joseph in Egypt, Saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and go into the land of Israel: for they are dead which sought the young child's life" Matthew 2:19-20. What if Joseph had ignored these instructions given to him by an angel in his dream?

The bottom line is this, your dreams are revealing pertinent information to you that just could very well bring an end to some of the non-sense going on in your life. There are some of you that have been praying consistently for direction from God or asking God to assist you with a very serious decision. Well, more than likely he answered you already in your dream!

Please my friend! Pay special attention to dreams that repeat themselves, dreams that always contain gatherings, dreams where your property is always missing. Dreams where you're always seeing your spouse or significant with another person but never with you. Dreams where you're having sex, eating, drinking or swimming. Dreams where you're always at your former residence or childhood home, dreams where you're bleeding, crying, sweeping or a friend or family member turning into an animal.

Make no mistake, there are many so called spiritual leaders especially so call prophets that are astral projecting in your dreams to peer into your life only to reveal to you in reality what they accessed via demonic means. Sometime ago I personally experienced a false prophetess invaded my dream. I have later learned via my conversation with others that this same false prophetess was doing the same thing to these folks. Unfortunately, the other folks just saw it as a crazy dream and did not pray against such a dangerous dream.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Possessing the spirit of promotion

One of the most telling signs in life that you will be a future success or that your current dislike situation is only but for a moment is the undaunted fact that you take absolute pleasure is seeing others advance even though you're at the back of the line!

Those that take pleasure in the advancement of others are of a different spirit. In fact they are so unique in their spirit that no matter how far at the bottom they maybe, the mere fact that they are in view of others getting ahead encourages them that one day time and opportunity will be afforded them to advance just like others that have advanced before them.

"I have observed something else under the sun. The fastest runner doesn't always win the race, and the strongest warrior doesn't always win the battle. The wise sometimes go hungry, and the skillful are not necessarily wealthy. And those who are educated don't always lead successful lives. It is all decided by chance, by being in the right place at the right time" Eccl. 9:1.

Those that are destine for success are more focus on being at the right place at the right time as opposed to concentrating on their skill or talent. This is why being at the back of the line matters very little to them. They are very much aware that time and opportunity can show up at any place and at any time to advance them. It is and will always be the agents of time and opportunity that will escort you to your prepared destiny.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

The Dark Agents of Delay And Anti-progress

As with everything else in life, Satan will always provide an imitation of God's original plan for us to mislead us away from God's best choices for our lives.

This is no new revelation. In fact, if we go back to the Old Testament in Exodus 7, the scripture provides us with the knowledge that Pharaoh's magicians, wise men, and enchanters were able to duplicate some of the miracles that Moses and his brother Aaron performed. Then we also see that in the New Testament, in Revelations 16:13-14, evil spirits will be working miracles.

Based on our teachings of the spiritual law according to Ecclesiastes 9:11, which has clearly revealed the law of promotion and advancement, one must ask what would be Satan's counterattack to this law? If time and opportunity are the agents of progress and promotion, then delay and distraction will be the opposing forces.

God's ultimate goal is to help humanity advance. However, this progress can only be achieved through man's adherence to scripture's laws, principles, and protocols. Satan's main objective is to hinder man's advancement by luring him into connecting with people, things, or environments that serve no purpose other than to distract and delay man from fulfilling his divine assignments and seizing opportunities for growth and promotion.

So, let's say God had it designed for you to meet Mr. or Ms. Right next week on Tuesday at 10 a.m. to start the beginning of a relationship that will lead to marriage and, eventually, ministry together. Satan will always send in a carbon copy of God's plan to distract you from that divine appointment with the overall intent of delaying your advancement. Again, this is nothing new when it comes to satanic strategies in distracting and delaying man's advancement. As you would recall, God promised Abraham a child with his wife, Sarah. Because Sarah could not wait on God's divine appointment with time and opportunity to bring forth Issac, Sarah was distracted and delayed by the enemy when she insisted that her husband Abraham sleep with their maid Hagar to "assist God" with his will for their life in bringing forth the promised child. Well, we all know what happened as a result of that.

Since you're gaining a better understanding of how things work, you may have noticed that the agents of distraction and delay are immediately assigned to counteract your divine appointment with time and opportunity. Have you noticed everything in your life seems on hold since you connected with a particular church? Your gifts and talents are not utilized, and your prayers are unanswered. Based on the laws of promotion and demotion, do you still believe that God led you to that church, or could it be that the agents of distraction and delay led you there, thereby hindering your progress?

Another example is that you know well that ever since you began a relationship with that person, everything in your life seems to be drying up, and opportunity seems elusive. You've probably even made plans to marry this person, but time and time again, the spirit of the Lord has revealed to you that this person is the front man for Satan's agents of distraction and delay, keeping you away from God's best for you.

It's worth asking God for the courage to free yourself from the distractions and delays keeping you from where you want to be. You may have been married with kids or promoted by now. But it's as if this invisible force is connecting you with people, places, and things to prevent you from going forward.

Father, in the name of your son Jesus Christ! I break the curse of delay, setback, mis-opportunity, and misplaced appointed times in the life of the person reading this article. I command the enemy to restore this person according to your word in Proverbs 6:31, which declares that the thief must restore seven-fold what he's stolen initially from this person.

Dear Father, I humbly pray for this person according to your word in Joel 2:25. I ask for your restoration, that you would restore to them all the years that the enemy has covertly and overtly stolen from them. I pray that you will advance them to where they should have been at this stage of their life in the mighty name of your son, Jesus Christ. Amen!

