Thursday, October 1, 2015

Recognizing and Overcoming Spiritual Barrenness

Spiritual barrenness is not limited to not producing fruit in one's life. Instead, who or what you've connected yourself to is causing you NOT TO PRODUCE FRUIT!

~Satan has ordained certain people, places, and things to hinder you~ 1 Thessalonians 2:18.

The scripture mentioned above reveals that Satan is a spirit. Therefore, any attempts made by Satan to hinder the Apostle Paul and his crew must have been carried out through people, places, or things. This is why it is crucial to understand that some folks or things we're connected to, mainly if the union is not producing fruit, are more than likely agents of Satan installed in our lives to hinder us.

Please note that the Lord wants you to know that your prayers may continue to go unanswered, and you may continue to face hardships if you persist in holding on to something He has already asked you to let go of. Yes! Although the fear of being alone may be challenging, the reality is that the person or thing you're holding on to is the source of your barrenness.

"Everything in God's creation is interconnected and designed to work together; nothing was meant to function independently." So, who or what you're connected to as a union determines whether you will win or lose, succeed or fail, go backward or spring forward. The reality is, "Your connections will always determine your direction."

For every difficult situation, God has appointed someone to bring deliverance. However, God's provision can and will only be initiated when we obey his command to release what sustains and maintains our barrenness. Scripture says, "No good or beneficial thing shall be withheld, hindered or delayed from those that walk uprightly or according to the instructions of God" Psalms 84:11b. The scriptures further advises, "If we delight ourselves (having an appreciation for His word) He will grant us the desires of our heart" Psalms 37:4. There is so much hope for your situation if you would only obey God's result proven instructions for life.

If you're feeling unproductive and unfulfilled, you may want to consider asking God to assist you with renewing your mind. Again, according to the "RULE BOOK" (The Bible), renewing our minds is the only way we can prove what is the reasonable and acceptable will of God for our lives (Romans 12:2). In addition, ask God to aid you with the spirit of "Might" Isaiah 11:2. The word used in this verse is derived from the Hebrew word gibber, which means "champion," "strong," "mighty," or "he who excels." In Lamen's terms, it means having the ability to "GET UP AND GO FORWARD."

The Spirit of Might will help you let go of anything God has instructed you to release. It also gives you the strength to resist the temptation to return to those things. Keep praying with conviction and ask God to send you the person or thing to help you remain free from such unproductive behaviors. Remember that God has already blessed you with all the spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. He chose you in Him even before the foundation of the world, as mentioned in Ephesians 1:3-4.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing


  1. I'm not sure what is causing it. I know I need to get back into the Word daily.

  2. That word was for me this morning because I have been going through this situation with someone I know can not be the person I need in my life. The enemy send them to always help with my financial hardships but after that it is back to the same old same old distractions. This has been a challenge this year with all sorts of trouble. I pray for the strength to do a complete dry fast.

  3. Amen and Amen!! Thank you for this word, it was definitely for me. Lord forgive me for sinning against you and please give me the strength to severe and maintain my daughter and I physically from going back to the grips and hold of the enemy. In Jesus name I pray! Amen!

  4. Thank You and God Bless You and Your Family Abundantly.
    I found a video by you 6 years ago, and finally viewed it yesterday. Praise God for the breath of life and finally being obedient to watch the video.(The first video was Eating in Your Dreams, Indications of Witchcraft...something like that. When I typed in the meaning of eating in a dream, you were the only person that came up at the time and maybe still the only person still till this day. So whatever you went through in this area, and as hard as it was, your skill in this area is helping bring me out of what I'm going through. Praise God for your testimony and bringing your through fiery storms because it really is helping to deliver me.) Since yesterday- I have viewed videos, read some of your blog posts, and subscribed to your channel. Amen and Praise God for you being obedient to freely sharing your gift of writing and speaking...that was an encouragement to hear also bc I finally started my blog in September of last year. It's called Be Encouraged
    Nevertheless, six years I started experiencing the witchcraft attacks and this year the Holy Spirit lead me back to you for a spiritual remedy. Kevin I intend to e-mail you at all of your posted contacts bc I am not sure of which one you will respond to, and I intend to title it the name of your last YouTube video I viewed. (Understanding the dreams you dream from April 20, 2017)

    Holy Spirit Bless You Again for sharing with us.


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