Firstly, I would like to make abundantly clear that such
dreams reveal evil spiritual activity either constructed against
your lives or currently activated in our lives. For the most part, the
format in which they are performed is via witchcraft. The power of these
spiritual entities working against our destiny is solely based on our ignorance
of their existence, especially in the area of dreams. I also want to clarify that
it doesn't necessarily mean that we've done something wrong to warrant such
evil opposition against our lives. Instead, I have amazingly discovered that our ancestors engaged in it opened the spiritual doors
to demonic spiritual activities working against us due to past events our ancestors engaged in.
Again, "spiritual understanding 101" dictates that
all visible and invisible things were conceived from the spiritual world. The
spirit world is the parent world to our physical world. In other words, everything that you can relate to in regards to your five senses came from the
unseen world, which we know to be the spirit world. Therefore, our dreams, which
are spiritual monitors, reveal to us from a spiritual viewpoint symbols and signs of the spiritual activity either working for us or against us. Simply put, our everyday life has its origin in the spiritual world. Therefore, the physical manifestation
of what we call trouble, disappointment, sadness, depression, etc., is only the result of what we did not challenge or deal with spiritually!
Scripture says to us in Genesis 1:1, "In the beginning
God created the heavens and the earth. Scripture further adds that this same
God that created both the heavens and the earth is, in fact, a
"Spirit," according to John 4:24 and that this same God which is a
spirit is also his Holy word, which we know to be the bible, according to John
1:1-2. Please review these scriptures to confirm that what I am saying to you is, in fact, accurate. Now, I said all of that to get to my earlier statement and
that statement was all things are and were created from the spirit world, and
here is the scripture to prove it:
"Through faith, we understand that the worlds (Jupiter,
Mars, Venus, Earth, etc.) were framed by the word of God (the word is spirit,
John 6:63) so that THINGS WHICH ARE SEEN (Physical things) WERE NOT MADE BY
THINGS WHICH DO APPEAR" Hebrews 11:3. Thus the origin of all things is
There are three
profound revelations being exposed from Hebrews 11:3. The first one is things
must be spoken from the spirit world into our natural world. Secondly, not
because we cannot see activities from that world does not mean the spiritual world does not exist, and
thirdly, manifestation from the spirit world to our natural world
"MUST" require us (Human beings) either agreeing with the kingdom of
darkness to manifest negative things or agreeing with the kingdom of
light to manifest the things of God or what we desire according to the will of
God. As a reminder, Hebrews 11:3 clearly stated that the worlds were framed by
"THE WORD OF GOD." Now, do you see why I insist that we must include scriptures regarding our desires
from God during your prayers? It will always God's word that brings about manifestation from the
spirit world into our natural world.
In any event, in my post, "The worst dreams a person
can have" again you are being exposed to spiritual knowledge as to what's
being conceived or operating against your life. However, you must speak to the
spiritual realm by canceling, rebuking, and praying against the evil that's
being perpetrated against you, to prevent it from manifesting in the natural to
work against your life. Whether you are a Christian or non-Christian, God will
always equip you with the necessary knowledge to avoid destruction because the spiritual law of destruction says, "People are destroyed because of a lack
of knowledge" Hosea 4:6 and it is not God's desire that you perish or be
I must add, it is vitally important that a person is born again, or in other words, they must have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal savior. The reason for this is simple, and that is the spiritual world
responds to those that have authority to operate in that world.
Through the acceptance of Jesus Christ, you have been given the power to tread on
serpents and scorpions, and overall the power of the enemy: and nothing shall
by any means hurt you, according to Luke 10:19. While a Christian can pray for
a non-believer and stay the evil spirits operating against them for a limited
time as long as that mon believer refuses to make Jesus Christ their Lord and
savior then the reality is they will continue to be challenged spiritually and physically
until the day they die!
To change your condition, you must make a commitment to
change the spiritual order of your life by making Jesus Christ your Lord and
Written By: Kevin L A Ewing
In the fifth paragraph, I think world's is supposed to be world and ages. The so called planets mentioned in the paragraph aren't planets, they are stars! This also means they are living beings(angels) Thus this world system is contrary to God and His word. The solar system is based on Helios a false God, Heliocentric. In God's word the universe is God centered and says nothing about planets(wandering stars). Also the Sun, Moon, & stars are fixated in the Firmament submerged in water(the sky vault) which is right over the Earth.