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Spiritual Blessing Robbed In A Marriage Via A Dream

I recently received an email that I decided to share, which I thought would be a teachable experience to all that follow my dream interpretation series from time to time.

The following is a dream that one of my followers sent to me for interpretation: "Minister Ewing! Greetings in the precious name of Jesus Christ! I have been following your dream interpretations for quite a while now and was reluctant to approach you due to, I am sure, the many emails that you must be receiving from so many that seek your wisdom concerning their dreams.

I must say, sir, you have opened my eyes to so many dreams that I have had, and believe it or not, because of your detailed teachings, I actually look forward to dreaming only to learn what messages are being revealed to me in my dreams. I really appreciate you and your ability to freely share your God-given gifts with others. I praise God for your wisdom, along with helping his people. You are a rear find because there are so many out there that would charge thousands for what you do freely. Some time ago, I had a dream where my wife and I were on a beach. The setting was as if we were having a regular day at the beach. My wife played in the sand while I was sitting about two to three feet away from her. However, the scenery seems somewhat dark, but I could see everything clearly going on as if it was a sunny day.

Suddenly, I saw two men who were initially standing in the water whose clothing did not fit that of folks visiting the beach. They were dressed as thugs! Anyway, one of the men had a leash with two dogs attach to it. He eventually freed the dogs, and immediately, the dogs walked towards my wife. They were small house dogs. I noticed one of the dogs playing with my wife and eventually jumped on my wife's back, in a playful mode, of course. I then saw both gentlemen proceeded to walk out of the water and walked towards my wife, appearing to retrieve their dog. I observed all of this, thinking these men were just going to take their dog and leave.

Suddenly, one of the gentlemen took out a shiny handgun and pointed it at my wife, robbing her. Now, here is where the dream seems so strange to me, the guy with the gun that held my wife up allowed the other gentlemen to rob my wife. However, even though he's robbing her, whatever he's robbing her of is invisible. He then made a run for it and running as if he has stuff in his arms, but again, whatever it is that he had was invisible, both men ran into the bushes, and then the dream ended. Please, Minister Ewing! Whenever you find the time, I would appreciate some insight into this dream, please.


My friend, trust me when I say to you that this is a severe dream and one that needs your attention and action expeditiously! Firstly, the beach setting of your dream reveals that you and your wife are currently at a good point in your marriage. However, God provides you with spiritual insight via your dream that you would not know under normal circumstances. You mentioned that even though you guys were on the beach, the setting was dark, but you could still see clearly. This signifies spiritual insight. Whenever you have a dream and in that dream, you can see in the dark, or you could see folks, but they can not see you. This is revelation/spiritual insight. Again, you're being exposed to spiritual information for pending physical manifestation that you would never know under normal circumstances.

The revelation in this dream is revealing that there is a pending attack against your marriage, and the source of that attack will be via "Marine spirits," otherwise known as "Water spirits." In other words, witchcraft manipulation is being channeled at your marriage through the summons of evil spirits from the witchcraft branch known as the Marine kingdom. The two men you observed in the dream are known in a dream as spiritual robbers, meaning evil spirits masquerading as human beings, and whatever it is that they're stealing is indeed your spiritual blessings. This is why you were unable to visibly see what exactly it was that was being stolen.

As a reminder, whatever you are robbed of spiritually will automatically pan out for you, losses in your natural life. As a reminder, your dreams are spiritual. For the most part, dogs represent demons in a dream. These specific demons are spiritual distractions. In reality, this would indicate that the enemy has sent folks into the lives of you and your wife to distract or delay you only to execute his ultimate plan of robbing both of you of your blessings. For example, let's say you guys were planning to get a home. Well, if this dream is not canceled, then something will come up to cause you guys not to meet that specific divine appointment set aside by God to provided favor for you to receive the home you desire. Either there will be a delay with funding, a job loss, the bank changing the conditions of the mortgage, or someone else purchasing the home. Ultimately such occurrences will eventually place a  strain on the marriage. The result of this will spawn petty arguments and senseless friction in the marriage. Again this is all demonically orchestrated.

Please note that even though your wife was the one being robbed, the reality is both of you are being robbed spiritually, simply because spiritual law dictates that you and your wife are one. Therefore the actions being done to your wife in the dream is speaking directly to your marriage. I submit to you that your marriage is being robber of spiritual favor. Why is this, you may ask? Well, spiritual law says the following as it relates to marriages, "Whoso finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor of the Lord" Proverbs 18:22. As a reminder, favor in its original form is spiritual! Therefore, the favor that came along as a spiritual blessing to your marriage is being challenged spiritually and, if not challenged, will produce a lack of favor in reality.

My friend, this dream needs to be canceled IMMEDIATELY!!! I do not know what it is that you and your wife are believing God for or who is it that's working against your marriage. However, based on this dream, the favor you seek in your natural matters is about to be challenged. I strongly advise that you and your wife, as soon as possible, set aside time to enter a fast together, praying specifically against witchcraft manipulations and the spirit of anti-favor specifically of the satanic marine kingdom against your marriage along with reminding God of his word concerning your marriage stated in Proverbs 18:22. Ask God to unseat every spirit sent to rob your marriage of the assigned blessings that He has put in place for you and your wife before the foundation of the world. Please! Please! Please! From this day forward, you and your wife must outfit yourselves by praying on the whole armor of God over your lives. As a reminder, according to spiritual law, it is this armor that will cause both of you and, by extension, your marriage to stand against the wiles of the devil.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing

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