My teachings on dreams are all to take you to
a higher level of spiritual understanding. I have repeatedly said that a
lack of knowledge destroys us. The reality is that this is also a law known as the law of destruction. God himself said to his servant Hosea that his people are destroyed by a lack of knowledge, Hosea 4:6.
My teachings are designed to bring spiritual revelations to the
mystery consuming your life. I am fully aware that you'll
not hear such teaching in your average church, thus the lack of spiritual growth in your
life. Proverbs 11:9 clearly states that through "KNOWLEDGE," the just will be delivered.
We must conclude based on Proverbs 11:9b that
the deliverance process was never to be achieved through seed sowing, love
offerings, miracles cloths, blessed cloths, etc. Instead, it will be the
saturating of oneself with the spiritual laws accompanied by applying
those laws that will deliver victory for the practitioner and break them
away from the cycle of defeat they've been experiencing.
Scripture further advises us that the people of God are gone into captivity (bondage), again, simply because they lack knowledge, Isaiah 5:13. Just about every human being is in spiritual bondage because
of "WHAT THEY DO NOT KNOW" (a lack of knowledge). In fact, what
you are not aware of makes you a co-conspirator of your captivity.
That Bible emphasizes knowledge so much that it
commands us to run in the opposite direction of a foolish person if knowledge
is not being emitted from their lips, Proverbs 14:7.
It is virtually impossible to understand the mysteries of
God outside of the spiritual laws of God. While someone may be a good preacher,
the reality is, are they providing you with the laws of God, which is
Yes! You may be excellent at quoting scripture but are you
just as awesome at understanding the laws of God and applying them
appropriately? In any event, the evidence of this will be measured in the
quality of your life. That's right! A Christian's life is predicated on their applying the law, principles, commands, and rules of the Holy Bible.
To understand the spirit realm where all things originate, you must first be familiar with spiritual law. Satan fight from a spiritual
position, and whatever happens physically in a negative way will always be the
end result of what he did spiritually. Thus, scripture clarifies
that our fight is NOT against flesh and blood (human beings) Eph 6:12. Instead,
there is ALWAYS a SPIRIT behind your real-life situations. The quicker you accept
this, the more progress you'll achieve in your spiritual walk and battles.
Many of you may not agree with my teachings, and that's fine. Nevertheless, God's word will not change if you decide to reject his word. In
fact, here is what spiritual law says to those who reject God's word.
"He who turns away his ear from listening to the law, even his prayer is
an abomination" Proverbs 28:9
Stop living a defeated life and begin subscribing to the
laws of God that were designed to give you a better quality of life!
Written By: Kevin L A Ewing