Monday, June 1, 2015

Dreams that indicate spiritual mental attacks

If you are having dreams where you see crazy persons literally fighting you or having sex with you, then know for sure that evil spirits have been sent to oppress you mentally.

The evidence of this if the dream is not challenged by the dreamer, is that the dreamer will begin to suffer serious bouts with depression, loneliness, frustration, fatigue and crying for absolutely no reason. These demonic activities will escalate to severe insomnia if the dreamer refuses to fight via prayer and fasting.

If the dreamer continues to ignore all of the above signs, then the dreamer will experience massive mode changes such as bipolar and psychotic behavior along with panic and anxiety attacks which is evidence that the victim has moved from demonic oppression to demonic possession.

Again if left unchallenged it will only be a matter of time before these spirits convince the victim to kill themselves. In such a case deliverance is the only solution.

Written By: Kevin L A Ewing


  1. How I wish I had come across this kind of information earlier. It all happened to me and ended up dropping out of my university education. Even with three different attempts I ended up with the same results

  2. Its ok. If you're on this page it means that God wants to change your situation. Watch minister ewing's YouTube videos.

  3. Amen, God will change your situation! Remember Jesus Christ have defeated the curses...claim your deliverance!

  4. Amen Amen Hallelujah 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

  5. I confess JESUS CHRIST Lord and Savior. He came in the flesh! I decree and declare all of God's promises!!

  6. Thank You Lord for your word that is a lamp unto my feet and light unto my path in Jesus Mighty Name -AMEN

  7. I pray for my brother to find deliverance in Jesus Christ's name. He has been under attack from these spirits of madness, addiction, insomnia, etc.... God Your hand is not too short, right now

  8. God bless you and your family Pastor Ewing

  9. Amen Amen Hallelujah 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

  10. I have been feeling extremely vulnerable to this and many other issues. I have suffered with insomnia for some years. Sleeping after 5am having disturbed sleep then waking at around 7am. It is like torture. I really need help. I have fasted before but not sure what I am doing wrong. I have struggled in every aspect of my life. Studying and repeating , bad living conditions. I am scared to work because of memory loss, retaining information, lack of confidence, unable to put myself across coherently, going completely blank when asked a questions. I have been at a complete standstill for over twenty odd years.

    1. I have been there still fighting,come to find out it was the water spirits and all of the demons that work with it ,dont stop fasting against leviaton its a strong demon ask jehova to fight against those who are stronger than you,my english is not great this is the best way i could explane this to you ,be blessed amen

  11. Amen Amen Hallelujah 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

  12. Thank you my son has this problem God's word will prevail

  13. My sister is currently going through this. Happened a few years back and we had people do deliverance. I believe she has once again opened up a door for the enemy to come in because this it

  14. I’m in need of help ! I don’t know what I’m doing wrong ! I’m suppressed in every aspect of my life ! When I say every … I’m mean EVERY !
    I’ve prayed and prayed and I have even fasted ! I know it’s not the word of god and it’s me but what could it be and I’m becoming frustrated and wanting to give up ! Any suggestions please lmk

    1. Try to find out more about your family's history and if they where part of the acult you sound tied, i am fighting this myself your not alone just dont let go of jehova and jezus

  15. What does it mean when you dream about being in church????

  16. Amen hallelujah received the spiritual eye opener

  17. Once more thanks Pastor kevin for this knowledge.

  18. My mother has been going through this for almost 30 years now. I pray that our Heavenly Father will completely deliver my mother and all of you who are going through these mental attacks. I pray that you all will stay in the word, fast, and not lose hope. Repent, repent, and keep repenting. Forgive , forgive, and keep forgiving all of the people who wronged you or did evil to you. Remember, “we do not wrestle with flesh and blood. We wrestle with principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” (Ephesians 6:12) In other words, we wrestle with Satan and his kingdom (the kingdom of darkness). I pray for your faith, I pray for your strength, and I ask the LORD to help you all remember that, God is in you, Jesus is in you. The Bible says, “For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, has shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 4:6). So, although it seems as if darkness is surrounding you, just remember the light is already in you. I pray that you all will ask the Almighty God to help you to solve your mysteries, we all have one. In an effort to solving your own mystery I pray that the LORD our God will instruct thee and teach thee in the way in which thou shalt go; and will guide thee with his eye (Psalm 32:8). I pray that your eyes will stay open to Gods word, your ears will stay open to his voice, you will gain discernment, and through this intimate time with God your Father, our Father, “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32
    Amen 🙏🏽

  19. AMEN Pastor Kevin and Mrs. Dedre ❤💯

  20. True pastor Kevin pray and fasting amen

  21. Amen hallelujah received

  22. Amen Amen Hallelujah 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾❤️

  23. Amen 🙏 🙏 🙏 SA

  24. Thanks pastor Kevin for clarity amen

  25. Thank you Minister Kevin that's eye and mind opening,your teachings are so powerful and life changing God bless you 💖 😘 🙏 🙌 L Selepe SA

  26. Amen Amen Hallelujah 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾❤️

  27. Amen Amen 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

  28. Thanks pastor for opening my mind to know more

  29. Thanks pastor for your healing prayers

  30. Amen Lord Jesus 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾❤️

  31. Thanks pastor Kevin for opening my spiritual warfare

  32. Amen Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth 🙏🏾❤️🙌

  33. Amen God change this situation in our lives in the mighty name of Jesus Christ

  34. Amen in Jesus Christ of Nazareth 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾❤️

  35. Amen hallelujah received the spiritual enlightening

  36. Glory to God hallelujah 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

  37. Amen hallelujah received

  38. Amen 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾❤️

  39. Amen hallelujah received

  40. Amen Lord🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾❤️

  41. Amen hallelujah received thank you pastor Kevin ewing for the word

  42. Thank you God for opening my spiritual eyes and mind

  43. Amen Amen 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙌

  44. Glory to God right on time I recently had a dream my sister was fighting me and showing such anger towards me for no reason but my emotions were more like ok I still love you and I wasn’t fighting her back it was more like ok I understand and I still love you I had no remorse or anger towards her in the dream and my other siblings were trying to stop her at the end I remember someone dressed up patting me on my shoulder saying it’s and she gave me a hug idk if that’s good or bad but she was definitely a lady she seemed sweet and understanding and comforting

  45. I believe bc of fasting the enemy is trying his hardest to attack me in other ways in my dreams like yesterday I was tested by two drivers to see if I would get upset reminds me of something you mentioned about our mental I have seem to pass the test bc I was not upset one driver was trying to rush me to drive faster and another driver that same day drove over something to crack my window at first I was trying to chase the guy down to let him know what happened but it clicked the light bulb came on that I was being tested so I laughed at the situation and begin to praise God

  46. Amen Amen Hallelujah 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾❤️

  47. Amen Amen received 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾❤️

  48. Amen hallelujah received

  49. Amen Hallelujah 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾❤️

  50. I believe and trust you God

  51. Amen Amen Hallelujah 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾❤️

  52. Amen pastor Kevin for opening my spiritual eyes and mind to the word

  53. Amen hallelujah received


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