Monday, June 1, 2015

Basic Laws concerning dreams

Your dreams are always revealing the source of your natural or what we refer to as our real life matters. In order to understand your dreams,  you must understand the three primary principles of your dreams and they are:

1) Your dreams are spiritual

2) your dreams are revealing from a spiritual perspective the root causes of your physical matters

3) The spirit realm is where all things visible and invisible originates, thus your dreams will always be revealing the root of either the past, present or future matters in the dreamer's life.

Therefore, If you've had a dream and in your dream you saw yourself naked, then the dream is revealing that you are vulnerable or exposed to something that you're probably not aware of. It can also symbolize disgrace to the dreamer.

Such dreams must be met immediately with prayer when the dreamer awakes by firstly cancelling the dream and praying specifically against the spirits of disgrace and exposure asking God to unseat these devils and to consume them with fire.

As a reminder because the dream is spiritual for the most part the things in your dreams are mostly symbolic of a far more reaching spiritual implication. So, in this case nakedness symbolizes the spirit of disgrace and exposure.

Minister: Kevin L A Ewing


  1. Thank you for all the assistance you give us to help ourselves.

  2. I dreamt i saw my son in law naked on 3 different occasions. One time he came to stand in front of me totally naked in tge dream...i cant figure out the meaning.

  3. Blessings, I would like to know if I have to use bless olive oil when am praying? Thank you.

    1. Yes, you can pray over it yourself and ask the Lord to bless it in Jesus name.

  4. Amen Amen Hallelujah 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

  5. Good morning pastor Kevin
    God bless you bountifuly for all your Good works

  6. Amen last month I dreamed I was naked walking in the street trying to cover my private part

  7. Amen Amen Hallelujah 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

  8. Thank you pastor re clarity of dreams

  9. Before I began following Minister Kevin AL Ewing after dreaming especially those I liked , for example eating, or picking up coins, I would be excited because I interpreted such literally. Minister Kevin thank you for opening my eyes with your teachings and how to rebuke such dreams


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