How is this you may ask! Well, by dismissing their dreams. I
can assure you that if you were to review some of the dreams that you had some
years ago and then compare them with some notable highs and lows that took
place in your life, you'll quickly discover that your dreams were prompting you
well in advance of those events.
I can vividly recall a lady who contacted me in complete
desperation in regards to a multitude of disappointing events that were
consistently going on in her life. She took a little under two hours
meticulously explaining to me what she summed up to be a life of "bad
luck". After patiently listening to her, I asked her if she's a person
that has dreams. She immediately said to me that she dreams so much, that she
feels almost tormented by her dreams.
I asked her if she could recall any dreams that she may have
had prior to the last disappointment that took place in her life.
"Actually, just before I was fired from my job, I had a strange dream
where a strange man walked up to me at my office desk and placed a small pink
piece of paper on my desk. He then pushed a clip board in my face pointing to
an X, indicating that I should sign it, well I did sign it. The strange
gentleman disappeared and I woke up out of the dream. Strangely enough I was
fired for no reason from my job not to long after that dream " the lady
I explained to this lady that it was messages from the
spirit realm via her dreams that were revealing to her pending events
concerning her life. However, it was her ignorance to the spirit world that
caused her to not only suffer the consequences that was conceived in that world
but also made her a co-conspirator to the disappointing events of her life.
For example, this lady's dream was literally revealing evil
powers (witchcraft) was sent to her in the spirit realm via her dream in an
effort to retain her agreement in her being fired in reality. The strange
gentleman, again none other than a masquerading evil spirit masquerading as a
human being in the spirit realm (dream) communicating with this lady's spirit
by giving her a pink piece of paper which represented being terminated from her
job. However, the rules of manifestation in the earth realm or the physical
realm requires agreement between human and spirit beings which was achieved when
she signed at the "X" thus paving the way for her real life
Another sign that her termination was all orchestrated by
witchcraft powers; she was the best employee on the job along with a spotless
record of service. She admitted that right after her dream her supervisor and
her Boss were behaving very strange towards her almost as if they were seeking
ways to get rid of her. I asked her if she had ever had an issue with any of
them before, she said no, in fact they were all friends ever since she began
working at the company and that she was always chosen by them to spear head
important projects because of their confidence in her ability to not only get
the job done but to influence her co-workers to step up to the plate in meeting
the dead line for such projects.
At the end of the day this lady had seen for herself through
the principles of dreams how her "LACK OF KNOWLEDGE WAS DESTROYING
HER" Hosea 4:6
I cannot advise you enough to please pay serious attention
to your dreams. Begin writing them on paper as soon as you get up and ask God
what revelations are being revealed to you to avoid disaster in the future.
Again, your dreams are spiritual, meaning everything in your dreams are from a
spiritual perspective. Evil spirits are always seeking to secure the agreement
of the dreamer to bring destruction, chaos, disappointment, anti-progress etc.
to the life of the dreamer. However, this is primarily done covertly in a
Do not repeat the same pit falls of last year and that is by
doing what you did last year which was simply IGNORING YOUR DREAMS!
Written By: Kevin L A Ewing
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